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Navy Bird
Bill Gilman (Navy Bird)

Grumman XF10F-1 Jaguar (Planet)

Album image #1
The Tomcat's Grand-daddy!  

Album image #2
Lots of resin stuff...but it's a Jaguar! And not the Sepecat variety!  

Album image #3
Close-up...but where are the wings? 

Album image #4
Here they are! 

Album image #5
Fuselage halves, one side cleaned up, one more to go. 

Album image #6
Kit seat (left), Verlinden ACES II (center), Obscureco F9F Panther (right). 

Album image #7
Found some old PE that will help dress up the cockpit. Styrene added to prevent seeing into the cockpit from the intakes. 

Album image #8
This is what the headrest really looks like! Note the ADF dome behind the bulkhead. 

Album image #9
I'm going to add these, too. They're called "horsals" - horizontal dorsals. Silly Americans! 

Album image #10
Added some structural ribs to the front wheel well. More stuff to come. 

Album image #11
Some styrene details for the cockpit will make it look nicer. 

Album image #12
Some rudder pedals from a Wildcat! 

Album image #13
Some weight in the nose and the painted cockpit. More weight necessary! 

Album image #14
Mk. IV Nuclear Grade weight - more than enough I think! 

Album image #15
Added flat black baffles so you can't see inside the fuselage from the intakes. 

Album image #16
A little PE for the exhaust. Completely wrong, of course, as the Jag never had reheat. 

Album image #17
Carpet monster strikes! Scratchbuilt replacement wishbone is the part in grey. 

Album image #18
The bird has legs!  

Album image #19
Vertical tail not attached yet...just going along for the ride. 

Album image #20
Main wheel wells need some more detail. 

Album image #21
Main wheels have a slight positive camber angle - this was a pain to get right!  

Album image #22
Added metal rods to help secure the wing/fuselage joint. 

Album image #23
Drilled mating holes in the fuselage. 

Album image #24
Measured anhedral on a line drawing. 

Album image #25
And on the real thing! Lower vantage point of photo makes anhedral appear larger. Note Cougar tail!  

Album image #26
Patented gluing jig. Some more adjustment necessary - starboard wing too high!  

Album image #27
Wings epoxied on - but that left huge gaps!  

Album image #28
Big gaps, and the leading edge/fuselage join needs to be sculpted. Ugh. 

Album image #29
Filler, and some sanding, some more filler, a little more sanding... 

Album image #30
After a coat of primer, she no looks too bad! Gotta love the double delta tail. 

Album image #31
I used Alclad Gray primer, I'll rub that down prior to the Glossy Sea Blue. 

Album image #32
Looks cool, eh? Too bad it didn't go into production. Damn Westinghouse and their J40 engine!  

Album image #33
I made the horsals (horizontal dorsals) but I'll paint and add later. Too fragile for now. 

Album image #34
This is painted with Model Master Glossy Sea Blue. 

Album image #35
I painted five to six coats of paint that was thinned much more than I usually do. 

Album image #36
The plane is very smooth and glossy, most likely due to the way I airbrushed it. 

Album image #37
I have a special trick in mind for the inside of the exhaust - hint: It's a Mullaney Shroud Diffuser!  

Album image #38
Not perfect, but these WILL work! Nice PE thickness, and I don't have to drill any holes. Since these were added after the plane was built, they sit proud of the surface. 

Album image #39
Leading edges of all flying surfaces painted with Alclad. 

Album image #40
Masking the leading edges of the small delta was a lot of fun!  

Album image #41
The paint is glossy enough that it won't need a coat of Future prior to putting on the transfers. 

Album image #42
Transfers applied! 

Album image #43
The decals were incredibly thin and delicate, and wanted to stick wherever they landed. 

Album image #44
The white is very opaque, which is not always the case!  

Album image #45
Lots left to do...including all of the fiddly bits! 

Album image #46

Album image #47
Instrument panel from the spares box...fits nicely!  

Album image #48
Landing gear doors added. 

Album image #49
Front windscreen added. 

Album image #50
Horsal mania! The "horizontal dorsals" mounted to rear fuselage. 

Album image #51
Can anyone say "lawn dart?" 🙂 🙂 🙂 

Album image #52
Tail bumper added in the down position. 

Album image #53
Floquil Flat (clear lacquer) sprayed to create an eggshell semi-gloss finish. I think this looks good for this scale. 

Album image #54
F9F Panther bang seat with headrest from prototype F-18. Looks very close to what was used in the Jaguar. 

Album image #55
Cut a thin piece of metal to use inside the jet exhaust. 

Album image #56
Painted white stripes to simulate diffuser. 

Album image #57
I think it looks OK. 

Album image #58
Finished! Arresting hook and boarding ladder added. 

Album image #59
Nose probe and sensor - note that the bend in the nose probe is correct. 

Album image #60
Canopy added. 

Album image #61
ADF dome on the shelf behind the cockpit is the nose from a Sidewinder missle, painted Alclad Pale Burnt Metal to simulate the coating. 

Album image #62
Some very interesting shapes for 1952!  

Album image #63

Album image #64
Wing navigation lights added - silver frame around light is decal stripe. 

Album image #65

Album image #66
Boarding ladder retracted into fuselage on the real plane. 

Album image #67
I also added two photoetch pitot tubes under the nose in front of the landing gear. 

Album image #68
Amazing how good the Spitfire instrument panel looks! 

Album image #69
More of that 1950s Sci-Fi shape!  

Album image #70
It's too bad that the only prototype was not saved after the flight testing program. 

Album image #71
Fun project! This was resin kit number two for me, I think I'm addicted!  


1 7 May 2013, 22:15
Erik Francisco Zimmermann
all my wishes with you😉
8 May 2013, 00:26
Helerson Maciel
Woo hoo!
Urgent opening space on my bookshelf models!!
8 May 2013, 01:09
Dirk Heyer
Uuuh, I`ve never seen nor reading about this aircraft type!!
I will follow this thread!
10 May 2013, 09:33
Burkhard D
The (in)famous predecessor of the Grumman F-14 Tomcat 😄
I'm tuned to this. 🙂
10 May 2013, 11:22
Holger Kranich
Is it a ghastly kit, Bill? If yes, blame yourself picking it!😢 But i´m sure you´ll make the best of it, as always!
10 May 2013, 11:59
Sebastijan Videc
Doesn't look that bad from my perspective 😄
Wish you all the best
10 May 2013, 12:33
Bernd Korte
Another most interesting subject! BTW I love your work bench and how tidy it is 😄
10 May 2013, 13:12
Bill Gilman
The kit is not so bad, it just lacks detail. Since there are no known photos of the cockpit (other than the instrument panels) I can pretty much do what I like. The kit came with an ACES II seat, which is obviously wrong. I'll be replacing that with a resin seat from a Panther, to which I need to modify the headrest (there is a photo of that poking up above the fuselage). There's no detail at all in the front gear bay, and next to nothing in the main bays. Fun, fun, fun as Brian Wilson says!
Bernd, the workbench always get cleaned before the start of each project, you should see what it looks like at the end!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
10 May 2013, 21:31
Burkhard D
Ginter's Naval Fighters #26 has cockpit photos and a cutaway drawing showing some additional detail.
10 May 2013, 22:51
Bill Gilman
Yep, I have a copy of the book. It shows only instrument panels and the headrest. No photos of the rest of the seat, or what's on the rear deck. The cutaway drawing is nice (I found a beautiful scan on-line over 3000 pixels wide) but it is also lacking some details. It does seem to show that the seat is similar to that in a Panther, but it's not exact. And the nature of cutaway drawings is that everything has to be transparent so you can see what's behind it. The doesn't allow every detail to be shown. But it's the best we have so we'll go from there!
11 May 2013, 00:28
Bill Gilman
New photos - first you can see that the kit seat is unacceptable. No ACES II in 1952! The F9F seat is better, and will work, but needs a new headrest.
I added some styrene to the cockpit so you can't see into it while looking into the intakes. I found some very old PE that I think I can use for the side consoles. The bottom two look to be the right size and have the right taper to fit quite well. 100% inaccurate for switch and control placement, but such is life. I highly doubt Eduard will make a Color Zoom set for this kit! 🙂
11 May 2013, 00:35
Bill Gilman
More progress as some details have been added and the cockpit has been painted. I added some weight to the nose (as much as will fit) and it's not quite enough. I will add some additional weight right behind the cockpit. Right now I'm working on the deck that goes behind the rear fuselage bulkhead. Once this is done and I glue it, the cockpit and tail wheel bay into one fuselage half, I think I can join the two fuselage halves! 🙂
19 May 2013, 22:00
Bill Gilman
I also trimmed the wings for the swept position, and it is going to be a difficult join to the fuselage. In order to fit "perfectly" the wing root will need to be sanded in two different compound curves which is impossible for me. Instead, I will have to put some rods into the wings, drill some holes in the fuselage, and then fill the gap that will result. Ugh. First, I will get the model to set on its legs and make sure that is all aligned.
19 May 2013, 22:02
Robert R
19 May 2013, 22:45
Stefan Suessemilch
Wow Bill, I'm tuned in...interesting little kit 👍
19 May 2013, 23:17
Bill Gilman
Progress report - the fuselage halves are joined and the landing gear added. It's starting to look like an XF10F, have a look at the new photos I've posted. Cheers!
27 May 2013, 17:05
Jose Miguel Rodriguez
Beautiful work!!!!!!!!
27 May 2013, 17:27
Holger Kranich
Wow, great stuff so far, Bill! How tricky is The build for you till now?
27 May 2013, 17:42
Christian Meyerhoff
Great work so far !
27 May 2013, 18:23
stefan natus
Great work,i admire your skills to tackle these resin kits.
27 May 2013, 18:57
Bill Gilman
Thanks everyone!
Holger, it's been tricky since every one of the parts had to be modified in some way in order to fit properly. I will be mounting the wings in the swept position, and they don't match the fuselage at all! Lots of filler in my future! 🙂
27 May 2013, 22:50
Holger Kranich
Oh that sounds annoying! Do you know a stuff called "Tipp-Ex"? I discovered it as a good and longlasting filler for those requirements...
28 May 2013, 06:07
Bill Gilman
Thanks for the tips, guys! That is one sweet little Ferrari that Guy built! I wasn't sure what kind of flower to use, but now I see that it is flour that is added to the superglue! Silly English language, there are always two words that are spelled differently but sound exactly alike! 🙂
28 May 2013, 13:05
Bill Gilman
Holger, I looked up Tipp-Ex since I hadn't heard of that before. I don't think that it is sold in the US, but we have a similar product called Liquid Paper. I'll have an experiment with it.
28 May 2013, 13:09
Duncan Cook
Looks nice Bill
28 May 2013, 13:41
Pierre-Christian Baudru
Very nice job so far !
28 May 2013, 13:42
stefan natus
Talcum powder instead of flour works also.
28 May 2013, 16:43
Sebastijan Videc
baking powder works as well in combination with CA
28 May 2013, 17:17
Bill Gilman
Interesting...flour (organic, wheat), talc (mineral, magnesium silicate), and baking powder (alkaline precipitate, sodium bicarbonate). I wonder what the common chemical reaction is between the three that causes CA to harden? Not really a modelling question, but sometime in the deep past I had an interest in chemistry. Any chemists out there?
29 May 2013, 20:55
Bill Gilman
Ah, so it's just the CA hardening by itself. I was thinking about it hardening quicker, like with an accelerant.
30 May 2013, 02:31
Bill Gilman
Hi Scalematers! Even more progress on the Jaguar! After figuring out the correct anhedral angle, I've attached the wings with the strongest epoxy I could find. Now I get to figure out how to rebuild the wing root filet, etc. The wing/fuselage joint is by far the weakest part of this kit. I've added some more photos documenting the process. Enjoy! 🙂
30 May 2013, 12:15
Bill Gilman
Main assembly is complete and primed - it looks like an airplane now! Just need to do a bit of re-scribing and then get out the bottle of Glossy Sea Blue! Hmm, I hope I have a bottle of Glossy Sea Blue, I haven't painted that color in years! 🙂 🙂 🙂
2 June 2013, 14:27
Burkhard D
Besides everything else, I love that incrementally adjustable 'jig' made from biz cards. 🙂
2 June 2013, 16:39
Holger Kranich
Incredible work but I can't help but think it looks like an egg plane!😢
2 June 2013, 21:05
Bill Gilman
Burkhard, my jig is patented. I hope I don't see it in one of your builds, or I'll have to call my lawyer. 🙂
Holger, an egg plane! This is the Grandfather of the Tomcat you're talking about! Scandalous! 🙂
Thanks, everyone! I just realized I forgot all about the speed brakes that were added beginning with Flight 17. If I install the horsals, I have to have speed brakes. Luckily, the speed brakes don't appear in photos to be flush with the fuselage, they seem proud by a bit. I suspect this is because it's rather difficult to add these after an aircraft has been designed and built. I will have to find some PE speed brakes about the right size, and about the same number and size of holes. Hmmm...
2 June 2013, 23:46
Burkhard D
@Bill I will make a slight variation with biz cards that don't have your name on it 😛
3 June 2013, 17:01
Bill Gilman
Burkhard, OK, that will be fine then!
And good news! I found some PE speed brakes! They're not perfect, but they're about the right size and have some holes in them. And I even had them in my stash, no need to buy. Well, not in my stash exactly, but on an old model. A dip or two in lacquer and all the old paint came right off.
3 June 2013, 18:27
Bill Gilman
The XF10F is now officially Glossy Sea Blue, FS15042. I used Model Master paint, which based on past experience with their glossy enamels, will take about a week to completely dry. And that is not a joke. I've posted several new photos, including one of the PE speed brakes I found, donated by an old built-up Emhar F3H Demon kit. 🙂 🙂 🙂
6 June 2013, 00:34
Bill Gilman
I don't think there is any need for weathering, as the actual plane only flew 32 times and spent the rest of the time indoors. I know it was worked on a lot, but I don't see evidence of chipping, etc. in any of the photos. I think they kept it pretty clean. I'm toying with the idea of a black panel line wash, which should not be very visible due to the dark blue paint. I'm going to test that assumption first, though!
6 June 2013, 00:38
Bill Gilman
I have some photos that show the speed brakes installed, and a portion of the national insignia is clearly visible underneath the speed brake. This is the way I'll model it. Of course, I also have a later picture that shows the national insignia clearly painted over the top of the speed brake. I will build the model as she was for the 27th and 28th flights. Horsals on, speed brakes on, original smaller tail, and the paddle spoilers unsealed. I have no clue how to make the paddle spoilers! Must think about that one - but they are so unusual it would be a shame not to include them. 🙂
6 June 2013, 00:59
Philip De Keyser
Looking forward to the endresult Bill, top job so far 👍 love the speedbreaks
6 June 2013, 20:44
Tim Vereecke
follow +1
6 June 2013, 21:40
Bill Gilman
Some new photos have been posted for the XF10F. I masked and painted all of the natural metal areas. These are the leading edges of all flying surfaces, the leading edge of the intakes, and around the rear of the fuselage by the exhaust. Since the photos were taken I've also hand painted the landing gear struts Glossy Sea Blue, as well as the gear doors, speed brakes, wheel hubs, and tail bumper. I need to mount the speed brakes flush to the fuselage (closed position) and she's ready for decals! The paint is glossy enough and won't require a coat of Future first. The end is nigh! 🙂 🙂 🙂
11 June 2013, 22:04
Mike Grant
Looking really good Bill 👍
12 June 2013, 14:13
Philip De Keyser
Nice progres Bill, the Jaguar looks awesome! can't wait to see the decals on it😉
12 June 2013, 14:18
Keith Gervasi
Great job on a cool looking aircraft!
12 June 2013, 15:27
Christian Meyerhoff
Excellent work so far. You made the most out this kit.
12 June 2013, 15:28
Bill Gilman
Decalcomania Finis!!! The transfers are applied, and boy that was fun! The decals included with the Planet kit (printed by Aviprint) were the thinnest I think I've ever seen. The film was very delicate, and wanted to adhere wherever it landed. Ultimately I think I got them all in the right place. Lots more to do on this cat, namely all of the fiddly bits! Stay tuned! 🙂
16 June 2013, 23:04
Philip De Keyser
Fantastic job Bill 👍
17 June 2013, 09:52
stefan natus
Decals are looking great,nice jag.
17 June 2013, 16:38
Wim van der Luijt
Awesome blow-by-blow description of a very nice subject!
17 June 2013, 17:32
Martin Chen
Nice job indeed!
18 June 2013, 07:05
Bill Gilman
Quick update - I've added an instrument panel that I found in the spares box. This is an Eduard colour PE piece, and it fits perfectly. It has other features that make it just like the actual Jaguar panel - it has round holes with some kind of gauges or dials, plus it's black! 100 points to the eagle eye who can tell me what airplane this instrument panel came from! 🙂
21 June 2013, 00:24
Tim Vereecke
looks good! I won't even try to go for the 100 points 🙂
21 June 2013, 06:03
Holger Kranich
I really don't have a clue from what aircraft the dashboard is...
21 June 2013, 15:41
John Thomas
That is some very nice work
21 June 2013, 15:53
Bill Gilman
The instrument panel is from a Spitfire Mk.II. 🙂
21 June 2013, 17:16
Wim van der Luijt
never would have guessed....but that's the point I guess 😉...."if it looks good, it is good"!
21 June 2013, 17:17
Bill Gilman
Quite right. It fits rather well, and it looks the part. I'm not aware of any photos of the actual Jaguar instrument panel - there is a line drawing in the Ginter book, and there are photos of the mock-up. The Spitfire panel is actually a reasonably good replica.
21 June 2013, 17:28
Bill Gilman
Thanks, everyone! I really appreciate the nice comments. I've added some more photos to show the progress. Landing gear doors are on, the tail bumper has been added, and the windscreen as well. I also mounted both "horsals" to the rear fuselage. Everything has been overcoated with Floquil Flat (a clear lacquer model railroad color). I used this since it creates a nice eggshell finish, which I think is appropriate for a glossy aircraft in this scale. Cheers!
22 June 2013, 00:49
Burkhard D
Outstanding job 👍👍👍
22 June 2013, 12:20
Jose Miguel Rodriguez
Excellent job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22 June 2013, 17:34
Keith Gervasi
24 June 2013, 21:51
Bill Gilman
The XF10F-1 Jaguar is finished! 🙂
Have a look through the new photos to see all the final fiddly bits after adding them to the model. I added the nose probe and sensor, two pitot tubes, the ADF dome, arresting hook, canopy, and painted/decaled the navigation lights. All in all, I like how it came out. And it's a unique addition to my collection, the Tomcat's Granddaddy! This was my second resin kit, and I'm starting to become addicted. Maybe it's from breathing all the resin dust! 🙂 🙂 🙂
5 July 2013, 20:27
Luc B
Well done Bill! great new set of pictures 👍
5 July 2013, 20:41
Nice BIll, very nicely done as allways
5 July 2013, 21:53
I've never tried a resin kit. Are they fun?
5 July 2013, 22:21
Bill Gilman
Thanks Luc and Augie! 🙂
Brandon, all modelling is fun, right? 🙂
Resin kits are different. There is typically much more cleanup of the parts. Wear a respirator when sanding, as resin dust is not nice. Lots of dry fitting before gluing. No alignment pins, and normal polystyrene glues don't work. You must use epoxy or superglue. It's a good idea to prime before you paint. It's a lot like "normal" modelling, but some of the tools and skills are different. I used resin cockpits and other detail sets before I tried an entire kit. If you are comfortable working with resin aftermarket, then give a resin kit a try! It's fun!
6 July 2013, 01:30
Holger Kranich
The Eggplane is done! Great build of a exotic and extravagant plane! Very well done and a evidence for your craftmanship, Bill!
6 July 2013, 05:35
Jan Goormans
looks perfect !!!!
6 July 2013, 06:39
Philip De Keyser
Wonderful work Bill !!!!!
6 July 2013, 07:31
Dirk Heyer
Nice clean built, a smooth paint finish. Masterly built as always, and we have in mind it is a resin model, so it is a remarkably effort!
6 July 2013, 10:29
Bill Gilman
Thanks, everyone! I truly appreciate the kind words! Hollie, I'd like to think that it's not an egg-plane, but rather an evolution of the "Flying Barrel" shape that Grumman used from their biplanes all the way to the Hellcat. But it does kind of look like an egg-plane, doesn't it? 🙂 🙂 🙂
6 July 2013, 12:56
Duncan Cook
Very nice work BIll, couldn't do it better😉
6 July 2013, 13:43
Sebastijan Videc
fantastic result in the end!
6 July 2013, 15:32
stefan natus
top work bill.
6 July 2013, 16:40
Keith Gervasi
9 July 2013, 18:31
Christian Keller
Hi Bill, never heard about this bird.
The plane is not a beauty for me, but perfectly built 🙂
I love these prototypes are not seen at any exhibition


9 July 2013, 19:11
Erik Houghton
Very clean, nice build Gil. She's a beauty!
9 July 2013, 23:20
Vitor Costa
HI Bill a flawless building, at least from here where i'm looking. Congratulations for another of your amazing builds. Gosto! (like in portuguese) 😄
9 July 2013, 23:27
Bill Gilman
Thanks,everyone! I also like these one-off weird designs. But someday I will build a 109 too!
10 July 2013, 00:31
Hi Bill,
nice to see one of the more uncommon kits done. It looks really stunning, especially the semi-gloss finish adds to realism 🙂
10 July 2013, 06:24
Clifford Keesler
Nice build.
11 July 2013, 00:54

Album info

I'm building this for the Swing Wing Group Build over on Britmodeller. This is a resin kit from Planet Models (CMK). Wish me luck, this one needs some help. Why do I always pick kits like that? 🙂

71 images
1:72 XF10F-1 Jaguar "Swing Wing" (Planet Models PLT171)

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