M923 Survivalist 4x4 Crew CabView: Slideshow Mosaic List 1July 25, 2019Here's the real truck. 2July 25, 2019Cutting down the bed a few scale feet. 3July 25, 2019Comparison of original and short bed side panels. 4July 25, 2019The completed short bed. 5July 25, 2019Test fitting parts. Mainly the seat setup. 6December 17, 2018The new back seats nearly complete. 7December 27, 2018Here's the actual back row of seating. 8December 17, 2018Fire extinguisher added to back of driver's seat. 9December 17, 2018Center console with drink holders. 10December 29, 2018Legend steering components added. 11December 29, 2018Lengthened rear drive shaft. 12January 30, 2019Detail shots on the real vehicle. 13January 30, 2019More detail shots on the real M923. Comments 2 11 December 2018, 03:47Nathan Dempsey AuthorMounted the cab, added axles, Legend steering components, and lengthened drive shaft. 29 December 2018, 01:49Project infoM923 "American Survivalist" 4x413 images1:35On holdAll albumsView all albums »