Hase F-4 #8 Time to have some fun
6 18 November, 07:46
So, as I had put before, we start with a splash of 140, then move to detailing it..
So, as I had put before, we start with a splash of 140, then move to detailing it..
18 November, 08:31
We do the black which I use Hu RC401 for, details picked out with artists pencils (grey and red)
some dirtying of the floor too
We do the black which I use Hu RC401 for, details picked out with artists pencils (grey and red)
some dirtying of the floor too
18 November, 08:32
Instrument panels started, same as the rest of the tub, 140 base, rc401 for the black and then details picked out with a grey artists pencil.
Instrument panels started, same as the rest of the tub, 140 base, rc401 for the black and then details picked out with a grey artists pencil.
19 November, 00:43