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Bruce Huxtable (BruceH)

Tentative steps into the world of 1:48...

Album image #1
Engine started, and already finding that adjustments have to be made, to mate square pegs into round holes.  

Album image #2
A little progress. 

Album image #3
No, I am not going to add pipework! 

Album image #4
Here we go, holding my breath.... 

Album image #5
First pieces installed, but should have left room for the front bulkhead. Eduard diagrams followed too diligently. So, two parts to be moved, repaired and reinstalled.  

Album image #6
First coats of paint over the more robust PE items. 

Album image #7
So, do I prefer the well-detailed kit part... 

Album image #8
or the PE dashboards and paper gauges? I will sleep on it... ? 

Album image #9
The more fragile PE installed and painted. Dry-brushed the walls first. Replacement seat folded into shape too.  

Album image #10
Engine installed into its frame. The firewall holes needed to be drilled to correct size.  

Album image #11
Album image #12
Album image #13
Another couple of items installed and painted. Lots of licence being taken with colours, just so I can see things stand out a little. The instructions call up just green or black!  

Album image #14
Remainder of the framing added. 

Album image #15
All very neat, but enclosing it all in the fuselage is going to be a challenge.... 

Album image #16
Two PE parts re- positioned, so now the front wall of the cockpit fits correctly. 

Album image #17
Cockpit 9/10ths assembled. Pedals to paint, but will leave the gun sight off for the moment. 

Album image #18
Tiny lever to add, plus last of the PE to paint. 

Album image #19
Hmm.... that doesn't look right.... 

Album image #20
Ok, so what have I done wrong?  

Album image #21
So, 2mm removed all around the bulkhead and upper tubing frames removed. I have also thinned the top cover that will hide the engine...and still it won't close up fully. I will have to perform more surgery to the top of the engine ☹️ 

Album image #22
Coming together... 

Album image #23
Ready for closing up. 

Album image #24
Some fettling required to achieve an optimum fit, but still some significant gaps to fill. 

Album image #25
Album image #26
Didn't quite get the joins as neat as they could be, so a little tidy up required. 

Album image #27
First fill looks okay, so next areas need to be filled... 

Album image #28
Huge gap next. 

Album image #29
Album image #30
Def getting there, so will sand down tomorrow. 

Album image #31
Next steps, so minor adjustments, glued parts, and now tidying up the joint lines. 

Album image #32
Album image #33
More fettling to fit the engine cowl to the wing recesses. Only minor filling required. 

Album image #34
Painted the grills silver, then a black wash. May add a little more, before the enclosing scoops are added. Last chance to try to make plastic look like grills ? 

Album image #35
Joint filler rubbed down and looking acceptable. 

Album image #36
I had two like this, but somehow dislodged the small PE part. So.... 

Album image #37
So now it's looking a little empty. 

Album image #38
So, I am trying to make a replacement!  

Album image #39
Hmm... Good enough? 

Album image #40
Not bad for a first attempt ? Cut, file, and fit next. 

Album image #41
Hmmm...not quite perfect, so may come back to this later.  

Album image #42
That's better - which is the original? ? 

Album image #43
Ready for primer. 

Album image #44
Album image #45
Shaker can in the garden did the business. 

Album image #46
Almost no sign of the filled joints. 

Album image #47
Better on the top side. 

Album image #48
Flaw filled, again.  

Album image #49
Filled joint 'lost' so panel line reinstated. 

Album image #50
Next steps... 

Album image #51
Album image #52
Kit came with replacement canopy, so need to learn how to cut and fit flimsy one-piece, but may use the original 3-part open canopy. Fingers crossed they fit to the fuselage neatly. 

Album image #53
Trying paper cut-outs for the main pattern.  

Album image #54
Should have left the cannons off, as one took a hit... 

Album image #55
Let's see how this turns out.  

Album image #56
Turned out fine, phew! 

Album image #57
I need to touch up the exhausts, as the tape has taken off some paint.  

Album image #58
I have used Ocean Grey as the primer to the underside, as well as final colour on the upper surfaces. I have to order the correct Medium Sea Grey and pause til I can paint the underside. 

Album image #59
This is what I was aiming for, but..... 

Album image #60
but this is as good as I managed to achieve. Hmmm... will consider what is best to do (though I know the right answer...) 

Album image #61
Masking for the identification stripes on the curved wing leading edges. 

Album image #62
Reduced 10mm tape into two halves, and eye-balled in an even width. 

Album image #63
Coat of white, then two of yellow, but masked over the white for the red cloth patches. 

Album image #64
Album image #65
And there we are. 

Album image #66
Trial fit of prop and standing on undercarriage. She's coming together. 

Album image #67
That iconic shape ... 

Album image #68
Rear fuselage stripe next, matching the spinner. Then decide about the D-day stripes. Used very fine sanding stick to take away the steps, where yellow paint is relatively thick, and so all is smooth. Great tip picked up from someone's advice on their album - many thanks!  

Album image #69
Decals for wing lines done first. Cut into two halves, so as to more manageable. Can't see the join, so good strategy! Roundels will be last of all, when everything else is dry. 

Album image #70
Decals started, for port side first, plus fuel filler stencil. 

Album image #71
Decals all added, washed and glossed. Prop and undercarriage dry fitted for now. Still to add antenna and pitot, and small clear parts for lights. I couldn't bring myself to butcher the top of the engine, so have left the cover off. 

Album image #72
I'm very pleased with what I managed to achieve. Always room for improvement, but better than previous efforts. The canopy doesn't fit neatly to the body, so that is the next skill to work on! 

Album image #73
Album image #74
The very last decal was reluctant to slide off the backing paper, and I was too impatient... I managed so rip it into 3 ragged pieces! Deep breath and didn't panic, and managed to salvage the situation. One tiny touch up with blue should be fine. Phew!  

Album image #75
Album image #76
Album image #77
Final pieces added, so now she is 'finished'. 

Album image #78
Album image #79
Couldn't bring myself to modify the top of the engine, so left exposed. 

Album image #80
When I have some of the correct blue, I will touch up the small tear on the roundel decal. Until then, it's a reminder to be more careful next time. 

Album image #81
Album image #82


28 27 July 2021, 16:22
Bruce Huxtable
Many thanks for your 'like', Alberto. I have to decide if I should order PE for the cockpit, and if so, which set. All advice welcome, everyone ?
27 July 2021, 16:57
Robert Podkoński
Go for that (I mean PE), Bruce! 😉
27 July 2021, 17:01
Bruce Huxtable
Better get that, and some paints, on order then ?
27 July 2021, 17:26
Bruce Huxtable
Collected PE order and visited RAF Museum yesterday, so a little paint added whilst everything is fresh in the mind's eye ?
1 August 2021, 11:45
Bruce Huxtable
Should have left the mould seam marks on the outside of the exhausts, or at least have just reduced them...
1 August 2021, 11:47
Guy Rump
Looking good 👍
1 August 2021, 15:42
Bruce Huxtable
Thanks, Guy, I don't want to mess it up, but know it will never be as good as some fine work I see from others. Inspiration has to be translated into practice!
1 August 2021, 15:44
Guy Rump
I know what you mean Bruce 🙂 Many of the builds on SM are awesome. My view is as long as I seem to be making some progress with differing techniques etc then I'm happy. So many SMs are also very helpful and inspiring too 🙂
1 August 2021, 15:56
Bruce Huxtable
Totally agree, Guy. But I will be holding my breath until this iconic plane is successfully completed.
1 August 2021, 17:01
Bruce Huxtable
Many thanks for your 'likes', everyone. Suggestions for improvements always welcome too ?
1 August 2021, 17:14
Bruce Huxtable
Houston, I think I have a problem....
7 August 2021, 14:35
Erik Leijdens
A serous gap there Bruce! Don't think you dit something wrong, the designer of the kit is the one to blameI guess! But, great work so far ??
7 August 2021, 15:25
Bruce Huxtable
I'm learning to look four steps ahead, instead of just one or two, Erik. Thanks for your encouragement ?
7 August 2021, 16:18
Robert Podkoński
Good work, Bruce! Keep it up!
8 August 2021, 19:15
Bruce Huxtable
Many thanks for your kind words and encouragement, Robert.
8 August 2021, 19:24
David R. Meizoso
Brave surgery on that engine, and the gaps will turn you into a Sand Master, which is good. I admire your determination, way to go.
9 August 2021, 21:11
Bruce Huxtable
Each step has its challenges, so I'm not rushing... Your encouragement and kind words are appreciated, David.
9 August 2021, 21:18
Bruce Huxtable
So, some more painting done, but have to decide if D-day stripes will be added, or keep her as she now is. Canopy next.....
15 August 2021, 09:18
Bruce Huxtable
Opted for pre-D-day insignia of Johnny Johnson. Decals started....
17 August 2021, 17:17
Robin (WhiteGlint)
This looks really nice so far. 👍
18 August 2021, 08:54
Bruce Huxtable
Many thanks, WhiteGlint - I can see a few things that could be better, but I am going to finish the decals first, then repair the cannon and add the final fragile items. My modelling skills have certainly benefitted from advice and tips 🙂
18 August 2021, 10:54
Bruce Huxtable
Many thanks for all your 'likes', mates, and comments too. I enjoyed taking my time with this one, and learned lots in the process. I'm wondering which kit should be worked on next, before I get around to my Eduard Weekend Airacobra in 1:48 🙂
22 August 2021, 17:02
Guy Rump
Really like it Bruce, a great build, congrats 👍
22 August 2021, 17:16
Bruce Huxtable
Many thanks, Guy, much appreciated.
22 August 2021, 17:55
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic effect, especially considering the vices of the kit itself. I really like it, Bruce, congrats!
22 August 2021, 19:02
Bruce Huxtable
Robert you are too kind! Thank you for your encouragement at the start and all through. Still plenty of skills to be improved on....
22 August 2021, 19:20
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Really nice result, Bruce. 👍
She is so clean and shiny.
22 August 2021, 19:36
Bruce Huxtable
Many thanks WhiteGlint. A Squadron Leader's ground crew would surely keep his machine extra polished.... 😉👍
22 August 2021, 19:42
Robert Podkoński
Come on, Bruce. You simply deserve every praise given here... and your skills are surely better than mine 😉
23 August 2021, 05:24
Bruce Huxtable
Just have to keep up the standards, in the next projects, Robert 🙂 I'm eagerly waiting for your project's next steps, so I'm hoping you had a busy weekend 😉
23 August 2021, 08:33
Robert Podkoński
I am on vacations now, so no updates for few next days, Bruce...
23 August 2021, 09:05
Top result! 👍 Really deserves presentation off the kitchen kleenex!
23 August 2021, 09:17
Bruce Huxtable
Have a great break, Robert. Neuling, thank you for your 👍 too. I'm delighted with everyone's comments and 'likes'. I was thinking of a simple base with grass and tyre tracks, chocked wheels, etc 🙂
23 August 2021, 10:05
Bruce, lovely looking spit, you've done yourself proud 🙂
23 August 2021, 10:23
Bruce Huxtable
Thank you so much, Augie. But there is still lots of room for improvement, so I need to sharpen up my (limited) skills 🙂
23 August 2021, 12:05
24 August 2021, 06:04

Project info

82 images
1:48 Spitfire Mk.IX (ICM 48061)

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