scale modeling database | stash manager
SCM Features
Feature Requests (SCM Features)



Starbase101 » Feature requests
I always view the News Feed filtered to My Topics. Starting yesterday, I'm seeing photo album posts in my News Feed for topics that are not in my favorites list. Why am I now seeing posts for topics that I'm not interested in? That is the point of filtering.
All comments (9) » 1 17 September, 02:04
Félix Pedro Lanciego Martín » Feature requests
Someone sells the Mirage M10 1/43 decals?. Thank U.
29 September, 18:02

September 27, 2024

komoras » Feature requests
Hi Tim,

Can we get an option to turn off the "sells an item on your wishlist" notifications?
I have 1000+ items on my wishlist and get bombarded with multiple of those notifications every day.

Thank you in advance.
4 10 September, 15:55
it was requested in SCM Newsfeed but i have not seen updates about it being implemented. maybe it is good to have it here as a new request (the other has status "implemented")
26 September, 21:36
in the above mentioned request, Tim asked if the request was
A) globally enable/disable these notifications.
B) enable/disable them for specific kits only

both would be great, so for those who do not want the notification at all, they can cancel them with just one click (option A). but having the B also available, would mean that if you turn the notification for a few kits, you will get notified only for those, and not for the other. if too much work, then global only will be the best.
27 September, 10:32
Jasper Breur » Feature requests
A notification system for the marketplace section seems like a useful addition, especially for kits offered for sale by other mates. It could be useful to receive a notification when a rare or hard to find kit you're after comes up for sale.
All comments (20) » 1 2 June, 12:24
Personally I use the wishlist to help my wife, relatives and friends to buy model kits as presents for me, and occasionally when I'm out shopping to see if they have something that's on there or when I find an interesting looking kit in a shop with plans to buy it at a later point, so more of a "kits I may be interested in getting at some point in time" list.

If disabling notifications is implemented I would suggest including a way to do a bulk action for enabling/disabling them especially for the people with huge wishlists.
4 September, 11:27
I just want to add to this topic (I also made a similar request - SCM Newsfeed )
Having an item on the Wishlist, doesn't mean I want to buy it through scalemates, so having that notification is of no value to me, just pure spam.
And of course over the decade I gathered hundreds of kits on my Wishlist and also few hundreds less in my stash, do not see the reason I should feel guilty with that 🙂

It would be best to have the option to disable/enable such notifications.
27 September, 10:19
yngvenett » Feature requests
Paint purchase and storage. I can't find a way to specify purchase and/or storage of paint, the way I do for kits and other tools. It would be helpful, so I hope it is possible to include it.
27 September, 10:04

September 26, 2024

René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy » Feature requests
So, I moved recently and am in the process of reinstalling my man cave/modelling desk. Apparently, some tools, paints and figures have been lost during the move (yeah, it really sucks), but I can't say what exactly is missing.
Could there be a function where one would simply fill a checkbox for every item in the inventory that has been verified as still existing and, at the end, just show the things that haven't got checked? (some function simulating an inventory)
Or would you have any other idea to get the same result?
26 September, 14:17
not sure if you are using the option adding the location to all your stash items (room, shelf etc). if you do not use that, you can start moving them to a location "checked"/"missing", or maybe use the stash comments to mark what is checked or missing. i suggested to have a filter for location when we are checking our stash, but there was no reaction about it (SCM Newsfeed) i just requested as a separate request. SCM Newsfeed
26 September, 15:03
i hope eventually the missing objects appear. good luck with the move, that is always quite a mess
26 September, 15:04
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy
I like your idea !

Actually, the move was just from one room of our apartment to a smaller one. My daughter just became 18 and we wanted to give her a bigger room for her birthday...
Everything on my desk had been put in a grey plastic bag and, apparently, "somebody" mistook that bag for a bin liner and trashed it.
26 September, 20:09
that is painful .... 🙁
26 September, 21:41
Spanjaard » Feature requests
it will be great to have a filter for location/status etc when we are in stash page. it was suggesting that on SCM Newsfeed but since the original post was about stash location it may have gone unnoticed
2 26 September, 15:03

September 25, 2024

Eddie Mann » Feature requests
Until recently the "New topics" section would only hold a few entries, it is now going back to 21st February.
25 September, 17:38
Eddie Mann » Feature requests
Twitter (X) URL's are loading with two "";
Example: SCM Brand: Tomoprepa JP
On X:
25 September, 17:30
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy » Feature requests
Is there a possibility to add einther a "Note" or a weblink to a book?
Some of the very old books can only be gotten in PDF format.
For one of my projects, I found this: westernfrontassociat..8-pounder-field-gun/
I just added this book to the DB, but have no way to share the link.
1 25 September, 10:53

September 23, 2024

Schwarzadler » Feature requests
I never disabled to comment on any of my albums but I noticed suddenly it was disabled on some of them without me disabling it. What's wrong?
23 September, 19:35
Eric V » Feature requests
Will there be an app for iPhone and Android in the future?
2 23 September, 18:31
AndreasK » Feature requests
On the club pages, link to upcoming events are missing, even though an event links to the organising club:

33. Modellbau-Ausstellung PMC Main-Kinzig (28. and 29. September, Gelnhausen DE)
23 September, 10:18
Francky » Feature requests
could this kind of page ALCE617 Mil-Spec Olive Drab (BS381C-298), Alclad II Matt, Enamel, 30ml

be improved with a filter to select particular brands of paint?

Or am I missing the obvious again 🙂
10 September, 13:57
You can filter to your preferred paint ranges clicking "my"?
21 September, 14:54
I have updated my preferred paint ranges in my profile, and now it indeed works. Clicking "my" gives me the options for the above ALCE 617 paint where I previously got nothing suggested.

Problem solved, but perhaps a bit disturbing from a a technical point of view. 🙂
23 September, 09:54

September 22, 2024

Ben M » Feature requests
The topics page has layout issues on iPhone:
Topics page layout bug | Album by uhrwerk
22 September, 23:17

September 21, 2024

Ben M » Feature requests
The "like" button is getting slower and slower. This has been noticeable for some weeks on both iOS and desktop browsers. Sometimes the "like" doesn't take effect. I just noted it took 4 seconds on desktop. Because it takes so long sometimes I click a second time and then unlike, and then a third time to like again.

Not sure anyone else is experiencing this?
All comments (6) » 6 10 September, 21:56
Eddie Mann
OK here, thanks.
21 September, 19:30
Ben M
Seems much more consistent and <= 1s.

Thank you!
21 September, 23:47

September 20, 2024

theta » Feature requests
Hello there. Ever since joining a year ago, I've been getting "Bad Gateway 502" errors occasionally, maybe once every 3-4 weeks. It happens on my phone as well as my computer. It goes away after a few hours. Do you know why this is happening? Thanks for looking into this, and keep up the great work. Love the site.
All comments (5) » 20 September, 03:36
Ben M
It occurs while the author of the site is making changes / doing maintenance.
20 September, 11:50
Mr James
Ah, I didnt think of that.
20 September, 12:09

September 16, 2024

Chester S. A. Reginald Berwick, Duke of ... » Feature requests
It appears that filling in multiple topics for books is not possible. This feature could be quite useful, for example, in the following situation:
Book: Aichi D3A ('Val') & Yokosuka D4Y ('Judy') (by M. C. Richards, Donald S. Smith)

Aichi D3A ('Val') & Yokosuka D4Y ('Judy') (Profile Publications 241)
15 September, 22:07
I got a book about the Mistel. Here the Ju- 88, Bf-109 and FW-190 would be useful.
16 September, 17:29

September 15, 2024

Llyr » Feature requests
A random selector button for my stash so when you don’t know which kit to build then you can press this button and it selects a kit for you.
15 September, 21:00
Alexander Grivonev
you can download your stash as a PDF at the end of your stash page. It will be listed with numbers, then you can use a random number generator online.

This one is good:
15 September, 21:10

September 14, 2024

Paul Walsham » Feature requests
Is there a good way to link to printable stl files on sites like cults and thingyverse? Or have a way to sell your own stl files directly from
14 September, 13:01

September 4, 2024

Yodafan » Feature requests
Hi, not sure if you are aware, but it doesn't look like the Stash Sort is working for "Relevance". Doesn't matter which you select it just sorts by "A-Z". Thanks
30 August, 18:20
unless i am mistaken, relevance does not short the items your stash, but the labels for the filters.for example, if you apply it on scale on your stash, you get
1:72 (36)
1:48 (11)
1:144 (4)
1:24 (2)
1:32 (1)
1:600 (1)


Sort: RelevanceA » Z
1:24 (2)
1:32 (1)
1:48 (11)
1:72 (36)
1:144 (4)
1:600 (1)

relevance will short those items by the number of elements, while A-Z, just shots alphabetically
30 August, 20:16
it indeed sorts the filters, not the stash
31 August, 05:54
So on the video showing how to use the stash it shows it being listed by category. If I remember correctly the example used was adding a helicopter kit which automatically appeared under a heading of "Aircraft - Helicopters".
I, perhaps wrongly, assumed this was achieved by selecting relevance. How do I get that please
4 September, 23:17
Bren Sheehan » Feature requests
Is there an option to get notified if an item on my wishlist becomes available in the marketplace?
All comments (8) » 4 14 February 2022, 14:35
Bren Sheehan
Excellent job SCM!
4 September, 09:35
Boris B
And it works too ! I put a new kit for sale and within a couple of days, two people were inquiring about it, and it's sold now.
Great feature !
4 September, 21:29
D. Ninetalis » Feature requests
Is there actually a dark mode for the website? If so I can’t see where to select it, and if not, we really should have had that by now.
1 3 September, 18:19
Eddie Mann
It is WIP.
4 September, 10:18
D. Ninetalis
I see, I hope we can have that soon then! 🙂
4 September, 11:56

September 3, 2024

Mike711 » Feature requests
I keep trying to add this item to my stash and if I go into the item page it says it is in my stash but if I go to my stash it's not there? I also can't get it to come up in the search option either?
Full scale Sopwith factory decal (Wingnut Wings 9110007, 1:1)
I'm a bit confused as to how I even found it on here now in the first place 😂
Any help would be greatly received.
3 September, 07:26
i think you copied and pasted the name from your previous post, instead of the link.... here it is since i see both posts in the newsfeed Full scale Sopwith factory decal (Wingnut Wings 9110007, 1:1) it will be easier for our webmaster

3 September, 11:44
Ahh, thanks, spot the newbie! 😂😂
3 September, 16:07
Skyhiker » Feature requests
The map on the store locator isn't working again.
2 September, 15:11
The same for the Hobby Event Locator.
3 September, 11:52

August 30, 2024

Scott S » Feature requests
Is there a feature in the news feed to hide or mute user posts temporarily, or throttle how many posts are seen from a user per day? For example, a lot of people use the site for inventory and project management, but this can spam the news feed when they add all of their items at once. This inevitably happens because we all have stuff to add and it's easier to do it all at once. But recently I was following a few projects on the news feed and they all got pushed out of the way by one user who was managing their project inventory and adding a lot, probably over 30 projects. No offense to the user but I was unhappy to see all the recent projects disappear from the feed.

Or is there a way to filter the news feed to track only ongoing projects, not completed ones? This is the interesting thing about Scalemates, its both for individuals to manage their work, but also for other people to view the work of others, so balancing them is an unusual problem. Thanks.
All comments (19) » 2 2 October 2023, 14:50
fantastic, thanks a lot!!
17 August, 20:27
Scott S
Thank you Scalemates.
30 August, 16:26

August 27, 2024

dragonmaster16 » Feature requests
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but can a dark mode be made possible.
2 22 August, 13:20
Yes, please. That would be great.
26 August, 15:24
Eddie Mann
It is WIP.
27 August, 17:09

August 24, 2024

Chris Harbour » Feature requests
Would it be possible to add a required paint list to the kit listings, one that could be copied to send to a supplier. Thanks
All comments (16) » 3 26 December 2019, 00:27
On top of the screen we have a wide band in the "exact color" and under that we have the colors offered by the different brands that sometimes deviate a bit from the correct color.

Would it be possible to give a small rectancle left of the brand colors with the exact color so we can compare each one of them with the exact color?
24 August, 14:10
That band is already visible on the left next to each color?
24 August, 14:30
Robert Stappers@Feature Requests
It would be very welcome to know who is looking after the kit, I am offering. Is there a clever/fast method for this? Maybe via automatic messaging in Scalemates?
1 13 July, 12:55
Hi Robert

Yes agree with you coordinating wish list with selling list.

By the way I am interested with couple of your kit's especially Matcbox

14 July, 13:32
Robert Stappers
Please let me know which kits. Maybe I can make a good deal for you.
Regards, Robert
21 July, 08:54
Robert Stappers
24 August, 14:27
Spanjaard » Feature requests
is there a problem today with upload images. i tried to create an album and upload a picture and i could not add the image. tried both in desktop and phone. both failed.
1 24 August, 11:28
it failed also with pictures that i have uploaded before to albums. so maybe we are running out of space again?
24 August, 11:30
fixed 👍
24 August, 12:18
it works, thanks!
24 August, 13:22
Dan M » Feature requests
I hope I'm posting this in the right place.
I'm trying to add a new Games Workshop figure (52-62) and when I'm trying to upload the cover image, which is a 123KB jpeg file it gives this error message: Couldn't copy the file!
24 August, 10:18
I have the same problem.
24 August, 10:57
fixed 👍
24 August, 12:19

August 23, 2024

HyunMo Koo » Feature requests
This is a just some shower thoughts (well actually I'm in the bathroom sitting on the throne) but maybe we could have some sort of barcode scanner? If you upload picture while accessing scalemates (maybe using your phone or other devices with camera) it can scan the barcode and auto recognize the kit or something like that.
All comments (23) » 1 6 June, 13:46
That is good news! I'll check FF on Android as well
23 August, 18:38
Cool video! Thx for sharing
23 August, 20:46

August 22, 2024

Justin F » Feature requests
Hello, we can specify a storage location for stash items (i.e. room, shelf, box). Would it be possible to look up a particular storage location to see all the items in it? maybe in the right-hand menu? thanks.
2 22 August, 09:19
you can enter different location for each kit. click on + sign and go to "storage"
22 August, 11:30
the filtering by stash location is not available in the filters. maybe that could be added
22 August, 11:33
Justin F
Thanks for clarifying that we can already specify a location. But a filter would be great so I can know what's in say a box without having to go through it. Thanks!
22 August, 20:10
filter would certainly be nice
22 August, 20:25
Anthony Green » Feature requests
Tim, I know this was one that we discussed a few years back but would be great if you can take another look at adding an option to scan bar codes. I was in a store the other day with lots of second hand kits and I wanted to look up a kit to see if I already had it in the stash or the wish list. The option to scan the code or a quick stash check would be helpful. Thanks
7 July 2023, 13:19
Early concept (and it works only on my desktop, not yet on my phone)

But the moment your camera detects a barcode, it will automatically do a lookup in the database and display your "manage stash" links
21 August, 21:29
Anthony Green
Tim, sounds great. Looking forwards to seeing this feature go live.
22 August, 12:35

August 21, 2024

Graham Holmes » Feature requests
Not sure whether this has been mentioned before, and I am certainly not sure of the technical requirements, but in a Facebook group a request came up to include a Bar Code Reader for faster upload of one's stash.

Is this possible?
All comments (9) » 17 February 2020, 14:46
Roughly 1400 items from my stash are now updated with correct EAN codes and packaging information. Anything that doesn't have a code is because none exists for the product.

Tim, can you update the Barcode form field width so all 13 digits are visible when entering data?
24 February 2020, 00:21
Early concept (and it works only on my desktop, not yet on my phone)

But the moment your camera detects a barcode, it will automatically do a lookup in the database and display your "manage stash" links
21 August, 21:29
Boris B » Feature requests
It seems that most of the buyers I hear from (that are not very familiar with the site) do not see the 'State' information concerning kits for sale. Is there a simple way to make this condition (better term) information more visible ?
1 20 August, 14:35
State icon is now only visible when it is actually filled in.
An additional label called "State" was added next to it

20 August, 15:27
Boris B
Great. I think 'Condition' is a better term in this case. Or 'Details' may also work, as a broader term.
21 August, 12:45
DunRig » Feature requests
I would like to bring my "model-shops" up to date. When I click the list of all shops under "Activities", I get a blank page. I use Vivaldi and not an Ad Blocker. What can I do ?
1 19 April, 12:22
21 August, 12:36
Eddie Mann » Feature requests
When viewing a single kit there are "Related products" listed, eg:
Cougar 6x6 MRAP Vehicle (Meng Model SS-005, 1:35)
When you do the same with a multi-topic kit there are no "Related products" listed, eg:
Pantsir S-1 (Zvezda 3698, 1:35)
Is this fixable?

1 26 November 2020, 21:16
Was this fixed in the mean time? If not i'll do it this week
19 August, 12:24
Eddie Mann
Related items are showing, thanks.
21 August, 05:36

August 20, 2024

Thomas Espe » Feature requests
Hi, Tim.

I don't know if this has been proposed/requested before, but would it be possible to implement a feature that would send you a notification if someone on the site puts something that is on your wishlist up for trading?
This could possibly be a feature that individual users could choose to enable or not (like the other notification settings in the preferences).

I know I can see which members of scalemates are selling if I go into the wishlist and look at the items, but it would be nice to get a notification if someone puts an item up for sale sometime after I have put it on my wishlist. Especially if no one has it up for sale at the time the item was put on the wishlist.
All comments (9) » 4 16 August 2020, 18:27
Nothing to do, It is enabled by default..

I retroactively created notifications for items added in the last 30 days (so you might have seen a few)

the option to turn it off will come soon
20 August, 14:26
Boris B
Great, thanks !
20 August, 14:32
David » Feature requests
Would there be any way of 'subscribing' to a kit/aftermarket/whatever that you have on your wishlist so that if someone flags one as 'for sale' you get a message?
All comments (12) » 2 17 January 2023, 17:41
Ben M
I got one. What a neat feature, thanks!
20 August, 03:31
Michael Kohl
A big thanx from me too. You efforts for the continuous improvement of this site with your ears very close to the pack are highly appreciated.
20 August, 07:26

August 19, 2024

Spanjaard » Feature requests
we have many filters for stores or for items sold by users. but it would be nice to be able to filter for those items that are already in your wishlist
All comments (10) » 1 19 November 2021, 17:27
I think this is implemented in the mean time:
when you visit a shop page (available when clicking on the logo of the shop = preferences) you will see all items from that shop which are also on your wishlist.
19 August, 15:21
i would disagree.... you can filter in your wishlist, but not by shop. and when you go to a shop, you see all that they have in your wishlist, but there are no filters.
19 August, 19:10
bughunter » Feature requests
For some of my biplane projects the only references are the "Windsock International" magazines. Could you please make it possible to link a specific issue to a project, like it is possible today with books? Today the line has only State|Storage, but no Projects.
That would be great! Thanks.
7 25 November 2023, 17:56
This is implemented! 👍
12 August, 18:53
What a wonderful worl^H^H^H^H Website 👍
Tried it and it works - Thank you very much!
19 August, 15:40
scalemates » Feature requests
The "Swap" label is written as "sw" for trade items
19 August, 15:26
19 August, 15:26
Boris B » Feature requests
Another feature that would make the Trade section more useful/active : would it be possible to get a notification when an item on our wish list becomes available, from a shop maybe, but even more so from another person on SM ?
People use the wish list more or less loosely, so maybe this could be an option in the notification settings, in case someone does not want to receive an automated message. Or maybe it could be a box to tick when adding an item to the wish list. It could say "Notify me when this item becomes available."
All comments (14) » 8 January 2020, 22:30
exactly 🙂
30 June 2020, 12:28
This is implemented for private sales of Kits and Books
19 August, 14:26
Robin (WhiteGlint) » Feature requests
Sorry, I hope it is right to post this here.
Lately I get notifications that mates answered my PM (I don't know which one that should be)

But when I click on the notification to see the related post it says that I do not have the required permission to see it or that it no longer exists.
1 22 October 2021, 10:48
yes, I had one like that yesterday. it may be possible that the thread has been made private.
22 October 2021, 13:46
yes this is likely it. I marked it as TODO. Notifications should not be triggered when this is the case
22 October 2021, 16:25
this is implemented
19 August, 14:24
Łukasz Gliński » Feature requests
I'd like to propose a sort of "backlog" view for projects.
It would be cool to have another mode (aside of "Status", "A-Z" etc.) to set them in sequential order (like the photos in albums), so I can plan what to start next.
Another idea that comes to my mind is project/album timeline view for projects, so I could see mine (or others) progress.
All comments (5) » 7 December 2020, 12:35
Łukasz Gliński
Haven't thought of that tbh 😄
19 August, 13:58
19 August, 14:00
Łukasz Gliński » Feature requests
One more thing - when searching for kits, could we get another dropdown section on the right to filter items in the stash only?
Somewhere here I mean: [img1]
1 19 August, 09:18
If you search your stash, don't you just go to your stash?
19 August, 11:48
Łukasz Gliński
On one hand yes, it just came to my mind when browsing kits in specific topic and I thought it could be nice to see if for example all kits in let's say 1/72 for this topic I have added to my wishlist.
But maybe it's just me - feel free to bin it 🙂
19 August, 13:51
David M » Feature requests
I notice that in a listing view, e.g. my stash, or a search results page, a magazine always says it's associated with exactly one project, no matter how many of my projects it might actually be associated with (including 0). For example, I have in my Stash once, associated with two projects, but in the listing view it says "Stash 1x| Projects 1x".
19 August, 13:50
Steven Van Dyck » Feature requests
While comparing on Scalemates which webstores sell the modelling products I'm looking for, one thing I'm missing is the books they have. If you watch a book page on Scalemates, the shop section is missing, though many of the modelling shops on Scalemates offer them. Would it be complicated to make this work like on the other product pages?
1 9 May 2021, 21:20
Sorry for the late reply, yes mapping books is unfortunately an even bigger nightmare for than mapping kits.
19 August, 12:34
charli181 » Feature requests
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but my thought here is when adding a kit, there is an area where you can add the colours/paints required by the kit, thus if someone else is ordering the kit, they can also order the paints at the same time.
1 4 September 2020, 04:21
This is now possible, although slightly different.

You can/should mark the colors eg. RLM02

That becomes a link pointing to all related colors.
19 August, 12:19
Boris B » Feature requests
Hi Tim, I just merged two entries for the 1:72 Toko P-63C and the deleted one had an instructions manual that does not seem to have carried over to the good one. Is that normal ? Should we transfer instructions manual by hand, or can it be automated ? B.
All comments (5) » 17 August 2020, 19:57
Boris B
Thanks ! It's transfered and merged again.

I will transfer manuals by hand now.
17 August 2020, 20:13
Started: move instruction sheets in case the better entry does not have any
19 August, 12:16
Starbase101 » Feature requests
When clicking the "Like" button on a thread, shouldn't the Like count increment immediately instead of only after a page reload? (Same for the "Unlike" button.)
1 11 August 2020, 00:03
This should be the case?
19 August, 12:14
Pierre » Feature requests
Hi, seems like I was hit by a bug: a kit I added to wishlist, moved to on order then to stash now sits on the on order page while showing Stash x1. Notifications for the moves did show on my wall.

Easy enough to fix on my end but I thought maybe it is worth mentioning.

It's the A-4F on gota

5 August 2020, 15:20
thx! checking
5 August 2020, 15:26
This should be fixed in the mean time
19 August, 12:10
Starbase101 » Feature requests
Please add an "[All]" checkbox at the top of filter lists that are longer than, say, 10. When there are over 100 topics or brands (or over 1000) and I want to see all except a few, it would be much quicker enabling all with one click and then uncheck the ones I'm not interested in than have to individually enable dozens or hundreds of checkboxes.
25 July 2020, 19:36
Moved to todo
19 August, 12:07
Starbase101 » Feature requests
In the "Add missing data" section of SCM Contributor Page maybe add a stand-out reminder/request to search the database for your item before adding it? There are a lot of incorrect duplicate entries in the database, probably because people simply don't check first to see if their item already exists before they proceed to add it. Having such a reminder/request could help cut down on the quantity of duplicate items added.
1 23 July 2020, 15:53
On it
19 August, 12:07
James C » Feature requests
Would it be possible to automatically subscribe to a topic, when a kit is added to the stash, and/or have a check box on the stash page to add all currently owned kits as favorite topics etc?

And would also be great if we could filter the news feed to exclude projects that are sill just "Ideas" (unstarted) or that don't have any accompanying albums etc.

For me personally, for the news feed, I would just prefer to only see new or updated work in progress albums, kit reviews and comments etc. Everything else is just clutter and borderline SPAM.

All comments (13) » 25 May 2020, 21:31
Rui S
Well, latelly I also was felling the Same, with the enormous quantity of "ideas" with nothing new, or popularity, to Say the least, in the POPULAR feed.
So thank you Jim C for asking for this changes. I completly agree with you.
Also thanks Tim for adressing this issues. 👍
26 May 2020, 23:42
Marked as fixed 🙂 (was fixed a long time ago, but this was stuck as TODO)
19 August, 11:59
Günther Debiscop » Feature requests
Maybe already requested, but it might be a good feature to select a default language for the user. I'm always getting Dutch, but I'd like to always have English as my preferred language.
All comments (7) » 1 28 April 2020, 10:47
If you click in google on a dutch link you will continue in dutch
28 April 2020, 14:41
This should not longer occur?
19 August, 11:57
Antonio Micheli » Feature requests
Hi all,
i think it could be a good idea to have the possibility to insert in the database, in addition to the instructions, the manufacturer's list of colors needed to complete the kit
All comments (8) » 10 April 2020, 13:21
Using decal options for designating manufacturer-suggested paint colors is not a good idea in my opinion - that section of a product's description should be DECAL options (some kits do actually come with multiple decal options). I think a separate paints list section would be better, and then clicking on a paint color can have functionality which clicking on a decal option would not have. (fyi, there exists multiple web sites hosting paint brand conversion tables for looking up color equivalencies)
14 April 2020, 13:17
This was solved a while ago, you can click on a color under Markings. From there you can see all similar colors from all brands or your personal favourites.
19 August, 11:56
Łukasz Gliński » Feature requests
When I search for kits, once I select "Kits", when screen refreshes, the label is switched to "Utensils", though all works like it should for "Kits"
19 August, 09:17
Weird, let me check
19 August, 11:49

August 18, 2024

Spanjaard » Feature requests
if you post on a message, and the thread is made private, you keep being notified of the updates, but you get an error if you try to see them. would be nice not to get those notifications
11 February 2023, 09:02
this is fixed
18 August, 18:47
18 August, 19:52
Spanjaard » Feature requests
I sent a message to a conversation, that it was open to everybody, suggesting that they change to private (it was about a purchase and I thought they were about to exchange private data). but now I still get notified when they post on it. of course I can not see the messages, but I am still getting the notifications. I would suggest that if a conversation (or post) is made private, those that can no longer read it, do not het notifications for it.
1 18 August, 09:42
this is fixed 👍
18 August, 18:46
18 August, 19:52
Mike Bird » Feature requests
Is it possible to add a feature to mute users? There are occasionally people who aren't breaking any rules, but where I'd like the option to never see their posts and replies.
All comments (17) » 7 26 May, 13:43
perfect!!! I love it 🙂
17 August, 20:23
Mike Bird
Love it, thank you so much for this and all your work! (Now off to the News Feed to put this into action 😂 )
18 August, 00:22

August 17, 2024

EchoTango » Feature requests
Is it possible to have more stores added for price comparisons?
I would like to see and please.
17 August, 08:23
Best is to reach out to your favourite shops and propose it to them.
17 August, 10:25

August 16, 2024

Tomas » Feature requests
Hello Tim, is there a reason, that creating a wallpaper with the own kits is not working for some quite time? I get only a black picture and I and I have tried it with different browsers and systems. Formerly it has worked. Will this be fixed again sometime?

Kind regards Tomas
1 29 July, 12:22
This is fixed 👍
15 August, 20:00
That´s great. Thank you.
16 August, 11:50
bughunter » Feature requests
Since there seem to be users who are bored with my build logs or postings, perhaps a mates-ignore-list would be appropriate so that they can better filter out my postings. Something along the lines of what exists in other forums.
5 8 February, 10:05
This is already possible.

If you click the gear icon just below a post you can put any post on "Hide" for whatever reason you think you want to hide it.

8 February, 15:26
This is implemented. Go to user profile > Actions. There is a new option "Hide"
16 August, 09:08
Wouter » Feature requests
Bug in item menu ''attached to projects'': When clicking on the title of the project it links to "Unknown project"
1 15 August, 19:45
this is fixed now 👍 (if not please let me know if it is for a kit/paint/book/magazine)
16 August, 08:02

August 15, 2024

Skyhiker » Feature requests
Comments on the kits (products) should be before related products so you can actually see what people have to say about it. Right now they are at the very bottom and sometimes you have to scroll forever.
Not yet decided
All comments (6) » 1 2 August, 21:08
Michael Kohl
I actually had the same idea as Skyhiker and occasionally refrained from commenting on a kit as I thought that it will not be recognised. I think his suggestion is a good idea.
15 August, 20:54
I personally think the comments should go directly after the marketplace and trade/swap.
15 August, 21:33
Spanjaard » Feature requests
getting error 502 (bad gateway) and/or logged out after just logged in, multiple times today
11 July, 09:00
This is fixed
15 August, 20:02
15 August, 20:05
pamaelho » Feature requests
Is it possible to link a magazine (or better an article in the table of contents) to a project.
1 23 October 2021, 18:20
No, not yet.

So you have a built project which is featured in a magazine?

Or do you want to link it as a reference?
29 October 2021, 16:36
I would like to link it as a reference. For instance an article about camouflage colours, or a photo feature.
30 October 2021, 09:40
This is implemented
15 August, 19:35
Starbase101 » Feature requests
When attempting to merge a book into its correct magazine equivalent and clicking the "Merge now" link, instead of performing the merge it shows duplicates of the green and red text boxes. No error message, no merge, and bugged merge interface.

1 10 January 2022, 08:15
merging books to magazines is not yet supported
10 January 2022, 08:23
Yes, but that's not what happens when you try merging a book into a magazine. Instead of reporting a "not yet supported" error message, it duplicates the merge interface text boxes.
10 January 2022, 08:29
There is now a new option "Merge to Magazine"
15 August, 19:13
AndreasK » Feature requests
I added colours to some projects to remember later what I used.
When one colour was empty, I removed it from my stash. Now it also disappeared from the project. Not what I intended...

Is there a different possibility to link colours permanently to projects without connection to the own colour stash?
1 30 April 2023, 14:07
do you remember the "Status" you gave to it and can you link the project please?
1 May 2023, 20:59
Curtiss SB2C Helldiver | Project by AndreasK (1:48)

Status of the project was/is completed.
The colour of concern is Mr. Hobby H58 which is now missing
2 May 2023, 05:55
this is fixed, you can now mark a paint as "trashed/lost/...", doing that will keep it visible under projects
15 August, 18:03
Wouter » Feature requests
If a stashed paint is on 0% remaining, maybe it would be useful to have a red border to it or different color text/background on the overview.
1 19 March, 20:55
Not exactly what you asked for, but this was implemented (+/-)
1) you can now move paint to the "Gone" tab. If it is 0% you can mark it as "trashed"
2) when showing "state info" in the overview you will see the red/orange/green indicators based on the % remaining
14 August, 21:50
15 August, 14:42
David Jung » Feature requests
Is it possible to search or filter results on the STL data file flag?
7 October 2021, 22:03
today it is not, moved to TODO
22 October 2021, 16:41
This is now implemented, when you have selected 'Kits' in search/stash/wishlist there is a new filter "Delivery type"
14 August, 12:01
David Jung
Cool. Thanks!
15 August, 00:19

August 14, 2024

Jonas » Feature requests
Hi Tim

With more and more people (like me) getting a good quality 3D resin printer, printing your own accessories becomes an option. I've even designed a few on my own (and a lot of tools). A few manufacturers (like Germania Figuren) already offer 3D printable STL files. These are mentioned here as "Digital:3D data file", but I could not find the option to "search" for these STL files specific. Apparently, it's just a checkbox somewhere under accessories, but they do not appear to be a "searchable" feature? Maybe I'm wrong?

Although it should not be the intention to turn SCM into another "Thingiverse", it might be a great feature to have the option of adding a specific category of " 3D printable (STL) Files" to share and download. These could be linked to a specific kit (for which they are designed). The scale would be only a "recommended scale" because it's easy to rescale them in your printer software. The "manufacturer" would be something like a " user-designed item". The possibility of adding the file to be downloaded would be obvious 🙂

A big issue might be "licensing". There probably should be indications of what you can or cannot do with the files. Downloading an STL and then start selling printed versions for profit, might not be what the designer had in mind. Thingiverse "solves" this issue with predetermined sets of "IP protection". Also to take into consideration.

I know, maybe this is a feature request that goes way beyond what SCM is supposed to do, but still... I was wondering what your opinion is.

All comments (9) » 14 March 2021, 11:28
Mike Bird
Etsy use "Item Format" for their "physical" vs "digital" filter. What about that?
14 August, 21:51
I like that 👍 thank you
14 August, 21:52
scalemates » Feature requests
When looking at your own stash with the option to display "Stash info", Colors/Paints don't show any extra info
1 14 August, 21:40
fixed 👍
14 August, 21:41
scalemates » Feature requests
Paints can not be marked as trashed/lost/gifted. Removing them from your stash (eg. because it is empty) also removes them from projects.

1 14 August, 21:14
14 August, 21:14
David Kranich » Feature requests
Could you add the Digital: 3D print category to the search keywords in the kit-database? I am currently a lot into 3D printing myself and from time to time, you see new releases with the label Digital:3D print file (or similar wording😅).
When you search through the kit database, you can't search for these items, directly, like you could with Full Kit, Detail Set, etc. Would be great to have the ability to filter for just these digital files!
3 16 July, 10:19
This is now implemented, when you have selected 'Kits' in search/stash/wishlist there is a new filter "Delivery type"
14 August, 11:57
David Kranich
Great, many thanks!
14 August, 19:06
Nicolas » Feature requests
Hi, is it possible to add "donated" for the removed kits? We got sone events here where donated kits are auctioned /sold for good causes like cancer or alzheimer help.
All comments (6) » 5 8 May, 17:56
This was added
14 August, 13:49
14 August, 18:01
Tim Sloan » Feature requests
With the growing additions of 3D print files being added, it would be nice to be able to find them there's no way to search for a "type" so,unless I'm already aware of an available file,there's no way to find others that might be available.
1 13 August, 17:13
This is now implemented, when you have selected 'Kits' in search/stash/wishlist there is a new filter "Delivery type"
14 August, 11:57
Tim Sloan
I dont see it anywhere...I clicked on "Kits" on the tool bar above (im on PC) ..scrolled down, and I dont see anything that says "Delivery type" ...I also searched for a specific name ..and in the side bar..I still see nothing that says that. I appreciate you adding it though..I just dont see it
14 August, 15:18
Can you recheck please?
14 August, 16:05
Tim Sloan
yes its there now thankyou thats awesome!
14 August, 17:31
Maxime Leca » Feature requests
ajouté un filtre pour voir, tout les fichier STL téléchargeable
1 20 January, 18:41
This is now implemented, when you have selected 'Kits' in search/stash/wishlist there is a new filter "Delivery type"
14 August, 12:01
Alchemik » Feature requests
Since is 3d printing is getting more popular and there are entries for with digital data file it would be great if those type of kits and detail set have own filter
best regards Filip Orebski
1 6 January 2023, 17:28
This is now implemented, when you have selected 'Kits' in search/stash/wishlist there is a new filter "Delivery type"
14 August, 11:57

August 13, 2024

Garvin Lee » Feature requests
I've been trying to update my personal stash, but have not been able to add "new magazines" and also see that the "new paint range" button is disabled. Will they be implemented in the future?
28 May, 16:04
I just added the option to add "new magazine" issues

Paint ranges are rarely needed, and can be requested on
Magazines (as in a range/series) are rarely needed, and can be requested on

12 August, 19:03
Garvin Lee
Thank you
13 August, 18:31
Eddie Mann » Feature requests
Hi again,
When working through "Latest additions without a topic", editing an item is taking CPU usage up to around 22%, Windows 11, MS Edge
All comments (5) » 1 19 April, 18:41
Luc B
works much faster now
12 August, 18:04
Eddie Mann
Working fine now, thank you.
13 August, 11:34
Eddie Mann » Feature requests
The "Country" option in "Markings" is showing UN flag on all.
All comments (5) » 21 April, 14:16
fixed 👍
12 August, 14:52
Eddie Mann
Thank you..
13 August, 11:26
Christian W » Feature requests
I found an issue: when I look up a model kit (for example "revell shelby series" - SCM Search: revell shelby series) I get an overview like supposed. Then I scroll down to the section with projects. In this case there is only one listed. But I know, that my brother built two.
I switch to the kit (07379) and there are his two project (Shelby Series 1 (Revell 07379, 1:25))
So the listing in the overview has some missing projects. 🙂

2 15 January, 06:05
We only find projects based on their title/description and not based on the brand of a kit.

The reason you find one because it has "Revell" in the title

I'll see if I can make this automatic
20 January, 15:33
Christian W
Maybe you can use the connection of a kit (number) to a project? Would this be possible?
From the doing the member is able to connect several kits to any project. So maybe the other way round (read out, which connections a kit to what project(s) or (?) album it has) can solve that?

Can you follow my thoughts?
24 January, 22:08
this is implemented 👍
12 August, 15:30
Christian W
Cool! Checked it. Thank you!
13 August, 10:34
scalemates » Feature requests
Provide the option to also login/register with your Google Account.
1 13 August, 07:22
Nicolas » Feature requests
I'm re-sorting my magazines this weedend because there isn't enough space. Doing so I checked if all the issues are in my stash. Doing so I discoverd 2 problems.
1: I had to search for nearly half an hour to find out how to add an new issue to an existing magazine series. Here it would help to add an link "Add Issue to existing Magazine Series" in the Contribtor Area. (similar to paints)
2: Off the about 100 issues of the Flugzeug Classic series I own are just obout 20 on Scalemates, and that due to the difficulties in finding the "add new issue" mostly as books. So what is the best way to fix this? Just adding the magazine issue and mark as double?
21 October 2023, 10:47
I tried to do as under 2, but it seams its not possible to mark a magazine as a double of a book. I just get an empty bracket and if I try to ckick on it there is a massage "Sorry this page does not exist". I also tried id with a few other magazines with the same result. How can I fix this?
23 October 2023, 18:56
will check next week 👍
1 November 2023, 10:46
1) implemented today
2) on TODO
12 August, 19:56
13 August, 04:47
Lance Osborne » Feature requests
I'd like to be able to associate magazines to a project.
2 20 June, 04:32
I requested this last year already. so please like to vote for it:
SCM Newsfeed

Another mate requested that too:
SCM Newsfeed
20 June, 08:09
Lance Osborne
Thanks for the heads up, I've voted for both. This would be a game changer for me as I reference a lot of magazines for my projects.
20 June, 17:47
This is implemented! 👍
12 August, 18:53
Lance Osborne
Woohoo, thank you!
13 August, 04:31

August 12, 2024

David M » Feature requests
Could it be made possible to associate a magazine with a project? I've some weathering magazines and would like to record which I've referenced for which project, so that when I look back I can see where I might have got techniques and tips from.
All comments (5) » 4 21 February, 08:00
This is implemented! 👍
12 August, 18:53
David M
Awesome! Thank you! 🙌
12 August, 23:17
Steven Van Dyck@Feature Requests
Embedded Youtube videos in the comments appear over the next few comments, maybe it has to do with the video not having a still shot and Youtube showing a placeholder. I saw this on my Samsung 5G phone.
Stage fright | Album by wilky (1:10)
All comments (14) » 1 6 May, 12:27
marked as fixed 👍
12 August, 19:54
Steven Van Dyck
OK, it looks fine now.
12 August, 21:56
Marc Bastide » Feature requests
Good day.
Is there a problem with the stash exporter?
I cannot export my stash content in PDF. With any option I get a blank page. It works wit started or Completed ....
I can also export in text format, but it is not so nice 🙂
1 1 April, 20:57
Hi Marc, this is fixed now. Your stash was too large and creating the PDF hit memory limits.

12 August, 19:51
Marc Bastide
Thank you. It's working fine.
12 August, 20:55
Nicolas » Feature requests
If I try to visit the Contributers area directly after login I'm loged out again. If I visit my stash od do a search it just works fine.
21 April, 10:50
I think this should be fixed now
12 August, 13:46
12 August, 17:17
Nicolas » Feature requests
Since a few days I have the problem that when editing the topic field the suggestions are not always displayed if you have typed a few letters. This can quickly lead to the same topic being created a second time with a different spelling (e.g. "-" instead of " "). Since this error occurs about every 3rd or 4th time, it helps to reload the page (several times if necessary).
4 10 February, 09:57
11 February, 09:26
Hi, I worked on some topics today and analyzed the problem in more detail. My internet speed sometimes fluctuates greatly (500 bit / sec to 200 mbit / sec ), the problem always occurs when the page is visually loaded but the loading clock is still running in the tab. I also found out that it is enough to click on another input field, as soon as the warning pops up I can click on the topic field again and the autocomplete function is activated.
11 February, 13:43
I made several improvements, this should be fixed or at least drastically improved?
12 August, 13:45
Just tried it. It's still not perfect,but a noticable improvement. 👍
12 August, 17:17
Nicolas » Feature requests
The overview map in the Event section semst to be broken. It's just a white section. I testet a few events, there the maps are working.
All comments (8) » 2 26 January, 06:58
this is fixed! thank you for your patience
12 August, 07:57
12 August, 17:13
scalemates » Feature requests
When searching, project entries should be listed have a better ordering. Now it is pretty random. The most interesting projects (=completed) should be show on top
12 August, 16:04
fixed 👍
12 August, 16:04
Bruce Probst » Feature requests
Counries list is missing "Southern Rhodesia (1935-53)", "Rhodesia and Nyasaland (1953-63)" and "Southern Rhodesia (1964-65)". Different flags for all three! (See Wikipedia entries.)
1 29 July, 02:52
thx! 3 extra options added
12 August, 14:49
Melgg Lütschg » Feature requests
The shop location on the map is not working. I tried PC (Microsoft Edge) and Mobile Phone (Safari).
2 24 April, 11:04
The maps in the Event section are not working too.
25 April, 06:01
this is fixed! thank you for your patience
12 August, 07:58
Melgg Lütschg
Great News!! Thank you so much
12 August, 09:04
Raphael Holzer » Feature requests
Good morning,
at the moment the map in the categorie "shops" doesn't work. I'd like to Tell you this.

4 27 May, 05:31
fixed 👍
12 August, 07:58
AndreasK » Feature requests
For me, the map on the Shops page is not working anymore. Just shows a grey area. Tested on chrome and duckduckgo on Android.
4 24 July, 21:05
May be this is the same problem as on Events? See here:
SCM Newsfeed
24 July, 21:21
I guess that makes sense. But unfortunately no solution yet, even though this was reported months ago.
Is this a problem only for some users or all?
25 July, 18:10
this is fixed! thank you for your patience
12 August, 07:57
Skyhiker » Feature requests
The map in the shops page isn't working for me. Does anyone else have this problem?
All comments (5) » 3 25 July, 15:53
Thanks Eddie, I scrolled through the posts but they were not in the same order. I hope this issue can be fixed. A friend of mine is going to another country and I wanted them to pick up something I can't get where I am at. It would have been helpful if the map was working.
26 July, 00:01
this is fixed! thank you for your patience
12 August, 07:57


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