Lilli Marleen - Waiting by the Lantern
28 September 2013, 17:43 it´s a more platonic form of romatic😉
here is pic 2:
Scale will be 1:35, the little boy is just for comparison
28 September 2013, 18:16

The figure is a real "Preiserlein", the rest of the scene will be done scratch
29 September 2013, 14:18

Great job! But a little bit scary for now, the bloody no-head Lili! 😄
29 September 2013, 14:47

Aaaaahh!!! yes...
The headless Horseman's wife, forever awaiting for his return at their favourite meeting place, not realizing Johnny Depp ended his reign. So she is faithfully doomed to await his forever absent return...🙁
29 September 2013, 14:56

hehe... it won´t stay this way, this was a test how a red dress would look like...and I used a quite big brush
I had to so some surgery on the figure (1st row, 2nd figure) and want to swap heads (curly hair, 2nd row, 2nd figure), so thats all, no deeper meaning in it, sorry 😉
29 September 2013, 15:04

Don't be scared Es-haq...
She's waiting for her husband, not you🙂
I'm teasing, your doing a fine job, your choice is very Marlene Dietrich...😛
29 September 2013, 15:29

Hope you all can sleep well now, the lady has recieved her head😉
30 September 2013, 14:33

But that would be a sad meeting beside that crushed wall... 🙁
30 September 2013, 16:23

it´s supposed to be a sad situation, because her lover won´t be there 🙁
some more progress on the scene btw
6 October 2013, 12:59

Good job! Don't worry about pics quality, their OK for showing the progress.
6 October 2013, 14:23

jap... I´m trying to fix that
I´m currently away from home (in the city my University is) and I´ve just got a small "survial kit" (some brushes, paints, tools and 3 kits) with me, but no camera😉
6 October 2013, 16:24

slight change of plans after a while on the shelf: I was always wondering what I should put pehind the wall... I solved the problem by creating a new wall😉
It was my first plaster scribing, easier than I thought.... the reslut schould look simmilar to my draft, but there is still some work to do
17 December 2013, 22:29

Great sketching you have done! What's your course in university?
18 December 2013, 09:14

Thanks Esh-haq. I´m studying mechatronics... as everyone who want´s to become an engineer here I had to take lessons in technical drawing... quite handy for such things😉
18 December 2013, 12:11
Album info
I?m posting pics here, the proress on my (hopefully weekend) project... and ask you to guess the topic of the little scene
The topic is something "schmaltzy" and romantic
Thanks to the two guys triggering me to this (naming them would make this to easy)