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Brandon H (brahoff)

Aoshima Toyota Century


18 26 January, 19:51
Very nice work. Did you make the seat covers and curtains yourself?
 26 January, 21:11
Brandon H
Thanks Marcel! Indeed the seat cover were homemade. Actually ended up being less trouble than I thought.
1  27 January, 01:15
George Williams
Very cool, was the "century" on the boot done with metal stickers?
 27 January, 02:47
Villiers de Vos
Very nice detailed work. How did you do the lettering on the boot?
 27 January, 03:10
Alexander Grivonev
Wow, beautiful work! But you have to elaborate further on the seat covers, they look incredible. What do you mean "less trouble than I thought"? 😄
 27 January, 07:48
Lovely work. The seat covers are the cherry on the cake.
 27 January, 08:28
Brandon H
Thank guys!

The lettering is actually white plastic showing through the paint after some very delicate sanding. As for the seat covers, I was initially worried that the lace would turn into an unruly gluey disaster, but the material was fairly forgiving and predictable to work with.
1  27 January, 10:20
Michael Kohl
I too would appreciate a word or two more on the technique applied.
 27 January, 11:12

Project info

50 zdjęć/zdjęcia
1:24 Toyota VG45 Century L Type '90 (Aoshima 061442)

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