A break from the JABOS
7 January 2017, 19:38
Henry Milton
Thank you. For anyone looking to get lost in a kit, this one is it. 53 parts to the engine, 13 steps to build up the AA gun, you can not see it but the undercarriage has a winch, air and fuel tanks and some other stuff going on. The cab has a great deal of detail as well and the track is individual links. You get a great deal of modeling bang for your money with this kit.
Thank you. For anyone looking to get lost in a kit, this one is it. 53 parts to the engine, 13 steps to build up the AA gun, you can not see it but the undercarriage has a winch, air and fuel tanks and some other stuff going on. The cab has a great deal of detail as well and the track is individual links. You get a great deal of modeling bang for your money with this kit.
9 January 2017, 17:38
Henry Milton
Thank you. If you want to see more go to the link above and check out the full review at the AMPs website.
Thank you. If you want to see more go to the link above and check out the full review at the AMPs website.
10 January 2017, 14:24
Album info
Bronco sWS w/Flakveirling 38 AA gun mount. Trumpeter figures with hornet heads, stowage by value gear, verlinden and royal. The trees were scratch built using various gauges of wire and 2 part putty. You can see a full review at: amps-armor.org/Revie..?ID=3798&Type=FB