Revell Astronaut with MMU
8 13 June 2019, 18:50
Michael Prator
Its been a fun kit because the MMU was so horribly plain and lacking in detail that I was forced to do research and was able to add a lot of accurate details easily.
Its been a fun kit because the MMU was so horribly plain and lacking in detail that I was forced to do research and was able to add a lot of accurate details easily.
13 June 2019, 21:31
Nathan Dempsey
I noticed you had added many details. I saw one of these at a show and it appeared that they gave you the basic shapes as a starting point...
I noticed you had added many details. I saw one of these at a show and it appeared that they gave you the basic shapes as a starting point...
13 June 2019, 21:47
Michael Prator
Nathan ... the 'out of box' MMU is very basic and uses black circle decals to imply the 24 control thruster jet locations. I pulled up pictures of the MMU at the Smithsonian and found that just using a couple of micro drill bits you can add a lot of details for all of the panel screw locations and I also used a Tamiya plastic scriber I could etch where the panel edges were. There is still a lot of fine detail I *might* add (control switches, brace points, etc) ... but I also may call it "good enough" and move onto the growing pile of kits in my stash.
Nathan ... the 'out of box' MMU is very basic and uses black circle decals to imply the 24 control thruster jet locations. I pulled up pictures of the MMU at the Smithsonian and found that just using a couple of micro drill bits you can add a lot of details for all of the panel screw locations and I also used a Tamiya plastic scriber I could etch where the panel edges were. There is still a lot of fine detail I *might* add (control switches, brace points, etc) ... but I also may call it "good enough" and move onto the growing pile of kits in my stash.
14 June 2019, 20:47
Album info
Revell Astronaut with MMU kit and adding a lot of details to the MMU based on the pictures of the MMU at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum and Kennedy Space Center. The MMU is devoid of almost any noticeable details and so i am adding the external screw and bolt holes, panel lines, and raised panel joint covers. Drilled out the Reaction Control Jets to add more depth and shape.