Polish pre-WW2 planes ProjectsAdamowicz brothers' Bellanca1:72IdeasCierva C.3019 images1:72CompletedCierva C.30 Wojska Lotnicze (Polish Air Force 1918-1939)4 Air Reg. SP-ANN1934 4th Air Regiment - Toruńkhaki DC-2 PLL "Lot"1:72IdeasElectra SP-BGH (PLL Lot)29 images1:72CompletedLockheed L-10 Electra Polskie Linie Lotnicze (LOT 1928-now)SP-BGHAluminium Junkers Ju-52/3m SP-AKX1:72Ideas2+Karaś (ARR)39 images1:72CompletedPZL P.23B Karas Aeronautica Regală Română (Romanian Royal Aeronautics 1915-1941)73 Sqn. 17September 1941 World War 2»Operation Barbarossakhaki, grey-blue P.11a30 images1:72CompletedPZL P.11a Wojska Lotnicze (Polish Air Force 1918-1939)113 Esk. Myśliwska 2September 1939 World War 2»Invasion of Poland - WarszawaPolish Khaki, Light Blue-grey, white stripes PZL P.24A TAF34 images1:72CompletedPZL P.24A Türk Hava Kuvvetleri Müfettişliği (Turkish Inspectorate of Air Forces 1922-1944)4 Aviaton Reg., 7 Sqn. 20181938 - Kütahya AB PZL P.7a '1'34 images1:72CompletedPZL P.7a Wojska Lotnicze (Polish Air Force 1918-1939)123 Esk. Myśliwska 1 / 6.110 / K (Capt. Mieczysław Wiórkiewicz)1936 - Krakówkhaki, grey-blue RWD-5bis7 images1:72CompletedRWD-5bis Aeroklub Rzeczypospolitej PolskiejSP-AJU (Stanisław Skarżyński)May 1933 Crossing of the South Atlantic Łoś - vintage10 images1:72In progressPZL P.37b Los Wojska Lotnicze (Polish Air Force 1918-1939)X Dywizjon Bombowy 72.91 / 864 NAugust 1939Khaki, Azur clair My collectionsReturn to the overview page to view all collections