Academy MiG-21MF Fishbed in scale
1 25 August 2017, 10:42
Danumurthi Mahendra
Hi @Bart - its quite complicated let me upload some more photos. but basically it starts with Alclad NMF. then spray a mist of a light coat of JN green, then randomly mottling JA green.
Hi @Bart - its quite complicated let me upload some more photos. but basically it starts with Alclad NMF. then spray a mist of a light coat of JN green, then randomly mottling JA green.
25 August 2017, 14:01
Danumurthi Mahendra
Hi @Bart - i posted 3 new images that shows the top camo work
Hi @Bart - i posted 3 new images that shows the top camo work
25 August 2017, 23:45
Michael Phillips
That is just outstanding Dan!!! The camo work is simply amazing. Well done!!!
That is just outstanding Dan!!! The camo work is simply amazing. Well done!!!
26 August 2017, 00:47
Danumurthi Mahendra
Hi @Muphlon. several combination. I used Alclad Airframe Aluminum and Polished Aluminum. then using AK Duraluminum, Dark Aluminum, Burnt Metal, Pale Burnt Metal
Hi @Muphlon. several combination. I used Alclad Airframe Aluminum and Polished Aluminum. then using AK Duraluminum, Dark Aluminum, Burnt Metal, Pale Burnt Metal
26 August 2017, 15:27
Album info
First NMF work I have done in a while. felt kind of rusty. first time using Gunze Acrysion paints too.