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Andrew Gledhill (Smegger213)

Challenger 2 (desertised)

Challenger 2
GB British Army (1660-now)
HQ Sqn., Command Troop, Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, 7 Arm. bde 11B
Abril 2003 Operation Telic IQ
September 3, 2021
March 7, 2025

Inventário do projeto

Kits completos
British Main Battle Tank
Challenger 2 (Desertised)
Tamiya 1:35
35274 (274) 2004 Produto novo
Conjuntos de detalhes e conversões

Albúns de fotografias

38 imagens
Tamiya Challenger II DesertisedView album, image #1
1:35 Challenger 2 (Tamiya 35274)1:35 British Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank(Desertised) Grilles - Tamiya 35274 - (E.T. Model EA35-110)1:35 Challenger 2 (desertised) For Tamiya kit (Extratech EXV 35023)


2 3 September 2021, 17:36
Andrew Gledhill Autor
Update: 20/09/2021. I started this kit beginning of Sept 2021. I have uploaded some work in progress pictures to the album. Got all the hull complete. Only done some weathering on the tracks so far. Turret has been built up. I am now at the stage of adding stuff to the turret. I am using the paint along as I go method. I don't know how some of you guys can fully build a kit, and then think about painting it. I prefer to paint as I go, esp if its an all one colour vehicle like a tank. Sometimes I will spray all the sprues with the base colour first. This time I was able to build up parts and then paint them. I will post more pictures as I progress. Enjoy.
 20 September 2021, 16:48
Andrew Gledhill Autor
Update: 05/11/2021. I have completed all the main construction and painting. Gloss coat applied. All decals applied, followed by a flat coat to seal them all down. I used photo etch grills from the Tamiya Grill Set. Front turret identification panels from the Extratech Detail Set. Not going to use anything else from the Extratech set. Far too fiddly for me lol. All that remains to be done is, make up and paint the 2 figures. Plus do all the weathering. Enjoy.
 5 November 2021, 10:55
Andrew Gledhill Autor
Update 03. 04.03.25. LOL I cannot believe that I last touched this kit in 2021. What happened was, I made a right mess of the weathering and totally ruined the look of it. So, I put it away at the back of my cabinet and forgot about it. Well, I have decided to do something with it. I have done a 90% repaint with a Mr Hobby Sand Colour. Don't know if its the right sand colour, and frankly I don't care lol. It does look a bit rough and ready because of all the paint on it now. But hopefully it won't look too bad with better weathering. I lost most of the original markings, so I have applied decals for another scheme that came with the kit. Its all been sealed in with a gloss coat ready for weathering. I have also made a start on the figures. They look a bit rough too lol. That's it for now. Enjoy.
 4 March, 16:27
Andrew Gledhill Autor
Update 04. 07.03.25. Well, I can now call this one complete. I sprayed some Ammo Mig Jet Exhaust Burnt Iron into the engine grills. Once that was done, I dry brushed the base colour over the grill frames etc.
I have finished all the weathering. I started with an overall Sand coloured Florymodels Clay Wash. Once dry this was rubbed off in places with cotton buds. Dampening the cotton buds allowed more of the wash to be wiped off. After that, I rubbed on some Sand pigments from a Tamiya Weathering Set. To get the sand clumps on the tank, I would brush on a small amount of enamel thinner. Then dab onto that some of the sand pigment. This would form clumps and stick to the surface. Once that was dry, I sealed it all in with a final flat coat of varnish.
Finally, I moved onto the 2 included figures. Unfortunately, I ruined one of the figures in an attempt to strip off the paint from it. I have not made a very good job at painting the commander figure either. So, to try to get some better figures for it. I have ordered a Miniart British AFV Crew Set. Hopefully, I can use the figures from that set, and make a better job at painting them.
But, apart from some better figures, its time to call this one complete. Enjoy.
 7 March, 09:40