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Wight Quadruplane

Album image #1
The first main parts of the rotary engine. You have to take special care for the valve lifter mounts to not break them during mounting process. 

Album image #2
Painted with Alclad Alu, Exhaust manifold on the heads, Hot metal sepia. As last step the 18 ignition wires are added here. 

Album image #3
A light wash with oil paint, looks very prominent. 

Album image #4
Here I used a polarising filter in front of the lens. This is more the real look, the wash is less obvious. 

Album image #5
In comparison to the kit engine. 

Album image #6
On the back side of the kit resin there are also the intake pipes, but ....
On the back of my engine you can see the bearing for easy rotation.  

Album image #7
Now I'm a owner of a new veneer of the wood "Indischer Apfel" (German), which means "indian apple", but I think the wood is also called Tineo.
It is dark red, with nearly black lines. I thought it could be used to look like mahogany, because real mahogany has openings and a structure so it can't be used for modeling in small scale. 

Album image #8
I used the new veneer for cockpit structure, because I do not like to clean up very hard and brittle resin parts.
It is totally unclear to me if this is correct or not, but there are only some pictures of this rare bird available and no cockpit pictures at all. May be the kit manufacturer had some info, so I made it at least not more wrong. 

Album image #9
Mounted into the fuselage, only the floor is not yet fixed. The instruments are from a Eduard set. 

Album image #10
Soldered a control stick (the resin one was broken and a simple stick, which is may be wrong for that time) and a rudder control bar. 

Album image #11
And all parts in place. 

Album image #12
Since this was a British aircraft I don't like the simple kit seat and soldered a wicker seat from 3 parts of a Part set for the Camel. 

Album image #13
After painting it tan I tried to show the structure with oil paint. At first with yellow ochre, it looked like a wicker seat with clear coat applied, but the structure was not noticeable.
So a second try with golden ochre, I think this is it. Only the edge will be painted leather. 

Album image #14
The kit cowling in resin was big enough to put the Clerget in, but only on the back because the cowling tapers towards the front. To thin it was no help.
So I turned a new one from alu. 

Album image #15
The new cowling is only 0,36mm thin. 

Album image #16
I wanted also to show the very wide opening on the front, as seen on original pics. And here my interpretation, all plugged together for demo. The Clerget is able to rotate. 

Album image #17
The four wings - I broke accidentally the second lower one. Please note the line in the middle of the wings. 

Album image #18
In a profile view a special shaped upper surface of the wings is more obvious. 

Album image #19
The seat is in place. A light wash was also done so the fuselage is prepared to be closed. 

Album image #20
After the oil paint has hardened I painted a leather stripe, added struts and the prepared HGW seat belts. 

Album image #21
The fuselage halves are glued together. I made the front thicker using Evergreen stripes. 

Album image #22
With luck the cowling has a tight perfect fit, without sanding. 

Album image #23
I do not like the resin struts. The long one going through completely, but I will do individual struts, with a smaller shape at the end so it matches the original pictures.
Now I need to prepare 24 wooden struts. Why don't I build a Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter? 

Album image #24
I'm not yet done with the struts ...
But I made some progress, here without glue. 

Album image #25
I wanted to put the struts with thinner ends and brass pins into the bigger wing holes, but this doesn't work in a controlled way.
After I checked the full resolution pictures again I noticed, that there are bolts visible on the other side of the wings and also some metal mounts can be seen on every strut.
So I drilled to the wings and glued 0.6mm nickel silver micro tubing pieces into it. Again a lot of work. 

Album image #26
I filled also the big going through the wing holes and put there also those tubes.
So now the struts are sits safely with 0.4mm brass pinned and it looks nice.
But I had to shorten the struts again! 

Album image #27
Those are the tail parts. Not bad, only the mounting is not easy because of the special position of the tailplane. And I cannot mount it now, because the lower surface of the tailplane needs linen, the other surfaces PC10. 

Album image #28
So I used a fine resin saw and cut all in single parts. The control surfaces are now pinned (which was not easy because all parts are thin). All pictures shown the tail control surfaces down, so I can do that now. 

Album image #29
I replaced the resin wedge with a new one and pinned all. 

Album image #30
Now all of this crazy tail fits and can be easily mounted after painting. 

Album image #31
I like the look! 

Album image #32
As I have just cut off all the control surfaces at the tail (which I actually always do, as it makes a model much more realistic and lively), I then cut off the ailerons. I didn't dare at first because they are so delicate. Now they are pinned with 0.3mm brass.
Fortunately only the two upper wings have ailerons.

Album image #33
So I made a real metal wall, with alu around and a dark part in the middle from a wine bottle foil. And I used a riveting wheel. 

Album image #34
It will be partly hidden by the engine, and not 100% identical, but it looks interesting. 

Album image #35
I started also to work on the airscrew, only the raw shape until now. 

Album image #36
It will even more hide the wall. 

Album image #37
After white primer on lower surface and gray on top I thought about shading. I decided to mask the ribs, which was a lot of work on four wings. 

Album image #38
And light shadows applied. 

Album image #39
I used Mr.Paint linen on lower surface. 

Album image #40
The PC10 on upper surface is also from Mr.Paint, the early one. 

Album image #41
Plugged together to get an impression. Looks very dark due to late afternoon light, but I like the shade. 

Album image #42
Today in sun light it looks a bit different.
I added metal behind the cowling. The middle stripe was made from aluminium. The dark metal mounting stripes before and after are from Eduard PE frame. I graved the mounting "locks" with a drill bit broken off at an angle. The intake pipes are tinned brass. 

Album image #43
With the engine plugged in it looks even better.

Album image #44
On lower surface I just closed it with a sheet of aluminium. 

Album image #45
The polishing rubber stick. The bad thing is, that even on aluminium the diameter at the front get bigger and bigger. I reduced it again with sanding 

Album image #46
The cowling is also polished (I will reduce it a bit with polishing by a cloth) it is a biplane now! This required careful adjustments of the little struts. 

Album image #47
Before I finally mounted the wing I realized I need to take care for rigging NOW!
The space is much to small to use turnbuckles, and on the pictures the rigging looks like some kind of RAF wires. But then comes Eduard "stretchers" in my mind (48915, originally for SE.5a), tinned and mounted. 

Album image #48
Also for the lower cross. 

Album image #49
I hope, that the alignment is good enough to avoid later problems. 

Album image #50
Then I creates masks with my plotter and painted the cockades with WWI RAF blue and red paints from Drooling Bulldog, because the decals were to small to wrap around the rudder.
Rudder - perfect.
Lower wing - super.
Right side - ok
Upper wing - can live with it. 

Album image #51
Left side - correction needed! 

Album image #52
To be able to continue with the next wing I need to prepare the next rigging mounts, now also double wires! Luckily a drill template is provided on the Eduard PE set. 

Album image #53
What has 8 legs? The lowest wing!
All are in place and the rigging is prepared. 

Album image #54
To keep the flow I added also a lot of them below the top wing, but not yet complete. 

Album image #55
Then I added also the rigging mounts to the opposite side below the fuselage. 

Album image #56
The other side of this wing looks now also better. 

Album image #57
Then I take heart and mounted the lower wing. 

Album image #58
Now it is a triplane. 

Album image #59
I decided to continue to work in this area, because the undercarriage needs to be created. 

Album image #60
Two struts are going to the lowest wing. I need now to invent a connection between the struts, which needs to hold also axle and suspension. 

Album image #61
The wheels were very small. As the resin ones had a lot of holes I found some plastic wheels in the spare box.
The leather around the cockpit is also filled and painted. 

Album image #62
The undercarriage seems to be already strong enough. No paint yet. 

Album image #63
Some work on the axle is also done. 

Album image #64
To finalize the undercarriage I checked all pictures carefully and looked also on the kit parts.
They have some bigger part at the struts connection and a tray below the axle between them, see top right beside the strut. 

Album image #65
The side picture from the Australia National Library shows clearly a wider tray behind the axle. Together with all the other information this is my interpretation. The solution also makes sense in terms of the load on landing.
Before pins can be glued in a carefully adaption of strut length was needed. 

Album image #66
All pinned with brass wire so it can be plugged together. Need to mount it on the model otherwise I can't insert the struts. 

Album image #67
And finally mounted in place. 

Album image #68
All primed, varnished and prepared for mounting. 

Album image #69
Album image #70
Need to paint the wheels and fix the axle with suspension.

Album image #71
According to the manual it should be done as two Vs. For that is some green florist wire in the kit. 

Album image #72
After checking the high resolution pictures, also of the earlier versions, my interpretation is different. I soldered some squeezed micro brass tubing and brass wires into a tripod. 

Album image #73
Painted black. 

Album image #74
The skid is made from real wood and the suspension is stretched sprue, as V to hold the track. 

Album image #75
It can hold the model and looks like the real aircraft. 

Album image #76
On the undercarriage the axle is fixed with suspension so this crazy bird has now reached the final on ground position. 

Album image #77
In meantime I soldered control horns from 0.2mm nickel silver and 0.4mm brass tubes. 

Album image #78
Mounted into the control surfaces. 

Album image #79
Control wires added. 

Album image #80
So I'm prepared to mount the last wing!
But after this picture I noticed, that the middle of the wing sits to high, so I removed the four struts in the middle, unpinned and shortened them for another mm. Re-pinned, glued to fuselage again and next try ... 

Album image #81
... successful! 

Album image #82
Album image #83
To put it on the nose will no more possible with the finished model. 

Album image #84
Album image #85
The alignment is acceptable. 

Album image #86
At the beginning I made a pump from brass. The pressure tubing is 0.2mm copper, the axle nickel silver. 

Album image #87
My Sopwith Triplane built last year is not equipped with such pump, so I had still the Eduard PE. A bit flat, but I could use the mount frame. 

Album image #88
I modified it a bit and added the PE parts and a real wooden prop 

Album image #89
The blades are very thin and the whole thing is very small! 

Album image #90
Now it is mounted on a strut. 

Album image #91
From another angle, and without airflow. 

Album image #92
And here with airflow. 

Album image #93
I modified the angel of the tailplane, so that the control wire do not touch the tailplane. Then I glued the rudder in place and added the rigging of the tail. 

Album image #94
Also on the bottom. 

Album image #95
The rigging of the wings is complete too. Some are double wires. 

Album image #96
To the front I added two Gaspatch turnbuckles of the type "One End" after careful drilling into the alu. 

Album image #97
When I thought I was done I noticed the missing control cables on the ailerons, so I added a control horn and tried to find out the control wire layout. 

Album image #98
I prepared the airscrew some postings ago, but now it is more ore less finalized. Only the decal and the prop boss are missing. 

Album image #99
And again in a profile view. 

Album image #100
Today I mounted the engine, cowling and bolted the airscrew to the engine. Beside a prop boss from Part I used some brass pipe pieces and nickel silver wire. 

Album image #101
The same in front view. The wheels are also on. So that is the last picture. 


55 5 April 2021, 20:25
After the finish of my Halberstadt I had a little motivation hole. I poked here and there in the parts of the existing projects and made some progress, but the spark didn't take. There was also nice weather and the spring started ...

So finally I pulled a new Small Stuff package out of the stash and build a Clerget 9Z 110 hp (the kit allows a 9B 130 hp or the 9Z)

With the ignition wires you see here exact 90 parts! That's more parts than my airplane kits usually have!

Now there are certainly the wildest speculations about what type of aircraft could be behind it😉
5 April 2021, 20:30
Rui S
Excellent work and finish 👍
5 April 2021, 21:34
Alec K
Excellent! I too am curious what airframe you will choose😉
6 April 2021, 01:23
Thank you mates!
Now I have to wait for the oil paint hardening to be able to close the fuselage!
Some of you may now guess the type, but with the next update I will unravel the mystery😉
6 April 2021, 17:48
James C
👀 👍
6 April 2021, 18:54
Love it
7 April 2021, 14:47
Bristol M.1? 🤔
7 April 2021, 18:31
David Taylor
Oh bugger here we go.
7 April 2021, 19:19
Thank you mates! Oh no, that Bristol has only one wing. This one has much more😉 I will show more pictures soon!
7 April 2021, 19:36
David Taylor
Must be French or British.Bi or tri.
7 April 2021, 19:41
Much more wings? Four?😉
7 April 2021, 19:48
Exactly! The British Wight Quadruplane! I linked the Album to the project.
Good references are hard to find but I found some nice pictures at Imperial War Museum
I turned a new cowling from alu on my lathe, also to show the wide front opening. Here in comparison a low resolution picture of IWM:
7 April 2021, 20:23
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy
Hmmm? What? Oh sorry, I must have dosed off for a while. There wasn't anything from Bughunter to see...😉
7 April 2021, 20:35
Alec K
This will be a very unique build 👍
8 April 2021, 12:13
Let's see, the work with this hard resin may also fail .... That would also be unique😉
8 April 2021, 13:13
Urban Gardini
Fantastic engine! Nice with such a unusual project. I for one have never even heard about this plane. So this one will be something to follow for sure!
8 April 2021, 13:38
Robert Podkoński
Awesome - taking a seat🙂
8 April 2021, 17:28
Thank you mates! Today I have a question, see also the pictures of the wings.

An article 1000aircraftphotos.c..ions/Braas/13781.htm mentions:
"All four wings had the typical Wight double-camber airfoil section."

The only picture I found showing a upper surface of a wing is this one (The pic is out of copyright, but I don't find a way to linked it here, it can only be viewed/downloaded). Please see the upper surface of the lowest wing.

So is SPIN right here? More References?
Does anyone know about this "Wight double-camber airfoil section"?
8 April 2021, 19:00
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy
This is what I could come up with, hope it helps...
"Traditionally, airfoils with only curved upper surface and flat bottom was termed as camber airfoil. However, if both surfaces are curved then, it is called a double cambered airfoil. In now days not most people use this terms but at some places it is still in use."

8 April 2021, 20:28
This seems to be a more modern meaning of the term. I found out more with a search for the Wight seaplanes. The lower surface was nearly flat, but the upper surface looks like one profile after another. Here is a example of s Wight seaplane: [img1]
So I will use the wings as provided. This was completely new to me.
8 April 2021, 20:50
Alec K
Never came across this unique upper wing geometry. Very interesting!
9 April 2021, 23:45
Wow! Dauert nicht mehr lange und du brauchst keine Bausätze mehr.😉
10 April 2021, 09:51
Welcome Erik! Habe aber noch (gefühlt) Tausende davon😉 Könnte jeden Tag einen neuen Bausatz anfangen.
10 April 2021, 10:15
Marcel Klemmer
Moin Bughunter, werde Dir wieder staunend über die Schulter luschern....?
10 April 2021, 10:37
Now I need to prepare 24 wooden struts. Why don't I build a Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter?
If I don't show up for the next few weeks, don't worry. I'll probably still be grinding on the struts😉
10 April 2021, 17:34
Alec K
😄 😄 😄
10 April 2021, 19:18
David Taylor
Coming along nicely.
15 April 2021, 20:09
Mirko Römer
This engine looks so damn real, wow!
15 April 2021, 20:09
To be able to prime and paint fuselage and wings I need to sort out the tail.
Only a little progress, but it was a lot of work with fine saw and drills.
17 April 2021, 17:30
Alec K
Very nice progress. That tail sure looks complicated.
18 April 2021, 11:22
Slavo Hazucha
Pic 14 is the definition of "pro"... 👍 you could put that on 70" 8k resolution and it would still look better than the original I guess... I now really can´t imagine what plane would do justice to this engine and the turned-alu cowling, but I am sure you will bring light into that too... 😉
20 April 2021, 18:00
Urban Gardini
Bloody fantastic work so far mate!
20 April 2021, 19:42
Thank you mates and welcome to the show for the new visitors!
Again the front picture from the IWM [img1]
If you zoom in and look behind the engine you will see pic 33 😉
20 April 2021, 19:59
just by seeing the metal turned cowling i knew who was building it.... beautiful job as usual.
22 April 2021, 20:01
Bernhard Schrock
Front row seat please!
22 April 2021, 20:02
Welcome to the show Spanjaard and Bernhard! At SM, everyone has a seat in the front row 👍
23 April 2021, 10:45
How did you achieve that rotary grinding effect on the lighter stripe?
23 April 2021, 12:45
Erik Leijdens
Fantastic work as always🙂
23 April 2021, 12:48
David Taylor
Pointless saying anything cos we are all jealous.
23 April 2021, 14:22
Gordon Sørensen
Great work on the engine cowling, great detail!
23 April 2021, 17:14
Hanno Kleinecke
That cowling plus bruhed metal panel simply looks overwhelmingly realistic. Superb work !
23 April 2021, 17:55
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy
I'm with David Taylor on this one... And all other of Bughunter's projects. It's so sad to be jealous. 😉
23 April 2021, 18:14
Really outstanding beautiful work, but the seam on the cockpit bothers me. Will that be covered up or will you need to fill it?
23 April 2021, 18:15
Wow mates, what a great feedback!
@Krzysztof "rotary" is a good guess. I used a hard rubber polishing stick in my Proxxon drill tool, but with low revs. Will show a picture later.
@Skywalker At least I will add leather paint. This will cover it mostly, may be I fill it before with CA. The cockpit leather seems were far from perfect.
23 April 2021, 18:47
Bernhard Schrock
Total beeindruckend: das Aluminium gebürstet sieht absolut realistisch aus! Foto 2: sind die Zündkerzen aus Messing gedreht ?
23 April 2021, 18:51
Danke Bernhard! Ne die kleinen Scheißerle sind Resinknubbel von Small Stuff. Bei allen Motoren gleich, sitzen immer zwischen den Stößelstangen am Gußteil.
23 April 2021, 19:20
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy
Übrigens vielen Dank Bughunter für den Tipp mit den Small Stuff Motoren (war schon ein paar Kits heer). Ich habe letztens meinen ersten bauen können und bin echt sehr begeistert von den Dingern. Schaffe es natürlich (noch?) nicht so gut wie du, bin aber trotzdem sehr zufrieden.
23 April 2021, 20:56
Gern geschehen! Die sehen nicht nur toll aus, sondern sind auch genial designed und sauber produziert!
23 April 2021, 21:05
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy
Finde ich auch! Super Produkte. Und es macht irgendwie auch echt Spaß sie zu bauen.
24 April 2021, 09:46
Die Front inkl. Motor ist echt der Hammer! So real...
24 April 2021, 11:53
Thx Erik! At the moment I try to puzzle it together with finalizing the struts, but I need to respect the rigging NOW, before glueing .... Stay tuned!
24 April 2021, 15:10
Christoph Kunz
I missed the start of this one. Will be back later. Grillseason is about to begin...
25 April 2021, 10:49
Slavo Hazucha
That brushed metal section behind the cowling is just plain epic... 👍
25 April 2021, 21:12
Thanks, looks so realistic.
26 April 2021, 07:31
It is a biplane now!
27 April 2021, 20:22
Urban Gardini
Phenomenal work as usual mate!
27 April 2021, 23:31
Thx Urban! I'm glad you like my resin beast 😉
28 April 2021, 12:19
Urban Gardini
Next on the bughunter channel. How to build a working Caproni Ca.60 from scratch in 1:48 scale that flies longer than the original did...
28 April 2021, 17:38
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy
Can I pilot it then?
28 April 2021, 17:41
Urban Gardini
28 April 2021, 17:43
Now it is a Triplane! But still a lot of work ...
@Skywalker Are you happy with the leather around the cockpit?
@Bilbo, only if you can show a license with a Type Rating of that type!
Now need to invent an undercarriage construction to connect the struts and hold axle and suspension.
29 April 2021, 20:22
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy
Does my licence need to be in 1:48 scale too? Cause I 'm sure I could forge one! 😉
29 April 2021, 20:36
Alec K
What a beast! Love it.
1 May 2021, 11:28
David Taylor
Now a triplane.
1 May 2021, 16:56
... and with undercarriage 😉
Thank you mates!
1 May 2021, 18:11
Love the turned metal cowling and engine combination. .36mm thickness is impressive.
2 May 2021, 03:02
Thank you! That thickness is still out of scale, but better as the thick resin kit cowling 😉
2 May 2021, 12:42
After the undercarriage I worked towards the tail, but only a small update.

One of the early tries of the Quadruplane had a very interesting tail skid. The wheels on the front are located in wing cut outs. To avoid the the trailing edge of the lowest wing hits the ground a very unusual loooong tail skid mounting was needed 😉
3 May 2021, 20:09
This was again an update after a short time, but I'm sooo happy with the result - I need to share it 😉 This was a lot of work with all the wooden struts!
Let's have a beer now 👍
4 May 2021, 19:55
Christoph Schnarr
Achieving wing symmetry was certainly not an easy task for you. Well done 👍
4 May 2021, 20:28
James C
Such an unusual looking design with four wings! Looking awesome 👍
4 May 2021, 20:29
Christoph Kunz
Very well done. PROST
4 May 2021, 20:44
Urban Gardini
Looking great but photo #79 looks odd with the control horns situated on the elevator and not the vertical stabilisator. The line doesn't even go free from the leading edge on the stab.
4 May 2021, 20:57
David Taylor
Then there was 4.
5 May 2021, 13:35
Giannis Kaltapanidis
Didn't even know there was a Quadruplane! Looks great!
5 May 2021, 15:33
Wow mates, what a great feedback! Thank you very much!

@Christoph It was a good decision to add the 0.6mm pipes to the wings at the begin. The wooden struts are very robust, so I can move a wing a bit harder in one direction to bend the brass pins and to get a good alignment.

@Urban The control horns are always on the control surface on the WWI biplanes. Some of the British aircraft designers don't trust the mounting, so they secured the control horn by a additional wire, like on this Sopwith: [img1]
But the principle is the same on german ones, here a Fokker: [img2]
That upper wire touches the surface seems to be a kit problem, but I had this also on some Eduard biplanes. May be I found a way to improve it a bit.

@Giannis I can recommend two articles about this bird:
5 May 2021, 16:30
Urban Gardini
Thanks mate! That I didn't know.
5 May 2021, 16:47
Robert Podkoński
There were even more quadruplanes:
5 May 2021, 16:56
Urban Gardini
Why stop with four wings when you got the Caproni Ca.60...
5 May 2021, 17:12
Robert Podkoński
But it did not fly... 😉
5 May 2021, 17:33
Giannis Kaltapanidis
Thank's bughunter!
@Urban Gardini LOL!!!
5 May 2021, 19:10
The Caproni Ca.60 is to big for my cabinet, but what about the Fokker V.8 ? It has one wing more then the Quadruplane! But I don't know any drawing of this bird.

Edith says there is a kit in 1:72
Fokker V-8 (Anigrand Craftswork AA-2091, 1:72)

5 May 2021, 19:37
Urban Gardini
Well it flew a couple of meters between the bounces for some hundred meters so technically it flew. But it was much better at burning than flying...
5 May 2021, 20:33
Urban Gardini
Ouch, the Fokker V.8 is almost as ugly as the Caproni Stipa...
5 May 2021, 20:35
Robert Podkoński
Four wings, eight wings...and what about 20...or 200(!): 😄
And there are some other multiplanes (and scratchbuilt models, too) -
A challenge, Mates? 😉
6 May 2021, 11:35
Looks like a modern window jalousie 😉
I know a build model of the Phillips Multiplane 1:
6 May 2021, 11:45
Robert Podkoński
If only I had more time...I simply love scratchbuilding such an exotic stuff.
6 May 2021, 11:58
Alec K
Looking spectacular 👍
7 May 2021, 00:25
Thank you very much!
No new pictures, still doing the rigging. Around 40 ropes are in, but I'm far from ready.
7 May 2021, 19:13
The last days I had other things to do, so was not able to touch the model on some days.
But most of the rigging is now installed, and I tried to add another detail: Rotherham air pump
13 May 2021, 15:36
Daniel Klink
and it is looking extraordinary authentic Frank! Wow!
13 May 2021, 15:40
Amazon detallan that air pump
13 May 2021, 17:04
Daniel Klink
u get this at amazon? 🙂 Damn autocorrection isn't it?
13 May 2021, 17:08
Exactly, damn grammar "incorrector".... and me not checking what happens when i type.
I think it was the result of spanish grammatical corrections applied to English words. Having multiple languages set as available can make a total mess when you do not check which one is selected!! 😛
13 May 2021, 21:05
Christoph Kunz
Do I get this right: engine and props are rotating. What about the wheels? 😉
13 May 2021, 22:18
Urban Gardini
Of course they'll roll free on their axle, it't Bughunter after all...
13 May 2021, 22:23
Thank you mates!
The problem is the standard. Once you have done that on another aircraft (in this case on my Bristol Crocodile, see pics 49 to 51 here. It shows the trick: Brisfit Crocodile WIP | Album by bughunter (1:48) ) you can't omit it on a later project.
And no, I will glue the wheels in place. There are bushes, but I have not thought about a solution for free rotation.
14 May 2021, 06:59
@Urban Gardini I was able to unmount the tailplane to modify the angle a bit. Now the control wire is free 😉
After that action the tail was rigged and completed. The rigging is complete now.
The build is nearly finished. Some final mounting, some Weathering, may be after Brathering, and the final pictures could be done. With a bit of luck may be this weekend.
14 May 2021, 19:51
Urban Gardini
Nice and good for you as it would've annoyed you on the shelf as it was!
14 May 2021, 20:30
Robert Podkoński
Keep my fingers crossed - and I'm eagerly waiting for the photos of the finished model 😉
15 May 2021, 08:09
Well, my friends, this build log is finished. That means I build my first resin model in 1 month and 10 days. That is may be not my master piece, at least compared to the Bristol Fighter and the Halberstadt, but it is a nice and never seen model for the cabinet. It took some effort to make all the wood and metal parts, but it helped to create a unique subject.
The final light tent pictures will be done this evening.

I hope the build report has entertained some of you. Many thanks for the constructive comments and support!
15 May 2021, 15:49
Amazing work Frank and a very entertaining build report.
15 May 2021, 17:04
Pierre-Christian Baudru
Great job on the metal parts !
15 May 2021, 17:57
Urban Gardini
It's still a masterpiece...!
15 May 2021, 20:05
Do we get to see photos of the finished piece?
15 May 2021, 20:17
Thank you mates - glad that you like it!
The final pictures are now done and uploaded here:
Finished Wight Quadruplane | Album by bughunter (1:48)
15 May 2021, 20:24
David Taylor
Incredible work as usual.Big thumbs up.
15 May 2021, 21:06
Absolutely fantastic
17 May 2021, 01:20
Slavo Hazucha
I "dropped out" mid build-here - it´s just so satisfying to see the world going on where one left it... sheer excellence here, everything as expected (which in this case is the highest degree of praise 😉 )

Although it needs to be said this one has more than the usual deal of awesomness, the cowling being a technological marvel and the mini-pump assembly (working propeller?! 😮 ) just outside of any scale. There is always something special in your builds, but this one brigns a christmas-load of tricks & details 👍
9 August 2021, 09:32
Thank you Slavo for digging this out of the SM stack, and for your nice comment! A complete resin kit was a new experience.
May be I will add outdoor pics. Today I mounted the bottom of an old analog camera to my airfield base for a new photo setup with two tripods, let's see how it works.
9 August 2021, 11:10

Project info

113 imagens
1:48 Wight Quadruplane (SPIN model 48011)1:48 Clerget 9B/Z (130/110 hp) Engine (Small Stuff 48102)1+

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