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Ed Hubbart (P38Eddie)

Álbuns (84)

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Álbuns de projetos mais recentes

2 imagens
HMS VictoriusView album, image #1
Flight deck attached to the hull.
Projeto: HMS Victorius
1:700 HMS Aircraft Carrier Victorious (Aoshima WL.A109)
23 imagens
ESCI/Ertl M60A3View album, image #1
instructions and bag of parts
Projeto: M60 A3
1:72 M60 A3 (ESCI 8317)
19 imagens
Hasegawa BabsView album, image #1
sprue shot
1:72 Mitsubishi Babs Ki-15-I (Hasegawa A31)
45 imagens
Monogram Panavia Tornado GR.1View album, image #1
sprue shots
Projeto: Tornado GR.1
1:72 GR. 1 Tornado (Monogram 5477)1:72 Tornado At War (Model Alliance MA-72174)
14 imagens
Revell PT-109View album, image #1
hull and deck together
Projeto: PT-109
1:72 PT-109 (Revell H-310)
4 imagens
Revell F-14A TomcatView album, image #1
Forward fuselage seams dealt with. Starboard intake trunking back on
Projeto: F-14A Tomcat
1:48 F-14A Tomcat (Revell 85-5803)
37 imagens
MPC F-14A TomcatView album, image #1
box of parts
1:72 Grumman F-14 Tomcat (MPC 1-4404)

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16 imagens
MPC F-84F repaintView album, image #1
front primed
2 imagens
Don't use this productView album, image #1