Yak 50
32 5 November 2023, 12:40

The first pictures of the Yak 50 show my first model from Amodel - a very interesting experience for me! The parts look very crude and bulky, but the accuracy of fit is quite acceptable. I'm enjoying the model more and more, especially since the good-looking and extremely sleek nature of the Yak-50 began to show after the fuselage/wing assembly.
5 November 2023, 12:45

Watching for sure. (Many A-model kits just look scary at the first sight, but I somehow like them... and I am not a masochist 😉. )
5 November 2023, 13:53

Thank you both! Robert, that's just how I see the Amodel kits and the Amodel Yak 50 by now, thanks for your words
6 November 2023, 19:28

Than you Guy and Michael!
One last time two pictures of the pre-shaded Yak-50! Now the tricky canopy has been repaired and fitted.... and the white of the top can be applied.
9 November 2023, 06:26

Now I have finally been able to start with the attractive colouring! The hull shines like the sun because the next step is to apply the decals. Any imperfections on the edges of the colour will be partly covered with the decals - for example on the longitudinal fuselage strip - or corrected with a dry brush.
13 November 2023, 18:29

This enjoyable build has now also come to an end. As I said in the report, I am very pleased with this, my first Amodel. I'm already looking forward to the other kits from this manufacturer that have arrived in the meantime.
Aerobatic planes, with their colourfulness and their inherent agility, are a very special modelling task - there will probably be more to come!
Not only my first Amodel kit, but also my first "deep-drawn" canopy can be seen here - even if only the centre part of the canopy, not too difficult a task 🙂
Thank you for your comments and motivation!
18 November 2023, 16:34

Looks great (not that bad as it looks while on the sprues, don't you think, Roland? 🙂 )
18 November 2023, 17:19

Thank you both, mates!
Robert, I completely agree with you! 🙂 That's one of the nice things about Amodel-kits...
18 November 2023, 17:23

Fits perfectly into the great Hangar environment! Great Result Roland. 👍
18 November 2023, 22:35

Thank you very much, mates! You can imagine how happy and motivated I am by your kind feedback!
19 November 2023, 09:39

I love the colorful plane and the great presentation Roland.
19 November 2023, 10:51

Danke Dieter! Deine Worte machen mir echt Freude! Der Hangar ist ein Kartonmodell des polnischen Herstellers GPM. Ist, denke ich, unkompliziert zu bestellen, habe mein Exemplar direkt von GPM selbst bezogen, wenn ich mich recht erinnere.
Your words make me really happy! The hangar is a cardboard model from the Polish manufacturer GPM. I think it's easy to order, I got mine directly from GPM, if I remember correctly. I once presented the construction here; you can find a link to it here: Hangar Sport | Album by Roland (1:48)
22 November 2023, 12:00

Ich bestelle gerne auch über super-hobby.de, aber aktuell sind die Hangars weder hier noch da erhältlich.
I like to order via super-hobby.de as well, but right now, the hangars are not available - neither here nor there.
22 November 2023, 13:59

Habe jetzt auch ein wenig Umschau gehalten, aber leider habe ich auch keine Bezugsquelle finden können.
I've been looking around a bit, but unfortunately I haven't been able to find a source either.
24 November 2023, 19:25