F-4E South Korea (ROKAF) 1/72 Hasegawa

Thanks for the likes.
More details and pictures of the early Korean F-4E at britmodeller.com/for..hed/#comment-4635599

Thanks Ivan! I drew a lot of inspiration from the phantoms on your site in order to get mine done.

Very clean looking and well done model Clement! Congratulations! The Hasegawa kit is still not that bad, right?

Yeah, it holds up. I have 4x more in stock which I hope will go faster than this one!
Album info
Hi guys,
This is the venerable Hasegawa F-4E in early ROKAF colors
The kit shows its age, compared to the stunning phantom Fine molds realeased a few years ago but it still builds rather nicely and it's the best option for a late F-4E or any of the recon variants.
I need to take some better pics once I get a larger photo tent. The AoA probe is missing on the pictures but it has been attached since.
Decals are a mix of Hi-decal for the main markings and Caracal + Microscale for the stencils/generic markings.
Main camouflage paints are Mr hobby H303, H309, H310, H311. The exhaust area was painted in a mixture of Mr Color super metallics mixed with Mr color laquers for color variations.
I'm pleased to have managed to wrestle a SEA camouflage Phantom, as I wanted one for a long time!