Diorama base - Westwall
31 7 August 2022, 23:30

It took me a while before I got the dragons teeth's pattern right...
7 August 2022, 23:32

When I took a closer look, I saw the dragon's teeth were not lined up (like Vallejo suggests) but staggard: Youtube Video

11 August 2022, 19:52

I Found a calculation error. So I had to remeasure the hole pattern. How that is done, still need to adjust position for the ideal lay-out. Slowwww progress😄
28 September 2022, 08:33

An interesting subject. I am looking forward to your progress.
28 September 2022, 08:34

holla! very interesting! If you need pictures "from today", just say something. every day i drive by the dragon tooth.
I'll take a look at your build.
9 November 2022, 10:52

I'd love that Dominik, do you think my effort resembles the real thing? What kind of trees are growing in the area? Thanks in advance!
9 November 2022, 12:38

It looks good so far Mathias.
there in the woods are different trees. in my hometown south of Aachen are conifers, ground covered with old needles and moss.
How can i attache pictures in the answer? should i send you pictures via pm?
11 November 2022, 08:59

@dominik: I was thinking of Birches. Are these commen in that area?
12 November 2022, 11:06

Thx you for sharing Guido! I hadn't found this one. Very interesting!
13 November 2022, 21:53

Hi Mathias, in my Area are most conifers.
Got your email, i try to make pictures today and send you some i have.
14 November 2022, 14:33

Notice to the Youtube Video:
That is the spot in my neighborhood i want to make some photos for you. i walked the same way as seen in the Video except the tanks.
14 November 2022, 14:43

O, in that case you do not need to take the effort. I see that they are all overgrown... I'll take my chances with the paintjob I did so far. Thx anyways!
14 November 2022, 19:59

Have been keeping an eye on this one from the start of your build very interesting subject the videos and all the info very informative
I dident know anything about the West wall before you started this project thanks for the education
Looks great
15 November 2022, 18:59

Thank you Jv! I love to bring history back to life,. I also learn a lot about WW2 sturing the research.
16 November 2022, 00:21

I've decided, I'll take the challenge to add 2 conifer Trees😅
16 November 2022, 09:42

from[All quiet on the Westwall - Final Album]
Indeed, it is a very nice diorama!
21 January 2023, 17:04