SCM Australian Trucks Groupbuild
10 13 February 2020, 14:52

New brushes, new knive blades and enough paint for this build..think i'm ready for tomorrow 🙂
Hope I can keep up with you guys (not looking at Chris with he's beastmode speed 😛)
13 February 2020, 14:56

Australian TimeZone is 10 hours earlier then EU right? 😄 So when I want to start mine in afternoon (UTC +1) the groupbuild is already started?
13 February 2020, 15:07

Guys watch out when you take everything out of the box, I had a few loose parts and the chrome tree that isn't in a plastic bag had a loose little chrome part that almost got lost lol...ofcourse it was all the way in the corner under my table grrrrr....
13 February 2020, 15:38

I'm watching and waiting too Danny. My theory is, the rest of the guys start later than us, so the Australian guys finish first, we're in the middle, then the USA guys? It still works, in a crazy world way. Cheers for the heads up too buddy !!!
13 February 2020, 17:16

LOL would this work? 😛 airbrush with a 24 liter 8 bar compressor 😄 Think I would shoot the parts to the other side of the room 😄
14 February 2020, 09:25

Holy cow Danny! You can do my wing and bumper on my 1:1 car with that!
14 February 2020, 16:16

In the beginning there was....COFFEE!!! 😛 Good luck and have fun with this groupbuild guys 🙂
15 February 2020, 08:47

@Dominik, nah won't use that much overkill lol 😄
Lol Martin, good way to start the day 🙂 and it's indeed senseo, don't know if you can still call it coffee..
2 tablespoons of sugar, a whole lot of creamer and chocopowder 😄
15 February 2020, 10:58

Chassis rails looks a bit bend to the outside, shouldn't be to much of a problem when it comes together I hope 😛
15 February 2020, 13:01

I didn't know the group build was also a race to finish, and I thought it was a build and share idea's type thing. Glad I'm not in it. I'm too slow!
15 February 2020, 15:00

It's absolutly no race😉
And we have 3 months to build it. And the great thing is that you do share thoughts and ideas. And cool to see everyones take on the same build.
I'm also no speedbuilder and more relying on how much pain I have every day (building models take my mind of the pain, but if I'm working to long at once then everything hurts for several days)
And sometimes I can't even keep my hands still with building small parts cuz of the rheumatism.
So every day just a few hours would be enough to finish it in 3 months 🙂
15 February 2020, 15:16

Glad to hear that! I don't have the same health issues as you but have the similar pain aspect as you. Take care mate!
15 February 2020, 19:08

Thx Tim and the rheumatism isn't even the worst problem of my health...the severe osteoporosis is worse (my bones are dissolving and brake easy) but we make the best out of it and glad I can still make modelkits 😄
15 February 2020, 20:13

Well, someone else has a warp in their chassis rails! I am starting with scratch building a replacement steering box.
15 February 2020, 23:39

We're glad you are making the best of it Dan! Peter you are warped, the rails are fine! LOL
16 February 2020, 03:47

It's the left hand drive unit turned on it's head. The universal is pointing straight up. Impossible engineering Bozz. Steering shaft would connect to the rear of the box, not the top. Universal would be trying to work at a 90* angle.
16 February 2020, 06:34

You know.....It doesn't matter what brand truck our Aussie mate makes. It'll always be a PETERBILT!
16 February 2020, 14:06

Hey guys, my health wasn't great last few weeks..alot of pain, cuz of the crappy weather. to much pain to hold tiny parts in my hand..and was a bit sick aswell so no energy at all to do anything (No luckily no Corona beer...I mean Corona virus 😛)
Today started again and did some work on it for 2 hours and have to stop before everything starts to hurt again...
Hope I can catchup with you guys this week. but damn this kit is really fighting me. really need to check thing 3-4 times before actually glue parts together..
Decided not to do re-chrome everything on this 1, cuz really can't find the energy for it to take of chrome, glue parts, filling seems, sand, prime, black gloss and then to finally re-chrome lol...already tired by seeing the text now and how much time this will take 😛
Gonna need some time to read and see all posts 🙂
8 March 2020, 17:09

Great to see you back Danny. Take your time mate, it's not a race. I did leave some pointers in my album, regarding hole drilling etc. Cab is a bit tricky too mate. Have a look and you know where we are if you need anything buddy 👍
8 March 2020, 20:09

Welcome home Danny! Like Bozz said mate, it isn't a race but he races ahead! I am tied down by details and haven't actually glued anything together for two weeks either!
8 March 2020, 21:31

Glad you're feeling better! Take your time and build it the way that makes you happy.
8 March 2020, 23:42

No worries, Danny. I'm way behind too. And I believe Chris is in the same boat. Hope the weather improves and you feel fighting fit very soon!
9 March 2020, 00:44

My build is slow as well. So many unknowns. Glad to have you back Danny!
9 March 2020, 03:54

Thx guys for the kind words, very much appreciated 👍
It can be very frustrating to have so much pain day in day out...It's getting better last few days with higher dose of morphine patches.
And it is so great to be able to do something again instead of watching tv from bed all the time..
Started with those damn tank steps yesterday....a bit frustrating to put them together lol
Trying to get those done today and maybe the cabine. seen the photo's of Bozzer of cabine and that will be a challenge (the whole damn kit is a challenge)
I hope that Chris will be better soon aswell
9 March 2020, 07:38

I'm here, dechrome is being a pain in the ass...really throwing me through a depressing loop... I've tried everything that been suggested (SuperClean, Bleach, BBQ/Oven cleaner.) I'm gunna run down to the auto shop and get some DOT 4... Once I get through this mess I should be good. So frustrating to be shown techniques that work for plenty of other people... but it's a flop for me.
Click through to my Aussie truck on my profile... 1st pic should be dechromed, but it's ugly.
9 March 2020, 17:50

Engine ready for paint...chassis almost ready for paint....but those damn big tanks...sigh..
The big tanks are really a pain, the steps are hard to place. I thought that the holes you see on inside of the tank where the spots to drill....NOT!!! damnit. and holes in chassis didn't line up.
For now I will put the tanks aside and continue with cabin and see how far we come...
Should have build the Revell T900 "Australia" lol
10 March 2020, 17:04

And Chris. seeing most ppl struggle with the chrome, I'm glad I didn't start with that..Otherwise it would be in the bin already 😛
10 March 2020, 17:05

Danny, I screwed up on the chassis holes at first too. That's why I jumped ahead, after warning you guys. I haven't messed with my tanks yet, other than glue them together. Peter has done a spiffing job (typical English phrase, Not), at scratchbuilding a new steering box, but just by trimming a small corner it it, I was able to mount my driver's side steps.
10 March 2020, 20:34

Hey guys, been a while that I've been online.
Hope all doing well and still healthy during this crisis
For me it's almost normal that I sit at home all winter except this is a really weird and horrible time for some ppl and hoping that ppl really listen to goverments about how to handle with this Corona virus
Almost wanted to drop the hammer on this build....everything is fighting me during this build,
but I did managed to get the tanks together..
But the line between the 2 halfs of each tank look horrible 🙁 Not sure what to do with it, any suggestions other then de-chrome 😛
I see that some are really doing a nice job on their trucks 👍
Stay save all😉
24 March 2020, 13:47

Danny, can you simply file the seam down, fill it & touch in with a Molotow pen or similar?
24 March 2020, 17:24

Yeah, I'm with Munky, for a simple fix. Obviously, I've not used that method but I have in the past. Try and keep your cool with the kit Danny mate and FFS, keep safe! Our groups and forums will keep us strong. If you ever need to vent, you know how to get hold of me bro. When I was confined to my room, I semi assembled 4 trucks and two trailers. I'm now into my 5th truck! Glue I'm cool for, but I've had to order more paint. My group build has stalled, until the paint comes. If all this crap carries on, I'm gonna melt all my kits together and make a plastic female dummy, with life-like bits. I'll get my money's worth! Anybody got a spare wheel for a wheelbarrow? Mines buckled under weight!
24 March 2020, 21:18

Danny, put some masking tape either side of the join before you attack it with a very fine file.
24 March 2020, 22:46

Thx for those tips guys, if that doesn't give me a good result then going to make a stripe in same color as cab.
And thx Bozzer, so many ppl still think they can't get sick with their dumb lock-down parties and not respecting social distance rules. very glad that I have a big house and have enough stuff to keep me entertaint. But I will stay at home as much as possible for a while cuz this is gonna take a long time..
And when you build that plastic chick we want photo's of build 😛
26 March 2020, 15:01

Thx John but when you look closer you see alot of crap like dust in/under the chrome and joints still need some work 🙂
30 March 2020, 09:45

This part a128D is that a heaterbox? I'm not sure what it is 🙂
31 March 2020, 09:56

Last photo is the colors of my interior (still rough and unfinished)
31 March 2020, 09:57

Got cabine together and 3 walls up on the sleeper, now first need to paint inside sleeper then backwall and roof on it..
Is it me or is the gap between the cabine and sleeper to wide? when look at my other trucks with sleeper behind it, the gap is much smaller
3 April 2020, 11:44

Mine also needs some filler on the roof, It's impossible to get it tight together...
BTW...I use those wrench sockets for weight to hold stuff together that you can't clamp or use rubber bands, what do you guys use for that?
3 April 2020, 11:50

Well, I kinda cheat for things like this. I have an old storage box, like a wicker basket, but with a lid. It has a piece of glass on top, so I put a full sheet of grit paper on it and gently rub the sleeper, in a figure 8 motion, over it until everything is straight. I'm not feeler gauge perfect, but you get the idea. If something is badly warped, for weight, I use tins of beans, soup, literally anything with a bit of ooomph!
3 April 2020, 14:42

Thx Gunther and have kits with alot more tiny parts 😛
Got the filler in place time to sand 😛
3 April 2020, 16:06

Don't worry, when I finally get out of this depressive funk I'm in and start building, my truck will make everyone's truck look like superstars 😛 as per usual *Crazy Chris's Used car lot lives!!!*
3 April 2020, 17:21

Looks great so far, keep at it! That colour is going to really work well.
Love the 1/2" sockets 😉
3 April 2020, 18:22

Just as a side note: I've had the same type roof, on another kit. This time I tried a different approach. I glued the roof to the front first, before doing anything else. If you can get everything lined up right, it works much better. Please check, check and double check, before adding glue. I did get much better results than on the Australian truck. Worth a try next time lads.
3 April 2020, 20:31

Yes the gap is larger than life! As with everything in this kit it is a shortcut and proof of concept. The concept is I will never ever buy another old Italari kit.
3 April 2020, 23:26

Peter, get the American Superliner! Much better kit for the money. I recommend that you get some Mack emblems for it though. I think CTM do PE ones?
4 April 2020, 00:25

Bozz, I think the next truck I will do will be this. It will cost my kids their inheritance but it will build up very nicely. I'm afraid American trucks look a bit limp when compared to a genuine Australian interstater or Road Train tug. Horses for corses I suppose but when Kenworth started selling trucks here they snapped like carrots. Our roads are still sub par with Europe or North America, we can learn some lessons from our American cousins in road building but when it comes to building trucks, we need them to stay built. They can build them light to suit their roads. We need something out of Mad Max. And, let's face it, wouldn't you prefer to build something out of Mad Max?
4 April 2020, 00:36

Aussie trucks everywhere! I´ll hop on here as well to get all the updates served! 👍
7 April 2020, 09:15

Thx guys and welcome Slavo 👍 last few days didn't do much at building, in the evenings played some games in VR and to much sun to sit indoors during daytime 😛 today charging some lipo batteries to run my crawler on my garden crawler track 😄 and need to buy some gasoline to run my 1/5th bigscale monsters in the park 🙂
8 April 2020, 09:45

On last photo you see my Land Rover crawler, with Pennywise the clown in it.
Still need to do some work on interior, but it's a nice car to drive.
It has high/low gear, diff lock and cruise control all operate via remote control 😄
11 April 2020, 10:10

I've been tempted to go out and run my RC but weather hasn't been that great.
11 April 2020, 12:42

Thx guys, glad I did these colors for interior. They match nicely
14 April 2020, 18:00

When trying to do some dry fitting tried looking into the sleeper but it's to damn dark inside to see anything....
Almost thinking of making some small windows in roof or side panel....but to do this, gonna take some time and has to be done right...hmmm....
getting the interior into the cabine is luckily no problem, so almost ready to get some paint on it 😄
17 April 2020, 14:36

And I have only 1 ffp2 mask left that is already you ppl deal with that?
17 April 2020, 14:37

Danny, I'm on my last mask too, but I can definitely confirm, my new booth has cut right down, on the crap I was breathing in. After noticing that, I recommend that everyone who sprays/airbrush's, use a vented booth. Especially if you have any kind of respiratory conditions. 👍
17 April 2020, 16:48

Hey John, going for a metallic green for this truck 🙂 today started with a white primer and after sanding, hope to get it done tomorrow if all goes well.
Thank you for your comment on my stash, feel very lucky with it. Some of the kits are hard to get these days or you need to pay top dollar.
And I have days that I go sit and watch the kits in my stash to figure out what truck/trailer combo's I can make 😄
24 April 2020, 13:51

Metallic greens are some of my favourite colours Danny, be interesting to see what you come up with 👍
I did a beautiful Jade Green pearl over a gold flake on a crash helmet years ago, it was stunning!
24 April 2020, 13:56

Second layer done, already looking nice 🙂 had to see it in sunlight and it's sparkling 😛
25 April 2020, 17:43

My daughter would go "oooh, Gliterized...!!!" 🙂 I guess that is not 100% the truckbuilder's wordbook, but this is some really great looking metallic job 👍 Also really perfect looking surface with no apparent visits by Sir Orange Peel... 👍
25 April 2020, 18:33

Sir Orange Peel? Is that Emma Peel's husband?
Great paint job Danny! Another colour I won't be using now.
25 April 2020, 19:52

That's close to the Kenworth green I'm using now for the Movin on truck. Close.
26 April 2020, 03:25

Thx guys, realy happy with the color. today hoping to finish layer 3 and 4. then let it dry before the clear coat. So yes John will get a clear coat, that will make the metallic pop a bit more 😛
And sorry Martin for stealing your color 😄
26 April 2020, 06:42

After 4 layers of metalic green looked at it in the sun, everything looks great...except from roof you still see a line thru the paint....not sure how this happened but i think that I pressed that top piece (airco unit?) to hard on roof and maybe the putty cracked?
What's best as next step? first clear then decal? or vice versa?
26 April 2020, 14:53

If your paint is super smooth, you can decal right away. Rule of thumb: over satin or matt paint, always a gloss coat before decals.
26 April 2020, 17:29

man....this group build has some cool projects! the looks really good in natural light. Martin is right, decals can go straight onto gloss coat, than seal with another coat
26 April 2020, 18:01

Danny, the box on the roof is an aftermarket air conditioner. As for the visible line, remember it will be under the roof marker lights. It won't be jumping up saying hey look at me. It will be barely visible at all unless the builder keeps pointing it out! Still LOVE the colour.
26 April 2020, 21:56

Hope your right Peter 🙂 the thing is, as builder you know it's there (think every1 of us has that 😛)
27 April 2020, 15:48

That line in the roof could be filler sinkage. Did you use automotive primer or Colour? the solvents in a lot of aerosol paints can be a bit too much for some model fillers. The Truck is however, looking great.
27 April 2020, 22:04

@Chaz I used Tamiya putty and primer from Revell called: Airbrush email basic
28 April 2020, 07:57

Front rims done (it's almost same color as the decal stripes. but not sure if I should leave rear rims as is or give them some green as well...
And gleuing the tanks to chassis as a freaking nightmare...
30 April 2020, 17:43

Danny, axle housings are chassis colour but artistic licence is welcome. Love the spiders!
30 April 2020, 21:55

Ok...a little update...
photo 33: I never get it why they do this....gleu parts together, cut a 6mm piece from in between then glue parts together again....
photo 34-36: checking the decals and on the sleeper I think I need to cut some little piece from top otherwise it won't line up with rest of it...and the airfilter decal looks like it's to short on photo 34...
photo 37: made the engine in a kind of candy red color. what you guys think?
a: what the hell?
b: that's so wrong..
c: it's ok but don't do that again..
d: nice (this is my personal choice 😛)
It's silver base with signal red clear color. only need to paint some little details in black and aluminium 🙂
3 May 2020, 20:12

And the tanks and step on both sides I messed up 🙁 they don't line up like it should 🙁 )
3 May 2020, 20:14

Thanks for pointing out the 6mm surgery Danny. I didn't see that! Candy red motor looks beaut!
3 May 2020, 22:51

Great choice for engine & trans paint Danny, good strong finish too 👍
Spraying clear colour or tinted clear over silver, gold, chrome, zinc, even a polished metal surface is essentially what made the Hot Wheels redline cars so eye catching. I love a bit of experimentation on an old crash helmet or bike tank, can make some amazing finishes 😉
4 May 2020, 09:30

Thank you Gunther, still so much to do lol
@Munkyslut this is without clear coat, just silver and model master signal red 🙂
the signal red is a bit strange paint cuz it is sticky as heck but has some great results 🙂
4 May 2020, 13:47

Got the decals on the sides finally done 😄 hate to do those stripes 😛 and last photo is to see how it will come together.. still loads todo.
5 May 2020, 21:22

Going to grab attention when you display that! Looks bloody fantastic Danny!
5 May 2020, 21:48

Thank you very much for the kind words Peter 🙂 Can't compete with your skills but I do the best I can and that's good enough for me 😛
5 May 2020, 22:27

Danny there is nothing limited about your skills! You are doing a fabulous job with this build and I am struggling to keep up with you blokes. This is my first GB and I am learning so much. That's the best part too, the learning. And meeting new Mates, that's awesome too. I love my hobby!
5 May 2020, 23:21

Looking smart Danny! Skill comes from experience, and experience is a combination of knowledge and getting your hands dirty. From what I see, you've qualified in both! Crack on mate and keep safe.
7 May 2020, 09:12

OOO MY GOD!!!!! now I just want to kill myself....after the decals done, wanted to put varnish on...
God damnit it ate my decals!!!
It's acrylic varnish, how can it eat my decals?
Now I just want to throw that piece of crap in a corner 🙁
So much time went in it and f'ed it up in a second...
7 May 2020, 15:00

Was there some airbrush cleaner left in your airbrush?
If you can get the decals off, I can send you a new set. I had to buy another kit for dechroming and I won't be using them anyway. Just PM me if you want them 👍
7 May 2020, 15:54

Was that an acrylic varnish from a rattle can? Maybe the propellant reacted with the decals. If you can get hold of a second set of those decals, don't throw away that truck yet! I had a similar issue with a plane build and I used Mr. Muscle Oven Cleaner to manipulate the offending paint off my model. Spray some of that stuff in a jar (in mijn geval een potje gevulde olijven) and use a Q-tip to carefully was away the paint to the bare plastic. That way your interior won't be damaged and you can start from a clean slate. Hope this helps!
7 May 2020, 15:56

Never mind, I just noticed the interior is still separate: just hit it with Oven Cleaner from the spray can. It will eat through the paint, but might damage that puttied seam on the roof. As I can see it, not all is lost here. Sure, you're in for some rework, but it surely is doable if you can obtain some replacement decals (Scale.....Mates????? Help a brother out here!) Strip the paint to the bare plastic, redo that seam if necessary, prime/paint, decal and...... use a different clear coat! 😉 Good luck and I'll be 👍 👍 for you! 🙂
7 May 2020, 16:04

No Martin, was cutting corners by using a rattle can....
@Patrick It was indeed a rattle can 🙁
Wanted to try the Humbrol Acrylic varnish...first and last time I did that..
Didn't know that the propellant could be so agressive on decals...
When I saw the result, almost wanted to puke lol...
7 May 2020, 16:04

Aw man, that sucks buddy 🙁 I hope you find a solution besides the rubbish bin. The rest of your truck is amazing.
7 May 2020, 16:08

@danny meer - don't give up the ship, er, truck. Literally every model I build has a disaster like this, find a way to work through it - it happens to all of us. Set it aside for a while if it gets too frustrating! I often find out amazing chemistry facts, one I learned recently is tamiya panel line marker dissolves mr hobby aqueos acrylic paint.
7 May 2020, 16:27

I once got a split canopy because of a rattle can, it's not only agressive stuff but apparently the cold can crack a fissure. Maybe the decals can be protected with some Future before you use the can. This way, I always avoided damage.
7 May 2020, 17:10

Oh Man, that's rough. I bought a can of that a couple of years ago, I tested it out on an old kit and it bubbled the decals and turned the tamiya Acrylic camo paint white. Just because it's Acrylic doesn't mean it doesn't have nasty solvents as a carrier. I've had success with spraying Tamiya matt clear (Spray can) over decals, although they had been sealed with Micro-set first, and I laid a lot of very thin coats over the course of a couple of weeks as I varnished first before decals then over decals, then some light weathering and detail work, then more varnish and so on, But it got kinda expensive. I've been using Vallejo Acrylic 28.517 varnish recently because it's entirely water based, can be thinned with distilled water from the auto store. The only trouble with it is you want to get your coat done quick, then clean the hell out of the airbrush with water based cleaner, cause it gums up real quick. don't let the brush sit between coats. It's good from an airbrush at 80% Varnish, 20% Distilled water, and a few drops of Vallejo retarder. Thin coats to start, heavier coats can follow to finish. It also works well with a sponge brush on my woodcraft projects. Real tough when cured. It even sprays over PVA coatings without reaction.
7 May 2020, 21:04

@Martin would love to buy the decalsheet from you. gonna try to fix this, fingers crossed I don't mess up. And was first time that i've placed decals before clear coat, but won't do this again anymore 😄
All part of a learning curve....didn't thought it would be this nasty I know 😛
@Chaz thx for that info 👍
7 May 2020, 21:11

Man when that crap happens to me no one has an extra set! It sucks that that happened, but man you're lucky others have the set you'd need!
7 May 2020, 22:01

@Danny, clearcoating over decals is definitely a good idea, dont be put off. With the right clearcoat, they become a part of the paint job and stay looking great for many years. Its always a good idea to test any new combination of paints, laquers etc, on a spare part. There is even variance between different manufacturers decals, so its a good idea to test an unused decal from the kit with your chosen clearcoat. Also from a general compatibility point, dont forget, what works with one paint over another doesnt necessarily work the other way round.
8 May 2020, 01:17

I didn't say you can buy the decals. I said I can send the decals. No need to get money involved
8 May 2020, 05:42

So funny!!! My lifesaver Martin just brought me a new set of decals. Who would have guessed he would live only a mile away from me 😄 Was nice to meet you man 👍
10 May 2020, 09:51

Top bloke Martin 👍 The brotherhood of plastic is strong Danny. We all lookout for eachother. The rest of the world could learn much from people like us.
10 May 2020, 10:29

Bozzer, We are those best equipped to survive a Lockdown, just look at our skill set:
Generally owns a supply of gloves and masks
Has a stock of 99.9 Rubbing Alcohol
Good at stockpiling
Happy to spend several months isolated at a single desk
Shops online to a large degree
Outstanding at carefully cleaning anything
Used to spending more than 20 seconds washing hands
10 May 2020, 10:40

Steven's advise on sealing the decals has always worked for me too. Working with odorless turpentine Over decals without sealing first can ruin the decals too, so that's a trick armour and plane modellers use to prevent damage....good to see Martin has come to the rescue......we have quite a few mates living in the Rotterdam area...small world indeed
10 May 2020, 11:13

Geeze Wim, when I try to describe how small your world is you send me to my room!
10 May 2020, 11:16

Lol Chaz, all so true 😄
And Peter, luckily it's no punishment for us to be send to our rooms 😛
10 May 2020, 11:45

Lol, I built a room, so I could isolate myself! No internet, no TV, no phone or signal. No cats, dogs, women or children. It's my perfect time capsule. 16hrs in there, soon fly by! I've seen the sun set and rise, in the same chair, many times. But, for an 8' x 8', I can't keep the bugger organised! I have that much going on, it's bedlam! But, there's no place like it, anywhere else in the world. I really am, a very lucky guy 👍
10 May 2020, 11:55

So glad Danny can get a second chance! That's what (Scale)Mates are for! 👍 🙂
10 May 2020, 19:57

Hip Hip Hooray!!!
For he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow
For he's a jolly good fellow
Which nobody can deny
11 May 2020, 16:54

So much went wrong with this build that in the end, just want to finish it and put it away.....
Second time respray it all went wrong again with cabine 🙁 didn't want to do a 3rd time respray..
I want to thank Martin for the decals! 😄
Hope next build will go alot better
12 November 2020, 12:28

Danny, after all the crap this model gave you, it came out pretty nice! I know how you feel as well as others I'm sure! In fact the Dirty Mary crazy Larry Charger is the one this year giving me crap. I finally get it to the point to where all I have to do is put the stripes and windscreen on only to find the front fenders were molded wrong! Hang in there!
12 November 2020, 15:55

Ahh this is excellent, came out beautifully!
What's he apologising for????? This looks fantastic to me! Perfect colour choice, chrome looks brilliant, tyres are perfect.
Forget what went wrong during the build & congratulate yaself on a sweet looking truck 👍
12 November 2020, 16:02

Great work Danny! She looks way way better than mine (who's still in the box). My hat's off to you, sir!
12 November 2020, 17:42

Thanks all for the kind words/comments, really appreciate it. This kit has so much flaws that it wasn't funny anymore.. Almost didn't want to finish it, but glad I did..
Think most of us had/have nightmares over this kit lol
Hope the next kit will go better (not sure what to build next tho, just a truck or truck&trailer kit)
13 November 2020, 09:23

At least you'd had the guts to carry on and complete it Danny with fantastic results.
Hands up those us that half completed models that went wrong hidden away - I have at least one
14 November 2020, 04:46

Great job Danny! Mine too is on the shelf. Typical paint issues on my cab, sleeper and hood. I'll pull it back, when I'm in the mood. So much happened, so fast, I ended up starting another kit, which is in the process of being built. Don't put yourself down mate. These are testing times for all of us, but our hobby helps to get through them. I'd rather be in the pub mind!😉
15 November 2020, 09:04

*Whistles a vaguely recognisable tune while walking past his shelf of half built kits
15 November 2020, 09:09

Thx guys, almost dropped a hammer on this 1 when first paintjob failed 😛
But when Martin gave me new decals I had to give it another try..but it was fighting me all the way to the end lol
Now I'm finishing the Unimog firetruck and no problems sofar *fingers crossed*
After that I can start a fresh build 🙂
15 November 2020, 09:24

Currently playing with a Pete 359. It was going ok, until my airbrush decided to spit out some grey paint, all over the yellow I was painting, at the time! So that's getting wet sanded today, and hopefully I'll get the yellow back on later? It still amazes me, where the crud hides, in my airbrush? I stripped it all down, and let it soak in some cellulose thinner. Well, the metal parts, anyway. NOTE: Not all airbrush seals accept cellulose thinner or paint, so please be careful!!! It's definitely an experience, this hobby of ours.
15 November 2020, 09:44

Wow! Danny!!!! I mean DANNY!!!!! That's just sensational mate!!!! Well done!!
16 November 2020, 03:14

Thx guys really appreciated 👍
It was a nightmare sometimes and it does have enough flaws 😛
But luckily could hide most of them lol
23 November 2020, 10:58

I bought my 18yr old nephew one of these for his bday. I think it was his first ever kit. Probably a mistake!
7 February 2021, 08:21

From picture 44 onwards, are we looking at pictures from the repair and redecalling? If so, amazing job!!! It is absolutely flawless! 👍
8 February 2021, 22:46
Project info
Group Build

SCM Australian Trucks Groupbuild
15. February until 31. July 2020
15. February until 31. July 2020