scale modeling database | stash manager
Donald Boyle (DonB)

Boeing 360/ CH-46X


26 January 2020, 20:28
Patrick Hagelstein
Wow! This is an adventure!
 26 January 2020, 20:35
Vacuum formed? I'd like to see your setup, that would be cool!😎
 27 January 2020, 02:43
Donald Boyle
Vacuform models are old school. You can find these machines and plans on the internet. You tube has some clips that demonstrate the process.
 27 January 2020, 23:07
Um...ok. 🙁
 28 January 2020, 00:39
Patrick Hagelstein
Wow! Modelbuilding in it's purest form! No kit to start from and then pulling it off to this far! Well done! 👍
 1 May 2020, 01:06
Donald Boyle
Thank You Patrick. Too much fun sometimes.
 2 May 2020, 20:15

Album info

Scratch building, Parts from spares and Matchbox Chinook kit

12 images
In progress
1:72 Boeing Vertol Chinook (Matchbox PK-413)

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