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Nikolaos Kouzinis (nikolaos)



1 18 January 2018, 15:09
Nikolaos Kouzinis
18 January 2018, 15:11
Patrick Hagelstein
That looks like a cool kit! I'm curious about the build.
18 January 2018, 15:17
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Youtube Video
18 January 2018, 15:26
Nikolaos Kouzinis
(subtitles)The Zvezda heli Mi-26 at 1/72 which will you satisfy for the low price but with the length too. A very big (50X35 cm) box with beautifull exterior paint with good package quality including 238 pieces, we see the heli' s decals, the catalogue, the clear parts in a box something prototype for russian kit, the fuselage, the propellers the tail, the big floor comparing with a C-130 in 1/72 and other interior-exterior smallest parts. The kit is very good in low price 27 euro and length 55 cm. It 's a good choice for modellers.
18 January 2018, 15:40
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Follow me in job Patrick
18 January 2018, 15:43
Maciej Bellos
A big one. Anticipating the start.
18 January 2018, 16:39
Patrick Hagelstein
Yes, I will Nikolaos! 🙂
18 January 2018, 16:56
Björn Leichsenring
What a monster.
18 January 2018, 19:59
Dimitri Sambanis
Αντε και Καλή Αρχή!
18 January 2018, 20:06
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Ευχαριστω Δημητρη
18 January 2018, 20:10
Mike Daniels
I'll follow along if thats ok. Curious about Zvezda. Dont see many of them in the UK. From what I have seen on SM they look terrific.
18 January 2018, 23:14
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Thank you Mike
19 January 2018, 08:13
Julian Herrero aka Yuri
This must be HUGE !!!
20 January 2018, 07:04
8 March 2018, 20:59
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Yes is the next for construction
8 March 2018, 21:00
Nikolaos Kouzinis
I begun it after 1,5 year. I hope to find place to put and that beast
10 July 2019, 12:53
Martien Lourens
This a very nice model. It is big. I follow this with great interest.
10 July 2019, 20:35
Nikolaos Kouzinis
I begun the interior colours. The fuselage with the sand colour be most brightness for contrast with some wires which I want to fix on sides and ceilling. I put 5ml sandgelbRLM79 4789AP FS 30216 to converse the simple sand to ochre. The medium grey which gives Zvezda for cockpit is not correct with real heli. So I coloured the floor with light ghost grey. The same for the floor of main cargo area. Is more realistic the light ghost grey.
11 July 2019, 11:54
to follow, I have one for sale in addition
11 July 2019, 17:26
David Taylor
11 July 2019, 17:34
Erik De Smet
Do I see wiring for lights and motors, as I can expect from you, Nikolaos ?
19 July 2019, 16:40
Well done so far.
20 July 2019, 19:21
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Thank yoy Cuajete. Yes Erik, I wiring for the motors and lights. The problem is with the rear small rotor. I want one system with one battery 9v for the engines. I have a small motor for that job(for the rear) but it very very warm in 9V I must put a resistance between the small motor and the battery. I dont know if the weight of big motor gives enough energy to moove the small motor The contact with battery in parallel system. The experiment is in progress.
21 July 2019, 21:37
Erik De Smet
Nikolaos, the small motor will probably only need 30 mA at 3 V . So you wil need 3V + 30mA . x = 9 V ; x= 200 ohm resistance. Of you might use a 4.5 V battery as for your Sunderland. In that case a 50 ohm resistance will do the job.
22 July 2019, 06:51
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Thank you professeur for the solution.
22 July 2019, 12:03
Patrick Hagelstein
That's what I like so much about Scalemates. Everyone is trying to help everyone with his or her information regarding a specific subject. Cool! 🙂
22 July 2019, 15:16
I agree with Pratrick 🙂 👍
22 July 2019, 20:43
Clifford Keesler
Cool project, count me in.
22 July 2019, 23:53
Florian H.
I'm in 👍
23 July 2019, 07:36
Dave Flitton
Wow, a lot of work there
11 September 2019, 19:30
Clifford Keesler
Excellent detail work.
11 September 2019, 23:53
Stephan Ryll
Very nice detailed work indeed 👍 looking very good 🙂
12 September 2019, 15:17
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Thank you mates
12 September 2019, 20:31
Erik De Smet
There is a motor for the main rotor in pictures 19 ? And some wires for the tail rotor too?
13 September 2019, 07:41
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Yes Eric there is a central motor for the main rotor in 3,5 V. But I' ll put a smallest motor(parallelwith the central) from a mobile phone. There is a problem the small motor works in 1.5 V, When I put the central motor in power it works very very fast. I didnt put the main rotor on central motor but I simulated with a plastic cover of nescafe. I saw that it mooves slowly. I suppose that when I ll put the rotor it will works more slowly. The question is when the motor with the main rotor blades will be in moove will ithe battery gives enough energy to moove the small tail rotor. The power is in 4,5 V. Must I put a resistance to the wires of small rotor or if I do that the small rotor will have not energy to mmove because the main wants more power to moove the weight of blades. So I cannot testing them exactly. I decided to test it finishing the model, if the small will work good if not "no comments". There is an other paradox. I have a battery 9V with a resistanse on (+) pole. I test the lights and turn on four led in parallel but the same battery cannot moove alone the small motor neither with the leds in parallel. I dont understand what happens, So I decided to put the small rotor in parallel with the main in 4,5 V.
13 September 2019, 08:33
Dominik Weitzer
Awesome work! kepp it going!
13 September 2019, 09:11
Erik De Smet
The small motor has a lower resistance than the central one. So, it will draw more current from the battery than the other and hence the central one runs slowly because it always balances the available voltage and current ,with the load ( less lower means lower speed) I suggest that you put a 100 Ohm resistance inthe small motor circuit, which will limit the current towards the small one to 30 mA on a 4.5 V battery 4.5 V = 1.5 V + 30 mA * 100 Ohm. The remaining power from the battery will then go to the central motor, which should then turn Faster. Same problem possibly for the leds + motor.
13 September 2019, 11:12
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Thank you Eric for your valuable advises
15 September 2019, 18:41
Slavo Hazucha
Really interested to follow where this will go with all the prep-work & great looking details!
16 September 2019, 09:10
Łukasz Gliński
16 September 2019, 11:24
Andy Ball
Your builds are eclectic and inspiring!
16 September 2019, 19:28
Łukasz Gliński
@Andy: You mean electric, don't you?😉
16 September 2019, 19:43
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Thank you Andy. Thank you mates
16 September 2019, 19:54
Andy Ball
@Nikolaos: I was actually thinking eclectic, as your subjects catch my eye/interest....however I see the pun! 🙂 I think 'Electric-Eclectic' is a good moniker !
16 September 2019, 20:44
Nice progress!
16 September 2019, 20:51
Nikolaos Kouzinis
I understood the meaning of your comment Andy.First the eclectic is a Greek word from εκλεκτικος and second an Englishman could nt be done mistake Thank you.
16 September 2019, 21:33
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Thank you Cuajete
16 September 2019, 21:33
Clifford Keesler
Looking good Nikolaos.
16 September 2019, 23:06
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Thank you Cliff
17 September 2019, 21:51
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Scratching works are continuing I fixed all the things of cargo doors and made them to open -close Work in progress.
18 September 2019, 17:01
Slavo Hazucha
This may be one of these models where it´s actually a pity to hide all that added effort and scratchbuilt pieces under paint... top effort 👍
18 September 2019, 17:15
Stephan Ryll
Looking very good Nikolaos 👍
18 September 2019, 17:39
Bryn Crandell
Looking good Nikolas!
18 September 2019, 18:13
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Thank you Slavo,Stephan,Bryn. You have right Slavo it's a pity all these scratchbuild things from simple materials (wires, pieces of metal, plastic and electronic materials from mobile) to stay hidden. But the benefit is the way to solve the problems and to dare to make something which was unbelievable before you try. So I am fun of "Viva scratching", it is the magic of modelism.
18 September 2019, 19:55
Maciej Bellos
Great interior there Niko! Very impressive!
Regarding the rotors, from the pictures I have seen, the disk of the main rotor doesn't seem to intersect the disk of the tail rotor. Is that correct? If not, how will you prevent the two rotors from colliding?
19 September 2019, 20:32
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Maciej I fixed the main rotor axis with 3 degrees because the problem is nt the small tail rotor because the blades of main rotor approach but does nt pass through the blades of tail rotor. .The problem is the tail wing because the main rotor blades are curved. So with 3 degrees grqdient the problem, is solved
21 September 2019, 18:52
Nikolaos Kouzinis
The tail rotor fixed. It is a cell motor 1,5 cm. The axis is a pipe gas lighter. It has the avantage to has two different diametres one for the rotor axis (the small) and one for the blades system axis (the bigger)
30 September 2019, 21:45
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Brush painting is in progress.
7 October 2019, 19:44
Andy Ball
You wouldn't think so [brush]...brings personality to the subject.
7 October 2019, 20:49
Clifford Keesler
Very nice.
8 October 2019, 19:03
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Thank you Andy and Cliff
8 October 2019, 19:58
Q: How sturdy are the wheels in this kit? Or, I mean, the landing gear after gluing things together.
10 October 2019, 16:03
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Treehugger the wheel system was a big problem. The half main system constructed when the other half fixed on fufelage, so any mistake carry a problem. So I tried many times before fix it to understand the forces. I decided to put baked soda with cyanoacrylic because it was nt sturdy. After that the system is very very strong and does nt open in sides.
10 October 2019, 16:17
Nikolaos Kouzinis
The rotors are fixed and work very good rotoring by the 4,5 V battery
5 November 2019, 10:27
I wonder if there could be a way to fold the rotor blades, it might take up less space on a shelf that way. I don't normally like seeing helicopters with their rotorblades folded, but, haha I wouldn't have shelf space for something this wide. 🙂 But it would fit on my shelf it the rotor blades could be folded.
5 November 2019, 11:48
Erik De Smet
Bravo! Is that shoebox big enough to put it in ?????
5 November 2019, 11:49
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Thank you Eric it s big as the others which have for assembling in future. Big models but "strong" models.
5 November 2019, 15:24
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Treehunger the best is to fold the blades as you say but I didnt try it. I will try it in future Your advice is usefull, I ll try to find the tecnique.
5 November 2019, 15:26
Erik De Smet
I do not think this big helicopter has foldable blades. I have not been any pictures of it
6 November 2019, 11:21
I am also skeptical, but perhaps they would if they wanted to store this heli in a hangar I am thinking.

I have posed a question about this topic in the subreddit for aviation. I'll keep this thread updated if anyone gives me a good answer about this.
6 November 2019, 12:28
Erik De Smet
I think there is only a need for foldable rotors for Navy heli's and those who can fit in a large cargo plane. Ronan is the expert ...
6 November 2019, 13:14
Clifford Keesler
Looking very nice Nikolaos.
8 November 2019, 02:10
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Thank you Cliff
9 November 2019, 06:45
Erik De Smet
No pictures with moving rotors, Nikolaos ?
14 November 2019, 21:04
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Erik good evening. I did nt forget to put video with moving rotos. But I have a problem. The wires near the wheel system must be very sort. That make the problem destroy them by the high temperature for the wires fixing with the metallic poles so I decided to cement them with conductive glue but I did nt find yet the glue: So I didnt make any progress.
14 November 2019, 21:19
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Youtube Video
16 December 2019, 18:47
Erik De Smet
This is brilliant Nikolaos !!!
16 December 2019, 19:08
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Thank you Erik . Dedicated to you for all "electronically" help gave me at that kind of modelling.
16 December 2019, 19:31
Florian H.
Nice, I like it 👍 good job
16 December 2019, 19:36
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Thank you Florian
16 December 2019, 19:38
Clifford Keesler
That is just too cool Nikolaos, I like it a lot. Well done.
16 December 2019, 21:20
Łukasz Gliński
Briliant job! That cockpit lighting is insane. Looking at the video makes you expecting a take off 😄
16 December 2019, 22:27
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Thank you Cliff and Lukasz
17 December 2019, 18:44
Very nice effect with lights and rotor. Congrats!
18 December 2019, 23:55
Very nice effect with lights and rotor. Congrats!
18 December 2019, 23:55
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Thank you Cuajete
19 December 2019, 17:13
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Youtube Video
19 December 2019, 17:17
Bryn Crandell
Very cool effect.
23 December 2019, 12:24
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Thank you Bryn
23 December 2019, 19:57

Album info

A very good ZVEZDA kit in 1/72. 55 cm length. It costs 27 euro. A good choice for modellers.

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