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Clifford Keesler (stormrider509)

Academy F-4B


1 15 January 2016, 21:37
Thomas Bischoff
I am in - interested to see the difference to the Monogram F-4J
15 January 2016, 21:54
Clifford Keesler
It is definitely more detailed.
15 January 2016, 23:03
Clifford Keesler
The main gear assembly sucks, the directions have you add some fiddly door linkage to the struts, then install them in the wheel well , then install the wheel well into the wing. I have already broken the door linkages, and struts twice. So I removed them and will find a way to install them during final assembly.Otherwise I'm just going to keep breaking them off.
16 January 2016, 01:12
Derek Jordan
I didn't put the strut in the wheel well for this very reason. I'll worry about that guy later. I knew I'd break it off, but now I'm interested to see how I'm going to get them on later.
16 January 2016, 02:20
Choppa Nutta
is there a Phantom group build I don't know about Cliff ? 😄
16 January 2016, 02:35
Clifford Keesler
So am I. I think I will leave the protusion on the front of the strut, and trim the rear protusion to where it butts up to the area where it is supposed to fit into the slot, and maybe add a small shim to make it tight. Or the rear mount in the wheel well is L shaped, so may be able to just trim the bottom of the L off and slide rear of the strut into the slot. Either way they will be going in with super glue and I won't put the door linkage back on until I get ready to put the doors on.
16 January 2016, 02:37
Derek Jordan
Choppa, there is an F-4 group build on reddit in s/modelmakers. It started January 1 and goes through April 1. You want to join?
16 January 2016, 02:40
Clifford Keesler
Choppa, I'm sorry. I thought you knew about it. I'm with Derek, join us if you would like.
16 January 2016, 02:51
Choppa Nutta
haha thanks chaps but aside from having a few that I need to finish I'm also getting stuck into the Sci Fi GB over at Genessis Models 🙂

That said I do have a Phantom kit ..... so maybe but for now I'm happy to spectate 🙂
16 January 2016, 03:11
Wim van der Luijt
I'm in!
16 January 2016, 08:29
Cristian Bordina
Good job Clifford 🙂 ... I'm in !!!
16 January 2016, 08:52
Clifford Keesler
Made some progress today, wing tops installed. Intake trunks painted, and cockpit tub painted.
16 January 2016, 19:51
arne vd burg
Got this 1 in my stash , watching 👍 Enjoy !
16 January 2016, 20:41
Choppa Nutta
Really do like the colour scheme on the box art ! 🙂
16 January 2016, 21:08
Clifford Keesler
It is a nice color scheme. I think I will get the PE exterior detail set, the wheel wells are pretty sparse in the detail dept. I dare say the Revell F-4s have more wheel well detail. But other than that it's a nice kit.
18 January 2016, 03:49
Choppa Nutta
isn't this the same kit they use for the Eduard boxings ?
18 January 2016, 05:06
arne vd burg
Same kit Choppa nutta
18 January 2016, 06:42
Rob van Dodewaard
Count me in as well
18 January 2016, 07:21
Miro Herold
Nice sharkmouth!
18 January 2016, 20:04
Clifford Keesler
@Choppa , yes it is the same kit.
19 January 2016, 23:44
Kerry COX
Thanks for these images Cliff, as I now know what to look for as my build progresses, and right now, I have not encountered any problems. Thank brother. 🙂 👍
20 January 2016, 20:44
Clifford Keesler
You are welcome Kerry. I have been thinking about baybe taking a round file and seeing if I can get the intake seams better.
20 January 2016, 21:01
Clifford Keesler
My keys stick sometimes, and when I go back later and read what I have written, it sounds like gibberish. LOL.
20 January 2016, 22:10
Clifford Keesler
Thank you James.
20 January 2016, 22:24
Kerry COX
Wwwhat JiBberiSh MaTe.? '-) hehehe

I am about to post my latest images and the seams you talked about, I Don't Got. !!!
But from what I am understanding about this Academy F-4 and all variants, I am having to reinvent my build processes to overcome some glaring procedural techniques, fun though it is. :-P
20 January 2016, 22:44
Derek Jordan
Kerry, elaborate on the procedural techniques you are talking about, please? Clifford, it looks like yours is coming along. I've spent about 3 days just working on ordinance while I wait on some replacement parts for the cockpit.
22 January 2016, 17:34
Kerry COX
Derek, I have found that I am getting no "structural" problems I see being written about like the placement of the cockpit tub, intake seams or landing gear breakages because, I have not 'gone by the book' in following the suggested process in the instructions, preferring to leave the key parts unassembled but making all the sub assemblies I can, and dry fitting and testing locating these bits before making any 'corrections' as I go. The undercarriage in particular was where I did it all back to front, and instead of building it 'in the wing' and trying to place all the struts , rods and levers, I made them as little kits in their own right, then as I placed them, I could see what I had to do to avoid any hang up's by parts that failed to locate comfortably, by trimming and shaving what needed to be removed, and not forcing these units into place, and it worked perfectly. 🙂
I totally believe in "dry fitting" all the time, until I am positive it will all fit as I want it to.
My processes mostly have developed through making some major blunders on previous builds, and as a consequence, I always look for the simple and easiest way to get things done.
And these Academy kits have such a unique process, I just had to be a lot more creative, not wanting any misalignments or fillers used.
22 January 2016, 18:58
Martien Lourens
Looks already good. Cockpit looks great
22 January 2016, 19:10
Derek Jordan
Kerry, ah, I gotcha. I've been doing the same thing insofar as not building it by the book. I haven't run into any issues, as yet. There is a slight gap when I dry fit the fuselage to the wing bottom but it disappears with some pressure.
22 January 2016, 19:34
Kerry COX
I have only just now, this minute, discovered that same issue, (Not a problem haha), and over all, I am really happy with the way I have gone about it, and watching other builds of the same kit here on SM, I am prepared beforehand and I 'LOOK' for that issue to appear.
God, I love this site. hahahaha. 🙂 👍
It is a challenging kit to build, as I am so used to 'all one piece' builds from years before, like the early Hasegawa kits of the same bird, and that is why I have tried a different approach, and thankfully, we all are getting good results, given it's anomalies.
And if it wasn't for seeing your build, I would have had some questions as to where to place that 'padded' bulkhead on the whizzo's right hand side of the console. !!!
22 January 2016, 20:27
Clifford Keesler
This thing is kicking my butt. Not used to construction sequence. My nose and rear fuselage,at the top aft end required quite a bit of putty. Don't know if it is the kit or me.
25 January 2016, 19:45
Kerry COX
Clifford, do you have some images of the area you had to putty up mate. ?
As the sequence is all over the place and that's why I have had to try a different method, but thankfully, I must have a good moulding or something, as I still have not had to resort to any fillers or the such (touch wood) though the most tedious part is putting the bits on the ejection seats, (Eduard) but it's worth it.
But I really would appreciate seeing what I may encounter that you have had to deal with. 🙂 👍
25 January 2016, 20:34
Derek Jordan
I haven't had to use any filler at all, yet. I have the wings, fuselage, and aft end of the fuselage installed. So far, everything is going together about as well as anything I could expect. I will need a bit of sanding on some joints to even them out, but thankfully no putty. Clifford I too would like to see pictures. I wonder what's going on.
25 January 2016, 21:23
Clifford Keesler
I will take some and get them up for you guys.
25 January 2016, 21:25
Kerry COX
Thanks mate, and Derek, I seem to have one from the same mould (Hehehe). All is good so far. 🙂 👍
25 January 2016, 21:47
Kerry COX
Oh, and the radar too. !!! :-O
Was this from the Verlinden update series you used. ?
This is a stunning result for you my friend, and it is obvious your healing perfectly. 🙂
Looking at the box art, I was thinking that a "Launch scene" would be stunning. Especially with the old cable "sling shot" pose. !!!
Oh, !!! A new project. hahahahaha 🙂 🙂 👍
28 January 2016, 21:28
Clifford Keesler
No it was the it radar, I just doctored it up. I have the whole shebang for my 1/32 "G" model. Funny you should mention a launch dio, I was thinking of that earlier today, I think that would be awesome, if I could find the figures. If memory serves I think Hasegawa makes a 1/48 Navy pilot and deck crew set.
28 January 2016, 22:27
Kerry COX
Yes they do, (hasegawa) and if you go to Sprubrothers, they have a ton of 1/48 resin figures in all kinds of poses, so getting the deck activity covered is easy.

I also noticed on the Academy kit, they actually have the recess AND the pins the launch cables are hooked up to for a launch. !

And steel wire rope replication is no problem either, as long as it is made red hot before you try bending it into the desired shape.

I just might investigate what it would take to do something like that mate, as it would certainly be an "Active" dio, with just so much to look at for the spectators, and much better than a well built bird in a plinth.

When I did my B-17 and the engine change, it really gave me a big thrill to see people just stand and look, and look, and point, and look. 🙂

And then. !! come back and take photos from as many angles as they could, short of stepping over the rope. 🙂

And we have so much at our disposal to be able to create these things, and all it takes now is a good imagination, and your walking away with the big gong's. hahahaha. 🙂 👍
28 January 2016, 23:08
Clifford Keesler
Sounds good, if mine makes it to the finished state.
29 January 2016, 19:38
Bryce Nicely
Looking good, Clifford!
29 January 2016, 20:08
Clifford Keesler
Thank you guys.
29 January 2016, 21:08
Kerry COX
You mentioned 'paint' issues, such as. ?
29 January 2016, 21:10
Clifford Keesler
Tape residue, that I thought I had removed.
29 January 2016, 21:18
Kerry COX
Cliff, I may be out of line here, but when I clean up where I have had tape, I use Dettol disinfectant on a cotton tip and when I am finished, it can be wiped off with a damp cloth, AND, the same goes for removing paint. Dettol is simply amazing shit. 🙂 👍
29 January 2016, 21:21
Clifford Keesler
I will see if I can find it. Thanks.
29 January 2016, 22:49
Kerry COX
Any Chemist/Drug store mate. World famous stuff. 🙂
29 January 2016, 22:51
Clifford Keesler
OK I will get some, thanks for the tip.
29 January 2016, 22:54
Clifford Keesler
Thank you sir.
1 February 2016, 17:19
Clifford Keesler
Finally made some progress on this Pig.
1 February 2016, 21:33
Skick with it buddy, we all have them..
1 February 2016, 21:35
Clifford Keesler
I will, I'm starting to feel better about it now.
1 February 2016, 21:38
Eugen P.
very nice. The tail looks pretty good
1 February 2016, 22:31
Clifford Keesler
Thank you guys. I was starting to get pretty discourged with it.
1 February 2016, 22:39
Derek Jordan
Cliff, I like what I see. It appears that all the hard work and discouragement is paying off.
1 February 2016, 22:52
Clifford Keesler
Yes, that is exactly what I did. I just took the weekend off and did not touch it. Went back today and made good progress. So thank you both.
2 February 2016, 02:16
Kerry COX
I have put mine in the "After the heat is gone" store, as it is just too humid and hot do concentrate at the moment. ;-/
2 February 2016, 04:00
Clifford Keesler
That's right, it is summer time down under isn't it. It has been miserable here trying to paint, to cold.
2 February 2016, 04:04
Kerry COX
We have had some huge and most damaging storms pass through here over the last week and it sure ain't getting any better. 🙁
2 February 2016, 04:11
Clifford Keesler
That stinks.
2 February 2016, 04:22
Clifford Keesler
I need to put some more pictures up. I will Tommorow, at least now she has legs.
24 February 2016, 21:16
Choppa Nutta
This one Cliff ? 😄
Looking good !
sweet cockpit and you went for the best colour scheme too😉
Shaping up nicely sir, that big decal on the fin looks a challenge, looks like you did it correctly though 🙂

Also, your photos have improved too, you got better lights now ?
24 February 2016, 21:49
Clifford Keesler
Thanks. Better lights and a new camera. LOL.
24 February 2016, 21:50
Choppa Nutta
Good lad ! 👍
Seems my gentle nagging paid off😉 😄
Big difference though.

Just out of curiosity what camera did you get ?
24 February 2016, 22:02
Clifford Keesler
It is a Samsung digital. I also bought a 35mm Vivitar, which I have not used yet.
24 February 2016, 22:09
Choppa Nutta
All sounds very posh 🙂
24 February 2016, 22:14
Clifford Keesler
Well they are defenitley better than what I had.
24 February 2016, 22:15
Choppa Nutta
I noticed😉 😄

Nice thing about digital cameras is that you can take loads of pics and just select the best ones, good way to learn your camera too, I've been playing with the settings more on mine just trying to figure it out better etc. still a few things I could do with understanding better though, but hey, in time 🙂
24 February 2016, 22:21
Kerry COX
Looking the way a Spook should Cliff, and the ordinance looks spot on too. 👍
Well done mate. 🙂
25 February 2016, 00:33
Clifford Keesler
Thank you sir.
25 February 2016, 20:27
Martien Lourens
Nice going,Clifford.
26 February 2016, 09:18
Clifford Keesler
Thank you Martien, the end is now in sight.
26 February 2016, 17:55
very nice m'amigo very nice.. still wont convince me to give up my hasegawa rhino's lol
26 February 2016, 20:01
Clifford Keesler
Thanks Augie. I would have to agree with you on the Hasegawa Rhino.s, while a nice kit it is way overenegieerd.
27 February 2016, 03:17
Clifford Keesler
Finally finished.
1 March 2016, 21:05
Gareth Windsor
Looking great! Had a look for ladders but no joy. Only in 1:72. Hopefully a scalemate will come to the rescue if the carpet monster doesn't give it back. Good link for your next F-4
1 March 2016, 21:53
Choppa Nutta
Well done Cliff, it looks dead sexy 😄
and you chose the coolest colour scheme too,
really tidy work, I like it lots 👍
1 March 2016, 22:51
Soeren R.
Really nice work!
1 March 2016, 23:19
Rob van Dodewaard
Very nice build of a beautiful aircraft
1 March 2016, 23:21
Clifford Keesler
Thank you all very much for your kind words. I am quite happy how it turned out.
1 March 2016, 23:33
Clifford Keesler
Thank you very much James. I think your builds are outstanding.
1 March 2016, 23:41
Derek Jordan
Very very nice Clifford. Can I include your album in the reddit phantom groupbuild roundup?
2 March 2016, 01:54
Ulf Petersen
Beautiful, Clifford!👍
2 March 2016, 06:01
Martien Lourens
it is a beauty, Clifford. Well done.
2 March 2016, 06:19
Cristian Bordina
What a beauty Clifford !!! Congrats 🙂
2 March 2016, 07:31
Clifford Keesler
Thank you all very much. @Derek J, yes I would be happy if you put it on the reddit group build roundup. Thanks.
2 March 2016, 18:41
Thomas Bischoff
well done - and finished in one of the most beautiful schemes!
2 March 2016, 18:42
Clifford Keesler
Thanks Thomas. I always liked the VF-111, VF-84 and VF-31 F-4s
2 March 2016, 18:56
Clifford Keesler
OH and the VF-102 Diamond backs, they were quite colorful.
2 March 2016, 18:57
Choppa Nutta
Sundowners are still the coolest though 😄
2 March 2016, 19:02
Clifford Keesler
I think I agree with you. I have a VF-111 F-4, F-14 and an unbuilt 1/32 scale VF-111 F-5N.
2 March 2016, 19:10
arne vd burg
Well done Clifford👍
2 March 2016, 19:18
Clifford Keesler
Thank you Arne.
2 March 2016, 19:27
Derek Jordan
Clifford, that's great. When we do the round-up on April 1 I will include your link. Thanks!
2 March 2016, 19:38
Clifford Keesler
You are welcome sir.
2 March 2016, 23:09
Clifford Keesler
The F.O.D. plugs are finally dry, so I can add them and the RBF tags, and I will call this one done.
2 March 2016, 23:10
nice my friend 🙂 very nice
2 March 2016, 23:35
Clifford Keesler
Thanks Augie.
3 March 2016, 03:35
Michael Phillips
Wow, another phabulous Phantom by you Clifford! I really love the VF-111 markings. I will build a Sundowners F-4B one of these days too, I hope mine turns out half as nice as yours!
5 March 2016, 05:25
Christian Bruer
Colorful bird. Bravo-Zulu Clifford!
5 March 2016, 13:34
Clifford Keesler
Thank you all. @Michael, the Academy VF-111 F-4B is a great kit.
5 March 2016, 21:05
Clifford Keesler
Thank you Christian.
15 March 2016, 01:05
Kerry COX
106 Images of sheer delight for my eyes Cliff. And I do like the Luftwaffe version too mate, and I am in awe of your modelling skills and mastery my friend. Just superb. 👍 👍 👍 🙂
15 March 2016, 01:56
Calvin Gifford
Very nice Rhino!
15 March 2016, 03:58
Nice !
15 March 2016, 06:57
Choppa Nutta
your Rhino is giving me the horn Cliff !! 😄 😄 😄
nice work 🙂
You make me want this kit 😄
15 March 2016, 07:03
Holger Kranich
I can see and smell the smoke trails! Wonderful Air Force Diesel! 10/10! 😄
15 March 2016, 10:57
Clifford Keesler
Thank you all very much for your kind words. @ Kerry , thank you mate, if I can turn out anything half as nice as yours, I am a happy man. @Holger you must give into the Horn.
15 March 2016, 19:44
Erik Leijdens
Beautiful Phantom Clifford! One to be proud of 👍
15 March 2016, 19:46
Clifford Keesler
Thank you very much Erik.
15 March 2016, 19:47
Kerry COX
LOL, 🙂 Oh it's such fun and games here. 🙂
15 March 2016, 22:52
Clifford Keesler
Hey, we keep each other in there kicking, don't we. We all improve our skills watching each other and learning new things. That is why I love this site so much.
16 March 2016, 20:21
Kerry COX
I totally agree with that observation Cliff, and it to me is the "Facebook' of scale modellers. Yes. ?
16 March 2016, 20:22
Beautiful Phantom Cliff! Kerry, this is a very inspiring site to see the incredible work of so many talented modelers.
17 March 2016, 03:55
Kerry COX
Yes Doug, I don't know where else there is so much comradery and tolerance, and the modelling is not too bad either. lol 🙂 👍
17 March 2016, 08:16
Clifford Keesler
Amen brother.
17 March 2016, 14:14
Mike Grant
Looks great Clifford 👍 Any chance we can see some more finished images, without a cluttered background?
17 March 2016, 15:18
Very nice, good to see a proper modellers work mat!!
17 March 2016, 20:10
Clifford Keesler
I will be putting more pictures up when I get all the RBF flags, boarding etc installed, I plan on mounting this one to a dio base.
18 March 2016, 20:59
Kerry COX
Woho, that should look great. 🙂 !
18 March 2016, 23:20

Album info

Academy's F-4B with aftermarket goodies'

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