banco de dados de modelismo | gerenciador de estoque


jim green
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
1 26 March, 02:46
Mark K
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
26 March, 02:38
jim green
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
10 25 March, 05:41
Rui S
An eye catcher 👍
 25 March, 11:08
Alex K
 25 March, 16:13
jim green Autor
 26 March, 01:05
Ben M
Holy cow that's tiny
 26 March, 01:22
jim green Autor
Hi Ben.Yes, but it's exquisite.
 26 March, 02:09
Andrea Brenco
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
6 22 February, 00:15
Rui S
I'm in 😎
1  19 March, 11:35
Alec K
1  19 March, 12:23
Desert Marlin
Looks like some "Field Maintenance" is in progress! Could be a fine diorama!
 26 March, 01:54
Chris S Kim
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
1 25 March, 23:37
Desert Marlin
Looks awesome! I'm working on a 1:32 scale F-15I Ra'am!
 26 March, 01:52
Josh R.
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
7 imagens
Kawasaki Z2 750RS '73View album, image #4Novo: 26 March, 01:43
Frame, engine, and suspension have come together
1:12 Kawasaki Z2 750RS '73 (Aoshima 064320)
4 12 March, 02:11
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
9 imagens
Toyota TS050View album, image #1
I spend 2 days trying to get this mask set up to paint the area red.....only to realize I haven't got the correct shade ...
Projeto: Toyota TS050
1:24 Toyota GAZOO Racing TS050 Hybrid (Tamiya 24349)1:24 Toyota TS050 Hybrid Gazoo Racing #7 #8 2019 LM/Spa (Shunko Models SHK-D387)
12 25 February, 18:42
George Williams
Nice cockpit.
 27 February, 11:04
 17 March, 16:27
Xu Ho
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
21 12 March, 18:13
Xu Ho Autor
Note for Mig-17:
The most challenging part of this build was the camouflage painting. To replicate the correct pattern, I went through a lot of reference photos. Unfortunately, historical images of the actual 3020 aircraft are extremely scarce, and the museum displays are mostly replicas, which made things even more difficult. In the end, I decided to base the design on the few available photos (which only show one side) and add my own interpretation to complete the rest.

For the painting technique, I used light misting to create soft, feathered edges, and carefully built up paint in certain areas to replicate the sharp edges seen in the original photo. Before starting the camouflage, I applied MIG's chipping fluid as a base, since I planned to use the hairspray chipping method later.

At one point, I considered tracing the camouflage pattern from the photo onto masking paper for a more accurate spray job. However, that method would only produce hard-edged camouflage, which couldn't capture the variation I wanted, so I ultimately abandoned that approach.
1  22 March, 00:41
Mark K
Beautifully done. Thanks for explaining your technique - great result!
1  22 March, 01:24
Ok. I'm in. Let's see the rest!
1  22 March, 02:05
Johan Bjurling
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
5 25 March, 23:34
Desert Marlin
Reminds me of a scene from the movie "Gorky Park"...
 26 March, 01:06
Desert Marlin
Very well done!
 26 March, 01:06
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
39 imagens
Me-262 in-flight and on the groundView album, image #39Novo: 26 March, 00:03
decals and panel wash. I may give it a other layer of clear to seal the wash
Projeto: flying circus
1:144 USAAF P-38J "Yippee" (Minicraft Model Kits 14668)1:144 Messerschmitt Me 262A-1a (Trumpeter 01319)1:144 Messerschmitt Me-163B Komet (Brengun BRP144004)45+
19 1 October 2018, 21:18
Spanjaard Autor
not much time for modelling lately, in fact the last pictures were taken more than a month ago 🙁
i think I am over-complicating this project......
 17 December 2018, 21:13
Martin Oostrom
Not really serious:
A bit more serious:
More serious of the three:

Can't wait for the end of this project....
 17 December 2018, 21:26
Greg Baker
It's impossible to over complicate a build...😉
 17 December 2018, 22:22
Spanjaard Autor
Thanks for the links Martin, I will keep the pictures of 111712 for future 262 builds (in bigger scale). The others,....well, colorful, true but 100%whatif😉
Thanks Lode. Unfortunately not having much modelling time lately, and none expected in the coming weeks
Greg, what can I say? 😄
 18 December 2018, 09:17
Spanjaard Autor
need to close this one so maybe i can paint it together with the zeros....
 9 May 2022, 15:28
Spanjaard Autor
A bit of artistic license in this one, but I think I like it as it is. Close to the finish line now....
 22 July 2022, 08:18
Greg Baker
Oh, I like that. Get your artistic license renewed! You're putting it to good use!
 23 July 2022, 06:17
David R. Meizoso
Great job! I agree with Greg.
 23 July 2022, 08:23
Spanjaard Autor
Thanks guys!
 23 July 2022, 10:31
Martin Oostrom
Great paint work in this small scale Spanjaard!
 23 July 2022, 19:11
Spanjaard Autor
thanks a lot Martin 🙂
 24 July 2022, 08:46
John Mc
Nice work. Love the idea to hold it for painting.
 6 August 2022, 20:23
Simon Nagorsnik
Looks good so far, wish you luck for the next steps👍
 6 August 2022, 20:34
Spanjaard Autor
Thanks John and Simon. Next steps are just masking/painting de canopy, decals, a layer of future and some panel wash, some simple rigging/antenna, so it should easy. I doubt I will try to do the thin white lines again
 9 August 2022, 09:51
Erik Leijdens
Nice work so far on these tiny Schwalbes Spanjaard, must be hard to handle such small models!
 9 August 2022, 10:08
Spanjaard Autor
models are ok, the PE for the cockpits can be quite some fun.... the 262 has only a few details. but the Spitfire has basically a full PE cockpit 😛
 9 August 2022, 11:33
Desert Marlin
Nicely done!
 26 March, 01:05
Jose Freire
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
27 6 August 2023, 16:53
Gary Curling
 13 March, 17:57
Jose Freire Autor
Thanks for the compliment Gary.
 14 March, 08:27
Lovely result!
 14 March, 08:48
Jose Freire Autor
Thanks for you compliment gorby
 15 March, 02:05
Arnold Mertens
nicely done. Nice paintjob on the D-Day stripes and camouflage pattern
 16 March, 19:12
Jose Freire Autor
Thanks Arnold, not so bad for my first time doing D-Day stripes on a build.
1  17 March, 10:09
Rui S
Great work, indeed 👍
 26 March, 00:11
Desert Marlin
Always love to see a fine Tempest!!!
 26 March, 01:05
jim green
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
8 25 March, 18:10
Robert Podkoński
Good job!
 25 March, 18:23
Rui S
Excellent small scale paintjob 👍
 25 March, 18:33
jim green Autor
 26 March, 01:05
Tatsuto Toyonaga
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
2 25 March, 23:16
Ben M
 26 March, 01:02
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
7 21 March, 10:01
Interested in this build. 🙂
1  23 March, 15:57
Markus Meyer
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
23 24 March, 17:57
Rui S
Beautiful Dio. Great work 👍
 25 March, 11:37
Adam Gudynowski
Looks so great!
 25 March, 13:25
Adam Gudynowski
Lighting is key here. Do You mind sharing your photo studio setup?
 25 March, 13:28
Alex K
I like how things "escalated" into this Berlin Cold War dio! 👍
 25 March, 16:01
Major Oak
Great dio well done 👏
 25 March, 16:13
Awesome, nice idea
 25 March, 16:53
Clair Greenwood
Thats totally awesome,. Love that idea 🙂
 25 March, 23:43
Danny Ray
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
7 20 March, 11:36
Lorraine Lin
3  20 March, 13:49
Clair Greenwood
At 55 years old here it's really hard to stand on my head, if you go into advanced settings you can turn your photo's to face correctly. I know because I have to fix all of mine too. Have fun with the photo etch, thats actually my favorite part of building a model. You'll need a folding jig to do really nice bends, and for glue I've used and had great results with Clear Nail Polish, Microscale's Micro Kristal Klear, Mig Ultra Glue, and of course super glue. For positioning I do a 2 step process when my pe part is ready to install, first a tiny dab of Microscale's Micro Liquitape and let it dry a few minutes till it turns clear. It in now sticky like a very light adhesive and can be placed and manipulated into just the right position, then a dab of your choice of glue. If you go with any brand super glue and it's the thin kind I highly recommend a Glue Looper set, very cheap and will last forever. Clean up old glue on the tip with a cigarette lighter. Good luck and I hope you enjoy your build 🙂
1  20 March, 18:44
Danny Ray Autor
I've done a terrible job with my first ever part.
Glue looper? Why have I never heard of these things? lol we are practically twins. Well, I'm 56. With the modelling skills of a 5 year old 😳😂
 20 March, 22:01
Danny Ray Autor
@lorraine are there actual female modellers? Clair is that a male name where you live? Surely there aren't 2 female modellers on earth? I'm showing my 1970's attitude here. 😳😂
By the way Lorraine cute cat. I have a dog but he's scared of cats. In fact he's even scared of doors! lol
 20 March, 22:03
Lorraine Lin
Danny, female modelers are relatively fewer in China, especially military modelers. But we do exist😜 And I also see many females in this community.

2  20 March, 23:38
Clair Greenwood
Thats ok Danny, Im 55 and act about 5 lol. I get along with my 3 year old grand daughter on the same level 🙂 Clair is a dude unless there's an e on the end usually. I have 2 cats, the one is super skittish, I remember when he was a kitten he farted, it scared him n he ran a good 15 feet before turning around to look at his butt. Hahaha
2  21 March, 00:06
Clair Greenwood
Oh and to get that paper off use some nail polish remover. It dissolves super glue pretty quick. Then touch it up.
1  21 March, 00:12
Great conversation going on here!

I have to catchup:

1st - I'm in the same age bracket at 59 with the modelling ability of a 90 year old who can't find his glasses 🙂

2nd - whats this I here about using a lighter to cleanup the tip on glue! How does that work? Is it for super glue cleanup? I'm always dealing with nasty clogs.

3rd - Where I live in Canada we have very few female modellers. In fact, I have never seen one. I have a theory that females can be amazing modellers because of small fingers. I don't have fat sausage fingers but they are big enough to get in the way of intricate work.

4th - @Danny I know another modeller on here named Jennifer. She is relative new to the hobby and already quite good. Lorraine's work is amazing!

Lastly - I have cats. I use to have dogs when I was younger, but now it's cats. They drive me crazy and I think the little assassins are trying to kill me, but I love them to bits.
1  21 March, 03:48
Danny Ray Autor
I love this site. So much good advice and just when I felt like giving up I get lots of lovely people encouraging me to carry on. Thank you. I also need to give a shout out to Jakko. I drive him crazy with almost daily questions and he's never once told me to stop and leave him alone! 🙂

@Rui, I'd love to see a few more females in the hobby. In fact I need a new wife and one who could help me build a model would be a definite bonus. It's all about the lack of sausage fingers, as you say 😂
2  21 March, 07:02
Lorraine Lin
For PE parts, I use lighter to clean up the instant glue. It works very well, 100% burned up.

And sometimes, I wish I had a third hand, help me to hold the small parts so I can glue them together😛
2  21 March, 08:33
Thomas Mayer
Remove superglue from a glue looper, a needle, blade, or whatever metal item you use, by holding it into the flame of a lighter. Let the tool cool of, remove residue with a paper towel.
1  21 March, 08:53
Thomas Mayer
Glue loopers:
SCM Search: Glue applicators looper*
1  21 March, 08:54
Danny Ray Autor
Thanks Thomas.
@lorraine a third hand would be invaluable! In fact on a serious note are there items you can get to help with that? I often find myself wishing I had something to place a model in when I need to add a tricky part. I bought a small jewellers vice that I sometimes use but if there are other devices I'd love to try one!
 21 March, 10:35
Lorraine Lin
I bought a soldering helping hands in electronics store. It helps sometimes.
2  21 March, 12:04
Danny Ray Autor
I think I'll get one too Lorraine. By the way I'm seriously impressed at your skill. Are you a professional model maker? Or something similar? Film business?
 21 March, 23:30
Robert H.
I have the same kit on my workbench right now, take care the instructions have a few errors and some missing steps to do, just in case you haven't noticed
1  22 March, 10:43
Lorraine Lin
Danny, I'm not a professional modeler. Building
models is just a hobby in my spare time. I've learned a lot of skills in this community.
3  22 March, 15:23
Clair Greenwood
I have 3 or 4 helping hands of different sizes but this one is on my "snag it eventually" list : , should prove handy when I am repairing electronics as well.

1  22 March, 19:12
Danny Ray Autor
@Robert yeah I've noticed one error so far. I bet yours comes out a lot better than mine!
 23 March, 17:35
Danny Ray Autor
@Clair, thanks I'll look at that. I think I'll buy one! 🙂
 23 March, 17:35
Danny Ray Autor
@lorraine how long have you been modelling? You really are skilled. I'm very new to it but I think it'd take me at least a decade to get to your level!
 23 March, 17:37
Robert H.
@Danny, t's not about better, it's just about fun !! and you learn and get better with every model you build - may you've noticed that K3 and K4 track parts the designations are swapped, some drill holes that need to be made are not shown, best you download the instructions of the original Academy kit, last page shows some corretions ....
3  23 March, 21:34
Clair Greenwood
Well said Robert, without having a fun time we'd all be doing something else instead.
3  23 March, 23:29
Lorraine Lin
@Danny, about 6-7 years. Agree with Robert and Clair, it's all about having a fun time. I enjoy those few hours late at night when I build models. I can fully immerse myself and forget about other worries. And I also enjoy to learn and to share with all the friendly mates here.
3  24 March, 03:21
Danny Ray Autor
I agree but I'm at the stage where I'm messing everything up. I think it'll be a lot more fun when I get a bit better and I have a system for doing things. I mostly make (so far. I have 61 kits and about 2/3rds are AFV) tanks. Can't decide whether it's better to spray the wheels and tracks before adding them or once they're glued in place. I'm veering towards the 'before' scenario. Same with the tools and things like machine guns and rifles (from my universal carrier). I don't feel confident at all with figures. In fact I'd even say they scare me. 😳😂
 24 March, 16:13
Robert H.
@Danny, take it easy, may start with your more simple kits, to mess something up sometimes is part of the never ending learning process and fortunely on armour models you can easy hide a mistake by covering it with something, at least mostly 😉 I airbrush the assembled main groups, hull, turret, wheels, tracks... separately. I also glue small things like tools before airbrushing to the hull, I've no problem to paint small things with a fine brush after... just look always what makes more sense. Figure painting is also not such a big deal, many tuturial on YT, start with simple guides.... and don't try to paint eyes, mostly not necessary at all 😮
1  25 March, 12:26
Clair Greenwood
Danny bro,. you didn't mess anything up... Thats the beauty of modelling war machines, Battle Damage 🙂 I've been building models on and off since '74 and I still make colossal goofs here and there. I was doing a Santa Maria all wood kit and guess what, I goofed and cut off in scale probably about 10 feet on the poop deck. I just planked and kept going, now it's a pee deck that bring your own bottle Hahahaha. We all screw up dont fret just learn and do better on the next one buddy 🙂 As for painting, I always paint parts separately, my hands shake a good bit anymore so I'd make one hell of a mess if I didnt.
 25 March, 23:40
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
17 25 March, 13:34
Łukasz Gliński
Very nice 👍
1  25 March, 13:45
Alex K
Lovely. 👍
1  25 March, 15:59
Mathieu CACAULT Autor
Salut ; merci @ Łukasz Glińskiet @Alex K pour vos commentaires 🙂
 25 March, 16:49
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
1  25 March, 17:36
Mathieu CACAULT Autor
Salut , merci Villiers de Vos 🙂
 25 March, 17:37
Robert Podkoński
1  25 March, 18:25
Mathieu CACAULT Autor
Salut , merci Robert Podkoński 🙂
 25 March, 18:26
Rui S
A Beauty, indeed 👍
 25 March, 18:43
Lovely Catalina and diorama. Well done!
 25 March, 18:53
Jose Freire
May I suggest to put a pic of the completed model as a teaser? This build deserves it.
 25 March, 23:03
beautiful Catalina
 25 March, 23:34
Johan Bjurling
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
3 25 March, 23:12
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
6 23 February, 17:34
George Williams
Nice start.
 24 February, 03:09
Nigel Chapman
Oh yes, looks fantastic
 25 March, 23:13
Tatsuto Toyonaga
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
7 22 May 2024, 01:06
Johan Bjurling
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
2 25 March, 21:24
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
74 imagens
CB90View album, image #68Novo: 25 March, 22:40
Projeto: CB90
13 27 April 2024, 05:34
 20 November 2024, 06:38
Rui S
Looking Great 👍
 18 March, 17:58
Edouard Carr
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
3 12 March, 21:26
Following, great start.
 17 March, 13:45
Michael Kohl
Me too.
 19 March, 12:14
Ben M
 19 March, 13:45
Rudy Poseika
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
10 imagens
P47 D razor backView album, image #10Novo: 25 March, 22:14
Cockpit, say bye when canopy added!
1:72 P-47D "Razorback" (Academy 12492)
6 13 March, 20:48
 16 March, 10:57
Rui S
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
126 9 March 2015, 02:53
Kim Branders
Good work. Grtz Kim.
 9 March 2015, 07:05
Es-haq Khosravi
Great job!
 9 March 2015, 07:59
Rui S Autor
Thank you for your comments. Very old italeri kit. Waited for years for a zimmerit solution...
1  9 March 2015, 15:53
Rui S Autor
Kim, Coming from an real Expert in the subject like you, is a great complement, Thanks.
 9 March 2015, 19:06
Kim Branders
I'm not an expert, just someone shares the same hooby like you. Keep up the good work mate.
 10 March 2015, 07:03
Kim Branders
I meant hobby😉
 10 March 2015, 07:03
Rui S Autor
HeHeHe. For me your work is great, so if not an Expert I'm sure you are a Great modeller.
 10 March 2015, 14:46
Marko Paakkanen
Very nice tree !😉

Nice dio coming!
 11 March 2015, 17:46
Rui S Autor
Thanks Marko. Yes a small one that also died early...
 11 March 2015, 18:26
Donald Medley
Love your base
 18 March 2015, 15:07
Rui S Autor
Thank you Donald, the finished one is in the photo19
 18 March 2015, 15:25
Tim Heimer
I love the detail work, just awesome!
 22 March 2015, 01:12
Rui S Autor
Thank you very much Timothy. It's on hold, because I thought in put some figurines in the tank and a horse rider or so in the trail next to it. I'm not very good in figurine faces... I've yet to try the oils on them😉
 22 March 2015, 01:22
Donald Medley
You'll love working with oils, trust me
 22 March 2015, 11:10
Fabian D.
Your solution for the Zimmerit is genious. Nice finish aswell.
 22 March 2015, 11:49
Donald Medley
Very nice indeed
 22 March 2015, 19:13
Rui S Autor
Thank you very much for your kind words Fabian, and Donald... as I wrote the kit waited years for a Zimmerit solution... All my latest projects are missing the figurines hehe...
 22 March 2015, 20:22
Tim Heimer
Hey I know the pain of not doing faces as well, but all we can do is learn from others and do what fits our liking
 22 March 2015, 22:50
Rui S Autor
Agree. I Think the most important is practice... A lot, with new technics. I'm confident that with oils it's going to be better...
 22 March 2015, 22:57
Rui S Autor
Some ad on photos. I thought to put some figurines on the side track but for now, I'm going to try a messenger...
 20 June 2016, 16:17
Wesley De Braekeleir
Ubercool!!! Love your work sofare! Very beautiful camo pattern on the elefant! 😉
 11 December 2016, 20:30
Rui S Autor
Thank you very much for your nice comments, mates.
Much appreciated :
 12 December 2016, 11:04
Damn Rui, that camo pattern is wicked! The mud effects are also impressive!
 21 September 2024, 00:14
Mr James
I agree with CaptGPF, also that tree is really good. What did you use as leaves Rui ?
 21 September 2024, 00:42
Rui S Autor
@ CaptGPF, Thank you for your comment. I hope you liked that Wicked 😄 😉 this Is an old project that is on hold as well as the photos. I hope to take better photos and complete it.
@ Mr James Thank you for your Nice words. I hope you also liked that Wicked 😄 The tree is a bonsai that had died, I cut some leaves because they were too big. If I remember correctly, I spread small wood shavings and other natural ones that I had in my vegetation stash on the ground.
Also, I thank the new likes. Apreciated
 21 September 2024, 11:48
Mr James
Ah, its a Bonsai tree. No wonder it looks so good. 🙂
 21 September 2024, 11:53
Rui S Autor
I'm very happy to say that I've returned to my mancave this weekend after a to long hiatus.
So to start I preferred a lighter job, although painting horses is not, in my opinion, easy.
Let's see what this will give...
 29 September 2024, 21:02
Alec K
Nice to see you back at the bench, and another shelf queen resurrected. Horse looks great imho 👍
 30 September 2024, 11:52
Great job breathing life into an old kit, and I can't think of a better use for a dead bonsai tree! Looking forward to the finish!
 30 September 2024, 12:22
Good to you back modelling Rui.
The horse looks great.
 30 September 2024, 15:15
Rui S Autor
@Alec, Thank you for your kind words and support. It is always great for me to receive such encouragement, even more so, when they come from a master modeler.
@Doubtingmango thx mate, I agree with you., but hey, I can only return to my bench on weekends, só it Will take some time to finish. For me the most important thing was getting my mojo back.
@Gorby, Thank you very much my friend, for your motivational words. They are always very important to me.
The horse will still improve, I hope. At least that's what I'll try to do without ruining all the work that has already been done 🤔 😉
 30 September 2024, 21:37
wow! you aren't horsing around (pun intended)! They look amazing!
 1 October 2024, 20:51
Rui S Autor
Thank you for your comment CaptGPF, Glad you like my hors ing 😄. Apreciated
 2 October 2024, 10:44
Landlubber Mike
Nicely done!
 3 October 2024, 20:58
Desert Marlin
Looks great! The coat should shimmer like a newly minted US penny. (Shiny Copper). I'll follow!!!
 4 October 2024, 00:56
Ben M
I hate to be the first to inform you, that is not a tiger, nor is it an elephant, it is a horse.
1  4 October 2024, 01:52
Kim Branders
Rui, the horse looks amazing.
 4 October 2024, 08:55
Rui S Autor
@Landlubber Mike. Thank you for your comment. Glad you like this one
@Desert Marlin, I know whar you mean. I've been hesitating about highlights with a soft airbrush of satin black or satin varnish on the most exposed surfaces. I hadn't thought about copper. But yes, it will have to have some shine.
@Ben M, Hahaha. Thank you. Your comment with a triple meaning has made me laugh several times, but in my defense I can tell you that this horse It is known as having the strength of an elephant and bites like a tiger. That's why they nicknamed him tiger elephant. 😄
@Kim, thank you very much Mate for stoping bye and comment. Always apreciate your suport.
 5 October 2024, 14:11
I'm not really into tanks but that is a great looking horse 👍
 6 October 2024, 18:33
Rui S Autor
Wow, this is an unexpected comment. It's always great to receive a compliment from a Master. Thank you so much for stopping by and for those encouraging words. Appreciate it.
 6 October 2024, 23:46
Ben M
Did you give the horse a dark wash around the tendons or post shade?
 7 October 2024, 01:21
Rui S Autor
Hi Ben, If i reacall corrctely, I gave a little bit of both, sarting with a black primer, overal coats with oils leaving those spots almost unpainted or with less coverage.
 7 October 2024, 11:05
Angel Yovtshev
These horses were a nice surprise, Rui!

I'm currently fighting the harnesses of a two-horse team pulling a gun carriage(it's a hard fight- I can tell you!).
Your reins look splendid!

 7 October 2024, 19:51
Pietro De Angelis
Damn, what a gestation this work has had,
it gives me hope that sooner or later I too will finish something!😅
Congratulations for the scene and for what you managed to do with that old Elefant, the horse is wonderful!
Admiration and respect
 7 October 2024, 22:02
Desert Marlin
Very well done! Keep it up!!!
 8 October 2024, 01:14
Rui S Autor
@ Angel Yovtshev, Thank you for stoping by. Mate Your comment was also a nice surprise to me. Apreciated. I'm sure that for a master scratch builder like you, the harnesses will be a piece of cake. Looking forward to see it.
@ Pietro De Angelis, Thx a lot for you praise, really Apreciated. But you are right and If you would know the century I started the Italeri kit... 😄 I'm a slow modeller wich fails to keep the Mojo high for long periods, so, it's nice to make a few more steps to conclusion. I'm glad you like my work on the Elefant and horse.
@Desert Marlin, Thx again for your suport, it means a lot to me. I'm sure you noticed that i've followed your advise and gave it a soft overcoat of satin Varnish on the upper or most exposed surfaces 😉
 8 October 2024, 21:32
Desert Marlin
I did indeed notice! Bravo!
 10 October 2024, 04:25
Gary Victory
Really nice progress Rui. Impressive work on the soldiers camo.
 16 October 2024, 06:32
Alec K
Nice progress on the embarrassed rider 👍
 16 October 2024, 12:47
Headless horseman arrives just in time for Halloween!
 16 October 2024, 13:15
Desert Marlin
Looking absolutely great!
 16 October 2024, 21:32
Mark Sherwood
Nice work on the Hoss' the shading's brought out the musculature. The camo' on the headless horseman is top notch too. 🤟🥸🤘
 17 October 2024, 08:55
Rui S Autor
Hi, mates, sorry for my late reply, but I prefer to do it with some new uploaded progress photos. Gettting near to the end on this two. Hope you like them.
@ Gary Victory, Thank you very much for stoping by and nice comment;
@ Alec K, Thx again for your words, the rider come back with proud;
@ Doubtingmango, Thx for looking. Now I think he is redy for another kind of Halloween, if you get my drift;
@ Desert Marlin, thank you for your kind words, suport and Encouragement. Apreciated;
@ Mark Sherwood, Thank you for your nice comment. I know nothing about horse anatomy, so I follow the reliefs and I Think I can be happy with the result.
 20 October 2024, 22:10
Desert Marlin
Just looks awesome! The progress is excellent!
 20 October 2024, 22:32
Guy Rump
Superb so far!! 👍
 3 November 2024, 12:13
Rui S Autor
@ Desert Marlin, Thank you a lot for your Great suport.
Near the end as intended in photo 19 (June 20, 2016, 😮).
A few more bits and pieces and I can finaly close this chapter. That makes me very happy.
 3 November 2024, 12:16
Rui S Autor
@ Guy, sorry, didn't notice your comment during the uploading of the photos. Thank you. I'm glad you comment and like it.
@CaptGPF, I take this opportunity to post the images that inspire the camouflage painting. The numbering remained on the decals that I had.
 3 November 2024, 19:11
Desert Marlin
Aye! It's a good feeling!
 3 November 2024, 19:51
Rui S Autor
@ Desert Marlin, Thanks again for your words. Apreciared.
Completed? Huummm 🤔
 9 November 2024, 13:17
WOW! Excellent diorama Rui.
 9 November 2024, 14:00
Damn Rui! That was truly a masterpiece! Its times like this I wish there was a tech to capture a 3D photo of this so we can turn it around and admire every detail put into the diorama! The hours riding messenger, the tank crewman, the various munitions, even the foliage on the realistic tree barks - all done to perfection detail! I cannot thank you enough for sharing this with us - truly a joy to watch!
 9 November 2024, 17:23
Pietro De Angelis
Absolutely agree with CaptGPF,
congrats again Rui!
 9 November 2024, 17:33
Everything is said above... 🤔 there are no other words 🫡
 9 November 2024, 19:05
Excellent work! 👍🏻
 9 November 2024, 19:51
Gosh Rui! This is a story in a model. Stunning work mate! I can only add my own admiration also. 👏👏
 9 November 2024, 19:53
Desert Marlin
That horse is absolutely perfect!!!
 10 November 2024, 01:49
Desert Marlin
A letter from home or a communiqué from HQ?
 10 November 2024, 01:50
Sebastian Meyner
Great work Rui S 👍 Knowing the old Italeri kit, you did a great job integrating it into a splendid diorama! I think I would have already given up halfway "through" the horse 😉
 10 November 2024, 09:11
Excellent diorama. Idea and implementation. Your efforts really paid off!
 10 November 2024, 10:51
Rui S Autor
I'm very happy to receive such nice comments. This was a great ride 😄
@ Gorby, Thank you so much, really important to me your approval
@ CaptGPF, Wow, thank you very much for your very kind words, it makes me feel very proud and the pleasure is mine
@ Pietro De Angelis, Thank you for your comment. Appreciated
@ Lebloge thx for stopping by. I'm glad you like this one
@ J35J Thx. It's good to know your apreciation
@ Neil Mate, thank you very much for stoppping by and comment. Very nice feeling
@ Desert Marlin, Thx again for your continuos suport. You're to kind. The message is brought by the horse rider. A sturmmann from the 9th SS Panzer Division "Hohenstaufen", so doesn't come from home, it comes straight from the XXIV.PANZER-KORPS, HQ 😉
@ Sebastian Meyner. Thank you for your nice words. Yap the the elefant is almost as old as the kit itself, 😄 had this in stand by for years and the horse at first it was a bit intimidating and frightening, but I can assure you it feels really great to finish it finally.
@ Neuling my friend, thank you very much for your comment. Coming from an dio expert, feels great.
 10 November 2024, 23:56
David Verbruggen
Great diorama , i need to paint also some horses . i find my inspiration here !
 11 November 2024, 01:23
Gary Victory
Really nice dio Rui. Some lovely attention to detail. Loving the Autumn foliage. Very well done my Friend.
 11 November 2024, 07:25
Alec K
Outstanding work as usual. Final pics are excellent 👍
 11 November 2024, 13:06
Desert Marlin
Good to know some details for the story! Makes it more real! Cheers!
 11 November 2024, 15:56
Great finish Rui! The horse and figured are fantastic
 11 November 2024, 16:03
Rui S Autor
@ David Verbruggen, Thank you for your comment. Glad you like this one and that you consider this work inspiring
@ Gary Victory, Thank you for stoping bye and your kind comment. It waited so long that since I was finishing it now I might as well add a few more details.
@ Alec K, Thx for your praise , Apreciated
@ Desert Marlin, I always like to research the subject and this one come from a book called "The Combat History of German Heavy Anti-Tank Unit 653"
@ Doubtingmango, thx mate, I enjoy doing them and I was lucky (and happy), that they have turned out fine.
 11 November 2024, 22:54
Desert Marlin
Bravo Zulu!
 11 November 2024, 23:53
Clair Greenwood
I keep hearing that AOL guy in my head... "You've got mail", great dio Rui 🙂
 13 November 2024, 05:36
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Wonderful diorama Rui. The tree is a real eye catcher too. 👍
Sorry to hear it's a bonsai that died. I try to grow and train some myself but so far they didn't make it longer than a few years. Was especially sad about a number of oaks I planted, which died after four years.

But yours makes for a great asset in your diorama. So in a way you gave it a new life and it can at least live on there.

 13 November 2024, 10:54
Ben M
Just another amazing result, Rui. It tells a story, and the craftsmanship is extremely high. It was very enjoyable to watch this one be built, it sounds like you learned lots of new things, and as always you share your knowledge with other modelers. Thank you.
 13 November 2024, 15:05
Rui S Autor
@ Desert Marlin, 😄 👍
@ Clair Greenwood, Thank you very much for stoping by and comment. Yap He is in a hurry 😉 Apreciated
@ Robin (WhiteGlint), Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you like this one. It's not easy to take care of bonsais at least for me, so 4 years is already a luxury and Yap mine Will live in the Dio forever. We i've to take care of a real garden.
@ Ben M, Thanks a lot Mate, for your Nice comment. Really Apreciated and Yap I learn a lot with all my buildes. I think We all do, When we really put in the effort to get a good result. Knowing that it was nice for you to see my work gives me great joy. Thx again
 16 November 2024, 15:48
Siegfried Van den Bosch
Nice one.... fine details!
 12 December 2024, 20:17
Guy Rump
Excellent modelling. 👍
 13 December 2024, 08:14
Rui S Autor
@ Siegfried Van den, Thank you very much. I'm happy that you enjoy the details on this one.
@ Guy Rump, Thank you so much for stoping by and your kind comment. I really apreciate that.
 27 December 2024, 14:16
Mirko Römer
Reminds of my grandpa who travelled, well, yes, invaded, Russia by horse. Your scene looks very real, Rui, superb work!
1  2 January, 20:59
wow.... stunning job !!
Great details !
 4 January, 13:20
Excellent work! Really like the horse next to the Elefant🙂
1  7 January, 22:50
Rui S Autor
@ Mirko Römer, Thank you very much for stoping by and your nice comment. I'm hoping that your grandfather made it out of the Eastern Front hell and glad this dio reminded you of him.
I have a couple books about German cavalry from that time, if you are interested in them send me a PM.
@ Ed, thank you so much for your kind comment. I appreciate it alot.
@ Chrisswe, Thank you very much for your words, I'm really glad you like it.
1  8 January, 12:10
Rui, of all your dioramas i think one is my favorite. nice work.
 1 February, 14:02
Randy Kriegel
Excellent work 👍👍👍😀
 1 February, 14:06
Mike Kryza
Hi Rui, I like it!!!
 1 February, 17:26
Phenix Outis
wow, very nice job with an old Italeri kit
 4 February, 08:50
Rui S Autor
@ Dave, Thank you for your words. I'm glad you find this one worthy of your comment
@ Randy, Thank you for your kind words. Really apreciated
@ Mike, Thx very much for your comment Mate. it makes me very proud
@ Phenix, thank you for stopping by and comment I apreciat your nice words. Old italeri with lots of mistakes.
1  23 February, 17:14
Arnold Mertens
beautiful build
 16 March, 19:08
Major Oak
Outstanding diorama well done 👏
 16 March, 19:19
I just got one Word: Stunning!

And thank you for sharing Details of the built step by step, this is inspiring me
 18 March, 18:34
Rui S Autor
@ Arnold Mertens, Thx for stoping by and comment. Glad you like it
@ Major Oak, Thank you so much for your suport. Much apreciated
@ Ben, You are to kind. Thank you for your words on this one. My pleasure, sharing what I've done and that it's inspiring you.
2  25 March, 22:12
Audrius Rimeikis
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
12 25 March, 19:09
Robert Podkoński
Good job!
 25 March, 19:52
Very nice, love that wood liner around the cockpit.
 25 March, 20:19
Two thumbs up.
 25 March, 22:12
Vassilis Chronopoulos
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
11 6 November 2024, 20:17
Łukasz Gliński
Very neat 👍 Inspires to start mine
 25 March, 13:51
Vassilis Chronopoulos Autor
Thank you very much!
It's a Revell kit so it can be a bit frustrating at some points 🙂. The final result tho is definitely rewarding. Pay attention when you will have to glue the wings on. Be sure that you got a solid fit with the fuselage cause the fitting design it's not that good.
1  25 March, 15:43
Very nice work!
I recommend changing the 'teaser' photo to one of the completed model, then more people are likely to notice your build.
 25 March, 15:51
Rui S
Beautiful work 👍 I agree with Gorby 🤔
 25 March, 16:02
Vassilis Chronopoulos Autor
Done, thanks for the tip guys!
 25 March, 22:00
Rodrigo José Barbosa Francisco
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
4 11 March, 00:54
Guy Rump
Following. 👍
1  18 March, 21:46
Rodrigo José Barbosa Francisco Autor
thank you very much
 18 March, 22:30
matsal _
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
4 25 March, 15:03
Dave Flitton
 25 March, 21:57
Landlubber Mike
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
15 26 February, 15:27
1  26 February, 19:10
Landlubber Mike Autor
Thanks! I picked up a bunch of these Planet Models kits a while back as they tend to be of interesting subjects avoided by other kit manufacturers. It seems to be a fairly decent, simple kit. I needed a break from a couple of other models that I'm working on. This box kept falling off the shelf so I figured it was telling me that I should pick it to build!
 26 February, 20:38
I have the Aichi H9A1 from this brand in my stash. I hope to build someday.
The good thing about your kit is that it includes most of the parts in injected plastic (I think from the MPM mold) since it is a conversion. I didn't know that Planet Models had kits like this 👍
1  27 February, 19:36
Landlubber Mike Autor
Yes, I think you're right that it's from an old MPM kit of another similar plane. As you can see, it replaces the fuselage halves, cowl, and a few other parts in resin (and I think one in clear plastic). It's actually going together fairly well. I did have a problem last night where once you join the wings to the fuselage, you have these tiny square gaps that are covered with some small square kit parts. Well I had everything all assembled and was doing the last square part, and it fell into the fuselage and got stuck at the far end of one of the wings. Let's just say a few naughty words were said. Thankfully I was able to pop off the wings fairly easily (nice thing about using CA to join the plastic wings to the resin fuselage) and dig out the part.

I have a few other Planet Models kits that I picked up for fairly inexpensive prices over the last couple of years. I might do the SNC-1 Falcon alongside this one since they both have yellow wings. The SNC-1 is an all-resin kit though.

SNC-1 Falcon (Planet Models PLT107, 1:48)

 27 February, 20:51
Nice aircraft 👍
If you prefer it in plastic, you have the Kora model in 1/72 scale:

SCM Search: 1:72 kora SNC-1*

Or Dora Wings ones model in 1:48 scale:

Curtiss-Wright SNC-1 Falcon II (Dora Wings DW48041, 1:48)

1  28 February, 19:20
Landlubber Mike Autor
Thanks Cuajete, the Dora Wings kit looks very nice. I'll start with the Planet Models kit and see what happens. I tend to use a lot of aftermarket with my builds, so building with resin doesn't bother me too much.

Back to the Gamma 2J, there is very little out there on this plane. The 2J was a single production trainer, and there was a 5D model that went to Japan. Very few pictures, etc., so I looked at the A-17 which was a very similar plane. While looking at the A-17, I came across this old MPM kit of the A-17 from 2002. It's definitely the base kit that was used for the plastic parts of the Planet Models Gamma 2J/5D kit.

A-17 (MPM Production 72504, 1:72)

1  1 March, 17:02
Great, Landlubber Mike! 👍
The union of the plastic with that resin looks very good 👍
1  1 March, 18:56
Robert Podkoński
Watching with interest 🙂
1  1 March, 19:47
Landlubber Mike Autor
Thanks Cuajete! And thank you for following Robert!

Yesterday I worked on the canopy. It's a tricky part as the back part of the canopy piece actually serves as part of the fuselage. So, it's been a little tricky figuring out how to cut it out from the clear plastic sheet. Thankfully the kit gave four canopies. Two are used for the 2J and the other two for the 5D -- but it's unclear which is used where from the instructions, and the only thing I see that's different is a little bubble near the front of the canopy. I used one that had a scratch on it as the test piece. I then used a second to get a close approximation, but the third piece seems to work the best. Unfortunately the kit doesn't give any masks, so I've been spending a lot of time masking the various window panes. Hopefully will have that done today, and will be able to start with the primer coat this evening.
1  2 March, 16:58
Dave Flitton
Looking good.
1  25 March, 21:37
Landlubber Mike Autor
Thanks Dave!
 25 March, 21:45
Jon Bryon
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
17 24 March, 14:26
Rui S
Great paintjob 👍
1  24 March, 15:16
Thomas Bischoff
a real masterpiece!
 25 March, 21:24
Ian Brandt
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
2 13 March, 20:18
Rui S
I'm in 😎
 19 March, 11:37
Will Dossel
adicionou um novo álbum de fotos.
7 19 March, 00:12





