Albums (41)Show all project albums Browse projectsLatest project albums17 imagesSuper Armored Fighting Suit Space Type 2C Super Ball1:20Project: Super Armored Fighting Suit Space Type 2C Super Ball (Maschinen Krieger)25 imagesTerry Pratchett Discworld Esme Weatherwax II28mmProject: Terry Pratchett Discworld Esme Weatherwax II7 imagesSmall diorama with bicycle and streetlamp1:35Project: Small diorama with bicycle and streetlamp16 imagesDUNE Atreides Ornithopter1:300Project: Dune Atreides Ornithopter23 imagesHALO - Reconnaissance mission1:32Project: HALO - Reconnaissance mission1+28 imagesSpice Harvester from DuneNoProject: Spice Harvester from DUNE28 imagesStar Trek TOS ROMULAN Bird-Of-Prey1:650Project: Romulan Bird of Prey (Star Trek TOS)Show all project albums Browse projects Other albums2 imagesQuiet and happy holidays to all and a happy new year!!!73 imagesSpace Days 2018