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Es-haq Khosravi (Essi)

US, German & Russian Dogtags in 1:16


1 December 2014, 18:27
Es-haq Khosravi
What do you think of this and also about it's less detailed 1:35th scale? Will it be popular?
2 December 2014, 14:55
John Van Kooten
They look really nice, as always with your sets! 👍

I think this set is targeting a very specific group of people and will therefor not be a hot selling item. Dogtags are pretty much always worn invisible, unless some shirtless desert figures are involved. So not many figures will need to be outfitted with them.

Personally, I'm not interested in modern / Russian / BW dogtags, which makes up the largest part of the set. So separate sets would be better for me.

Also one for British WWII would be nice 😄
2 December 2014, 15:04
Holger Kranich
I do like what i see! Now i only need a fine thread or wire to attach them to a figure and place them in a Vietnam or DAK setting.
2 December 2014, 15:22
Es-haq Khosravi
Thank you John! Very nice and true point of veiw! But about British WWII dogtags, As I find out, They used circular pieces of textile for them. Is it right? And they are very small to be visible in such scales. May be I am wrong! Could i be so lucky to have your advices? 🙂
2 December 2014, 15:24
Fabian D.
Actually having quite a few of them in 1:35 would be quite nice. Although I think there are more uses for British, US and German WW2 tags than the other ones.
I guess all theree will work in 1:35 as long as you can etch the holes for the chain/string. The british one might get pretty difficult to handle, but maybe you can produce them as one part? But as they were red and green, you will prettly much see them. 😉
Imagine how many posibilities you´ve got with this kit: Tank Crew "Afrika Korps" (MiniArt 35141, 1:35)

2 December 2014, 16:15
John Van Kooten
@Es-haq: You are welcome 👍

The British WWII dogtags were made from compressed fibre, a hardened material. Painted PE would work perfectly to imitate them 🙂 They are a two piece affair. The one small circulair one paired with a 8-sided one. Like in this example: [img1]

They are quite hard to create in 1:35 from scratch but would be easy (easier) to handle taken from photo etch 🙂

@Fabian: Totally!! I was also thinking about the WWII Desert figure sets I have. They would go GREAT with those 👍 But like Holger said, Vietnam or other Asian TO's and of course modern desert operations kits could definitely also benefit from them 🙂

As I said, Es-haq, even though you probably won't sell as many of them as the other sets (like the badges & medals), they would be a very welcome addition for some of us 👍
2 December 2014, 16:33
John Van Kooten
Oh, and the British ones are somewhat bigger compared to the US dogtags and a bit smaller compared to the German WWII ones. So it shouldn't be much harder to handle compared to the other dogtags.

Take a look at the size of the fingers compared to the dogtags to get an idea of the size:

2 December 2014, 16:42
Urban Gardini
British dogtags and I'm directly thinking on a 25 pdr gun crew in the desert.
2 December 2014, 16:42
John Van Kooten
LOL Yeah! You and me both! 😉 👍
2 December 2014, 16:48
Fabian D.
Shure John, havent thought about Korea and Vietnam... But I´ve got the impression that there aren´t that many BW or other modern figures at all... and I think only a minority would make sense with a dogtag...

Had a look at the British one again. John has shown us a "field modified" one. 😉 The red part was intended to be taken off the body, while the rest was supposed to stay there. Other variants make that process more secure, as the green one can´t get lost when the red one is ripped of:
BTW: the square one in the pic above is a dogtag for POWs, this one seems to be from Stalag XII A (Limburg an der Lahn)
2 December 2014, 16:50
Holger Kranich
I´m thinking about a scene from Soldier James Ryan, as some of the GI´s collected the Dog Tags from the corpses and sat around and read them... Would love to insert such a scene into a Dio...
2 December 2014, 17:14
John Van Kooten
@Holger: you mean the scene playing out on the landing zone with the gliders, right? That would require a LOT of dog tags 😉 it would certainly be an impressive dio to build 👍

@Fabian: Yeah, you are right. The British one I showed is modified 🙂 And I didn't even notice that one from the Stalag until you said that right now 😄 good observation! 👍
I think you could be right in that there are not many modern / BW soldiers kits out there. I am not really into modern stuff but a quick search did indeed not return many results.
2 December 2014, 21:15
Es-haq Khosravi
Dear Holger, Urban, John and Fabian! Thank your for your comments and great ideas! 🙂 Will add some british ones and deacrease the modern ones, and will try to see how the 1:35th ones will come out, But i think it would be hard to make holes in them, But lets see! 🙂
2 December 2014, 22:30
Urban Gardini
Make the frets smaller and separate 'em. WWII on one fret and Modern on the other. That way you've got two products instead of one.
2 December 2014, 22:54
Es-haq Khosravi
That's right Urban. Some one said it would be cool if the set also contains glasses and some other accessories of this kind. Isn't it?
2 December 2014, 22:58
Fabian D.
Actually I think they would fit better to your medals and badges. The glasses are pretty generic, while dog tags are made for a single nation in a specific period, just like the medals. All that while I would also like a generic set of various accessories 😉
2 December 2014, 23:55
Es-haq Khosravi
Nice to have yoyr idea Fabian! It sounds pretty right! 🙂
3 December 2014, 00:03
John Van Kooten
Yep, fully agree with Urban and Fabian, with all they said 🙂

By the way, Es-haq, do you think it is possible to create sets with leaves? I mean like the larger plants like Furn leaves and things like the ones Eduard has made (see images below for some general impressions).
The reason I'm asking is because the currently available sets are A) crazy expensive (20 euro for a single small PE fret......) and B) contain way too few items to be useful in any way... I would like to see an affordable leaves/plants set that contains a relatively large number of useable items. I think THAT could become a best selling product, if the price is right 🙂

3 December 2014, 09:05
Holger Kranich
Thank you John, that would have been my next question to Essi!
A set with (f.e.) oak leaves in an solid amount to create a nice sceneric autumn would be great! Especially when its not too pricey! 😉
3 December 2014, 09:57
Holger Kranich
On the other side, i have to say that a lot of this stuff could be found when you open your eyes and have a walk through a forest... 😄 😉
3 December 2014, 09:59
John Van Kooten
You're most welcome, Holger 🙂 Great minds think alike! 👍 😄 😉

And yes, you are very right. There are a lot of useful items in nature, right there for the taking 🙂
3 December 2014, 11:20
Es-haq Khosravi
Thank you John and Holger! I would be really good, But I am really concerned if it is breaking the copy right?
3 December 2014, 13:54
Holger Kranich
If you develope the pe fret yourself, you dont need to be concerned about the CP.
3 December 2014, 14:05
Es-haq Khosravi
Thank you Holger! I hope I can develop it! 🙂
3 December 2014, 14:34
John Van Kooten
They are leaves, nature has the ultimate copyright and it doesn't complain 😄 😉

Seriously though, exactly the same rules apply as with glasses, watches, badges, medals and clasps. They look the same but like Holger said, as long as you yourself have created the drawings used to produce the PE and you are not copying the exact same layout as those of other manufacturers, there's no problem.
3 December 2014, 14:38
Mohammad Adl
Right on 🙂
3 December 2014, 14:45
Es-haq Khosravi
Thank you John! Really helpful! 🙂
Thank you Mohammad! 🙂
3 December 2014, 15:01

Album info

Hi! Here is the newest set from Modeller! 1:16 Us, German and Russian Dogtags.
The price is 4.5 Euro.
Hope you like them! 🙂
1: US Modern Lastic Ringed Dogtag
2: US Modern Dogtag
3: US WWII Dogtag
4: Russian Dogtag
5: German WWII Dogtag
6: Bundeswehr Dogtag

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