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Pierre (gota)

P-47D Elsie

Album image #1
Since I cannot paint at the moment, I opened up this build by fixing the nose cowl, following Mr Soyuyo's build here Widened 1.2mm at the top and .8 at the bottom, +.2 ring around the periphery. In retrospect, there's probably no need for so much epoxy putty on the inside. 

Album image #2
I also started on a long journey trying to learn how to rivet stuff. After failing with a riveting wheel, I tried a swiss beading tool and like the technique and result much more. Some sink marks had to be dealt with on the stabs. 

Album image #3
95% done 🙂 Sprue goo works well to fix mistakes. Used a #1 tool, perhaps a #0 would be more in scale, will try that next time. 

Album image #4
Cockpit almost done, with minimal scratching. Used the kit IP rather than the awfully flat Yahu dashboard. 

Album image #5
Pondering whether it's worth cabling this. 

Album image #6
Belts and ignition cabling done. 

Album image #7
Instrument panel done (here next to a P-51d Look+ Eduard panel, both with a matte coat and UV resin for windows). 

Album image #8
ABT Brown wash applied to the HGW belts, not a fan, will go a lighter shade next time. 

Album image #9
ID and nav lights done. Fuselage is also assembled and awaiting some re-riveting before I can put on the wings. 

Album image #10
And the wings are on! 

Album image #11
Exhaust valves redone with card and sprue. A bit rough but that'll do. 

Album image #12
Glued and mated the flaps, riveted the tailplane and gear doors. 

Album image #13
Mr. Hobby SM201 shot straight over plastic. Sanded back a bit with a 3000 sponge to try and soften the riveting, then worked around with SM203, SM206, stencils and tape. I experienced some minor paint lifting while unsmasking the underside panels, hoping that won't become an issue while working the antiglare. Which I'm still unsure how to tackle, kinda wary of the decals for the red filet.  

Album image #14
After some careful masking, trying to match the layout from pictures and using decals as templates, I sprayed some XF-7 along the lines.
Cut some .6mm stripes for the filets using the AK cutting board for the first time. You really need a new blade for a clean cut, and it might be better to go maybe .1mm smaller than the needed size, because some of the tape bends down into the gorge during the cut. 

Album image #15
Sprayed XF-69 and XF-85 for the black. Masked the cockpit aft deck and those YZC remnants using the canopy as a template. I couldn't find any info so I assumed the deck would have been olive drab. 

Album image #16
Also sprayed the invasion stripes, got some overspray and paint lifting, nothing too hard to fix. 

Album image #17
Looking good. Will probably need to tweak the nose filets with a brush and enamels once the round nose decals are on. 

Album image #18
Decaling started after a few touch-ups. Decals need some work but they're doing ok and the film is nearly invisible. 

Album image #19
Quite a few little tasks done. Decals settled reasonably well, except for one stencil which silvered a bit. Trying panel line mixes on the underside, this is still a bit too dark. 

Album image #20
Getting there. Main assembly is done, but after a quick photoshoot, I found a few things I want to adjust. 

Album image #21
Album image #22
Album image #23
Album image #24
Album image #25
New photo background test. 


37 9 February 2021, 07:37
J'aime beaucoup !! Justement concernant le sujet choisi, Il se trouve que j'ai fais quelques recherches sur ce fighter group il y'a peu. Une chose m'a interloqué, ce serial number correspond à une machine commandée en 1942, époque où il n'y avait que des razorback en circulation. Je suis donc resté interloqué. Une idée?
Salutations amicales.
19 May 2021, 19:13
Je ne suis pas expert, mais après une recherche rapide, 42-27234 est bien un D-27-RE de 44, cf. p-47.database.pagesp..atabase/42-2xxxx.htm

Peut-être as-tu cherché 22723 ? L'USAF zappe souvent des chiffres du serial sur les tailcodes, même encore de nos jours, ce qui prête souvent à confusion.
19 May 2021, 20:26
Ha merci pour la reponse. Non je n'ai pas cherché j'avoue, je documentais sur un autre appareil du meme FG, Razorback en l'occurence, et dont le serial passe apres celui ci. Je suis tombé sur la meme photo que la banniere de ton album, j'ai été intirgué par le serial, et j'ai continué sur mon sujet. Ce qui m'a interpellé c'est que les 2 premiers chiffre (dont le premier qui n'est pas affiché sur la derive) correspondent a l'année de la commande, 1942 en l'occurence. Du coup un Bubbletop commandé en 42 c'etait pas tres logique. Ca doit venir d'une commande non honnorée en 42, dont les serials ont ete reattribués.
Merci pour le lien en tout cas, tres instructif, j'y retournerai !
19 May 2021, 20:37
Je comprend mieux! Si tu trouves une explication sur ces retards de livraison, je suis preneur, mais je ne tomberai pas dans le piège de la recherche documentaire, sinon je n'avancerai jamais sur la maquette 🙂
19 May 2021, 21:28
Steve Desarzens
superbe projet ! Bravo pour le travail 🙂
25 May 2021, 16:27
Merci !
25 May 2021, 20:15
Never a Pro
Hi Pierre. Awesome build. How did you aligned the rivets and spaced them so nicely, if you punctured each of them manually?
17 August 2021, 21:29
Thanks guys!

I used HiQParts guide tape to align rivets, which is like a softer Dymo tape, then once I got the hang of it, Tamiya tape was enough and you can even follow panel lines freehand easily (i.e. landing gear doors and tail were freehanded).
The spacing was eyeballed. It's consistent enough that the eye thinks it's perfect, but don't look at it too closely 🙂
18 August 2021, 07:18
Stunning work, admired greatly 👍
13 June 2022, 07:54
Top work!
13 June 2022, 08:08

Project info

25 imagens
1:48 Republic P-47M Thunderbolt (Tamiya 61096)1:48 P-47D Thunderbolt (Eagle Editions EagleCals EC48-107)1:48 P-47D wheels (Eduard 648484)1+
Republic P-47D-27-RE Thunderbolt
US US Army Air Forces (1941-1947)
404 FG 42-27234 / Y8-E Elsie/lil' Butch (Maj. Clay Tice)
1944 GB

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