Ka-27 Helix
can't leave it as it comes out of the box ;-)
- Skala:
- 1:48
- Status:
- W trakcie
- Rozpoczęte:
- November 1, 2024
Hobby Boss kit. Nice base for a build, but a lot to be desired. Lousy research on some aspects (Boxart better than kit in some aspects😉). Brengun interieur nearly useless, if Quinta set is used. Quinta set is highly recommended!
Zawartość projektu
Dodatki i konwersje

Ka-27PL (Military Version) interior 3D decals (with 3D-printed resin parts) for HobbyBoss
Quinta Studio 1:48
QD+48357 2023 Nowe formy Kalkomanie
Albumy zdjęć
5 zdjęć/zdjęcia
I opened a can of worms :-O RIVETS over rivets
I tried both, the Eduard Rivets as well as the quinta ones. Since in bot...
Projekt: Ka-27 Helix
26 February, 14:06