21 31 March 2018, 09:28

Welcom mates and thanks for the conments.
I still have to decide if I want to model a plane used in the Pearl Harbour attack.
If so, weathering will be kept to a minimum. The planes used at PH were kept in pristine condition
31 March 2018, 16:42

Very busy with work lately, but some progress on the cockpit parts.
I chose to use the kit instrument panel instead of the Eduard piece. The kit panel has far more depth, so out with the detail brush! 🙂
11 April 2018, 05:38

Man that is a REAAAAALLY nice cockpit! This is really gonna be a nice build I can see.
11 April 2018, 19:19

Thanks mates, much appreciated 👍
Soon much of it is hidden when the fuselage will be closed 🙂
16 April 2018, 07:13

Great looking pit! And I like your spin on the anti corrosion color! 👍👍
2 June 2018, 12:52

Aotake was produced in many colours, from yellow to blue. It was a clear laquer, applied over the metal parts.
The colour was added only to be able to see what parts were treated with it. Mainly in cockpits, but als other parts were overpainted with a dull finish, like cockpit green or black.
It surprises me that all the "ready to use" Aotakes are blue. Anyway I wanted a more green/blue tint to it
3 June 2018, 16:38

Some progress. I added the 'hinomaru' markings and fuselage bands using masks from Tamiya tape.
Since I wanted a machine from the Japanese carrier "Kaga" in 1941, I had to add white tail numbers.
I couldn't find decals for it, so I also added the white numbers using a mask made from tape.
10 June 2018, 17:47

excellent job replacing those decals! do you cat the mask by hand or you have one of those cutting machines?
10 June 2018, 18:02

Painted markings are the way to go, atleast on japanese planes! Great job! 🙂
10 June 2018, 18:33

Thanks mates!
@ Spanjaard: The hinomaru masks were made with an Olfa circle cutter. For the lettering on the tail I scanned the decal sheet and used the scan to draw new codes in Autocad. These were printed to scale and cut by hand. Actually quite small lettering to cut by hand 🙂
10 June 2018, 21:17

I consider this one finished.
My first Japanese aircraft and my first time at airbrushing markings.
24 June 2018, 09:52

Excellent work, and great attention to detail! Love the paintwork! Perfect! 👍 👍
24 June 2018, 10:22

Thanks mates!
The kit is great Hoodlum90 👍
For instance the cockpit is really detailed OOB. It seems Hasegawa just give an extra push on kits of Japanese aircraft. Björn can confirm this, he did an awesome job on his Nakajima Jill 👍👍
24 June 2018, 11:15

Yes Kees, it really seems so. Thanks for the compliment btw, but you certainly raised the bar with this build. 👍
24 June 2018, 12:29

Beautiful result, excellent Paintjob Kees ! 👍
What is your criteria for choosing the colours for the „oil dot filter", and why did you apply them only to the wings, not on top of fuselage and stabilizers ?
25 June 2018, 05:35

Great looking Val, Kees! Cockpit detail looks great, and the paint is fantastic!
25 June 2018, 09:33

Thanks Björn, James, Hanno, Wim, Bart and Gordon! Much appreciated. 👍
@Hanno, I wanted to enrich the main camouflage color. I read somewhere that if you want to enrich the colour, you need to ADD COLOUR! Preferably the primary colours red, blue and yellow 🙂
If you add a dot filter in the same colour range (in this case greys), the colour is faded, not "enriched chromatically".
The filter was also added on the fuselage, the picture was taken halfway the process.
25 June 2018, 14:32

Very nice and unusual build. Quite an inspiration. Thanks for sharing Kees!
26 June 2018, 23:59

Thanks Christian and Ricardo 👍
You're welcome Hanno, sharing is what Scalemates is all about! 🙂
28 June 2018, 20:51

Very nice, I dont usually like to weather aircraft because I cant do it good, but I do weather some of my tanks. I would like to do it though, and I was looking for some artist chalks that weren't too expensive, but I haven't found any around here that were earth colors, I have only found pastels. I paint everything by hand so I am usually only doing feather brushing or adding washes. For some reason the Model Master Japanese colors do not take good to washes. n Unfortunate.
12 October 2018, 08:48

Wow! Looks amazing. Anyone know the purpose of the "pylons" under the wings?
12 October 2018, 10:02

Fantastic Val Kees! Love the weathering effects and the detail painting especially.. Very Good 👍
12 October 2018, 10:31

Thanks Christopher, Havar, Daniel, Clifford and bobinspokaloo! 👍
And Bart is right, the "pylons" are indeed dive brakes
Christopher you could try to add some filters with oil colours. Perfect to paint them on and when choosing the right colours you can create a really good weathered look.
Or go with pigments, I used a lot of them on my A-7e
15 October 2018, 14:20

I tired that with the beige on a sample piece, but this Model Master paint doesn't react well to the Revell thinner. Going to put a clearcoat on it and try again though, using the sample piece. seems to work a lot better though on flat paint than on this semi gloss
16 October 2018, 09:46

I think a clear coat to seal the MM paint is indeed the right way to go. Let us know how it worked out! 👍
17 October 2018, 07:45

WOW, fantastic work! Expecially the Cockpit and the exhaust dirt 👍
17 October 2018, 08:37

Wonderful work Kees! I like your weathering approach on this one. Just missing the red and blue lights on th upper wing.
12 September 2020, 07:02

Thanks Sven and Augustin!
And thanks for the heads up @Sven, totally missed that one. Have to check my references better next time😉
12 September 2020, 17:40

A little late, but thank you Jos, Christopher, Thomas and Stephen! Much appreciated! 👍
10 October 2020, 17:08