Me 262 build pics
1 May 2018, 14:44

Welcome aboard guys!
Made a little bit of progress this morning.
Eduard seatbelts added, added missing bulkheads and weighted the front below the gun compartment with tungsten chips.
Hopefully I get the fuselage filled up today.
2 May 2018, 12:53

About 22cm long with a wingspan of approximately 26cm Ingo 🙂
2 May 2018, 13:12

looking good... Seems I'm lucky to have only Tamiya and Hobby boss, but it is still a nice plane, and your cockpit looks outstanding...
2 May 2018, 13:15

You're welcome Ingo.
I measured it anyway, looking for a plate to build a (very simple) display base. 🙂
Thanks Bart! The Eduard seatbelts are the most outstanding parts right now. Still have some drybrushing to do when the enamels are cured.
Should've gotten another kit as well. This is a putty-beast. But I'll wrestle her into shape!
2 May 2018, 13:47

Absolutely fabulous, Rene! Love the 'pit with all that wiring. Are my eyes deceiving that a Badger 150 airbrush?! I have the same...been using it for years.
2 May 2018, 13:50

Nope, your eyes are quite right Ken. It's one of my 2 150s 🙂 These are my first airbrushes, and I like them a lot.👍
Thanks for your nice words.
2 May 2018, 16:56

Welcome aboard Wim!
I hope my supply will be enough. Half a bottle CA glue, a 3/4 pack of Milliput and a 3/4 tube of Revell Plasto should get me... One wing. Maybe. 😄😉
2 May 2018, 21:57

Nice looking pit, especially like the added wiring behind the instrument panel.
3 May 2018, 00:26

To wall it or not to wall it...
Seems I'm in for a bit more than I can chew right now.
Couldn't get much work done during my holidays and now work is keeping me busy.
I glued the fuselage halves together and assembled the wings. The engine nacelles are an absolute horror! How did you stay sane on this one Jens?
Huge step at the intakes, the overall shape of the intakes seems odd compared to photographs of the real bird... Not to mention the sizeable seams where they meet the wing.
After the 10 minutes of glueing parts I was filling and sanding for what feels like ages. And it still looks odd...😄
And I think I might be getting the brassin wheels after all
The kit wheels are sort of crap...
Pics will be added when I get home 👍
28 May 2018, 03:01

it's Italeri... no walk in the park... a lot of sanding and puttying, but in the end it's a model with a story...
28 May 2018, 06:53

True words Bart! Especially if you're not that experienced with building planes. Mostly I'm trying things out, like chopping up the control surfaces to make it look a bit more 'alive'. A lot of stuff for a relative beginner, but if you never get in the water you'll never learn to swim.
Sanding is love, sanding is life. 😄
Why I used Revell plasto when I have Milliput is beyond me... Now I had hefty blobs of rockhard putty to contend with, whereas Milliput can be pre-smoothed with water...
Next time...
28 May 2018, 19:23

It's actually my first Italeri kit James.
I have the Italeri Chaffee and Puma in my stash as well. Seems I'm in for a few wild rides😎
AFV are easier to fill and sand if gaps appear though... The smooth curves of the 262 are hard to get right for me 🤔
28 May 2018, 20:20

Enjoyed and did splendid jobs on them. 🙂 If I get the 262 half as good as your Tomahawk will be, I'm a happy man 😄
28 May 2018, 20:28

Naah I don't think so^^
With a few planes under your belt... how would you tackle such a badly fitting wingroot? I'm about to try and sand down the contour on the fuselage to match the wing.
So much potential for FUBAR with that approach :>
28 May 2018, 20:40

Crap. Haven't got the tamiya stuff, only gunze leveling thinner... But I'll try on some sprue. For that gap I might need to stick some sheet in before the filler gets to work.
Surfacer 500 is no stranger to that plane, but I didn't think if wiping it level with thinner 🤔 thanks👍
30 May 2018, 15:59

Nice method, thanks mate. It works with the Gunze Levelling thinner as well. I used it for the small nooks and crannies on the tailplane joins. The wing/fuselage join was far too much for it, I stuffed a fat milliput sausage in there and will use mr surfacer to smooth out the remaining rough spots there, if any 👍
It's starting to resemble a plane😉
3 June 2018, 16:51

This looks interesting! Wonderful cockpit! 👍 I'll be tagging along 🙂
9 June 2018, 07:05

Painting-wise it's pretty basic compared to most of the masterpieces shown on here 🙂 you guys are too kind lol
Nice to have you on board Björn, welcome 🙂 I'm most impressed with your early works! 👍
10 June 2018, 08:38

Lots of heat and little time recently, but the build is done except for the undercarriage. Got her primed today, which revealed quite a few flaws to correct. I don't like the canopy assembly -at all- though -.-
More detailed shots coming up when I have done some fixing. 👍
My scribing skills do need lots of work though... maybe I'll just fill the seams up. The 262 was pretty smoothly done after all. Cheap getaway 😄
19 August 2018, 20:10

Thanks Ingo. I'm curious how it looks when I pull the masking off... the canopy parts are kinda crappy and I fear I might have paint leakage 😄
19 August 2018, 20:21

Nice work, what do you use for scribing? I prefer a thick needle (I prefer the Excell one). To deepen the lines (to keep em while sanding for example) I simply follow the contour, but only after a few passes (without applying pressure), you'll feel that you get some bite. For new lines In once received the tip to start a line at both ends, so not to stop in the corner, but start in one corner till a bit from the end, and then the other corner to connect them. Thus you avoid overshooting the corners... When it's deel enough, slightly sand the surface, and clean the dust either by scribing again of with tamiya extra think, which dissolves the last bits.
Second best scriber to me is the one from bare metal foil, but only for straight lines AND removing parts...
20 August 2018, 05:13

Thanks mates! Still quite a bit of work to be done on this one. I hope the Dragon one won't be quite as bad, considering there are engines to fit as well... 😄
I have used no specific tool, just a medium thick needle with a good point in my pinvise. It was quite fiddly work, I actually might get me proper tools for scribing when the next plane hits the bench. I do feel like the old 1:32 Bf109 from Hasegawa could use some work😉
20 August 2018, 11:21

Thank you Martin! All the filling and sanding has definitely paid off if I might say so myself. Tedious dirty work, but those gaps were too horrible to ignore or drink away😄
Today I'll clean her up a bit and start spraying the underside RLM76 if time allows. 👍
21 August 2018, 03:25

Underside and tail sprayed with the MRP RLM76, after having to change the needle in my Badger 150... Spat all over the place. Somehow I managed to bump the point into something...
28 August 2018, 19:59

Slowly progressing. Parts for gearbay and landing gear prepared.
1 September 2018, 14:26

Finally continued painting, RLM82 went down without any troubles. Masked and ready for RLM81, and after that I'm in for a repaint of the underside, the murky water is the water I used for sanding out lots of faults.
Airbrushing a plane is not as easy as I thought it'd be and I had to rethink my painting order to make masking easier.
The blue 3M vinyl tape is very handy on curved surfaces where the Tamiya Tape wouldn't follow a specific line without getting wrinkled in a few places. 👍
Oh, and random primed Centurion tracks in the background.
14 December 2019, 19:09