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Mark W
владеет этим предметом
Okinawa Shuri Castle Shurei-mon
Fujimi 1:100
50094 (30) 2020 Новые декали
4 October, 17:11
добавил новый фотоальбом.
68 29 September 2020, 08:25
looking really interesting 🙂
29 September 2020, 09:40
Thanks! Hope the result will meet your expectations. 🙂 Not the first D-Day project, but just my attempt to built a part of the Atlantikwall in Normandy during D-Day.
29 September 2020, 10:20
Rui S
This is going to be huge. I'm the first boat😉
29 September 2020, 10:31
Added some pics of the construction of diorama base and the construction of the PAK gun.
22 November 2020, 20:26
The roof parts of the bunker are dry fit.
23 November 2020, 05:39
Added some pics of a couple of G.I.'s painted in the base color and the PAK gun which is constructed. Currently assembling some ranger figures and steel obstacles for on the beach. Try to minimize the amount of pics because I love to take lots of pics when working on a project. Also included a pic of the nameplate.
7 December 2020, 08:10
Obviously the tyres on the PAK are not fitted the way they are supposed to be fitted. This is done for test purposes.
7 December 2020, 08:11
Great idea and nice Start, following!
4 August 2021, 16:43
Tini Hendriks
Very nice!
5 August 2021, 18:47
The beach, dunes, trench and the German bunker are getting more and more to how I want them to be.
27 August 2021, 19:30
Looks great.
27 August 2021, 21:03
Great progress
28 August 2021, 03:13
I've painted the PAK in the dark yellow base color with the airbrush. First I painted it with grey primer, than with black paint and then dark yellow. I tried to do some preshading but that didn't really turned out as I hoped it would. Nevertheless I'm happy with how the PAK looks. I've also painted the details and now I'm doing chips. Washes and drybrushes will be done at the last step.
1 September 2021, 14:21
Simon Nagorsnik
a lot of work to do but look impressive 👍
1 September 2021, 14:22
The first piece of barbed wire is finished. Hand made. Painted with Tamiya metallic grey. Still my favorite paint for steel, metal or iron.
3 September 2021, 18:41
Bruce Huxtable
The home-made barbed wire is very impressive. How many more metres to do...? It's coming together for sure 👍
18 September 2021, 12:59
Muy buena pinta
18 September 2021, 14:36
Thanks for the nice comments. I don't know how many metres of barbed wire I have to add, but it's quite alot. 😁
19 September 2021, 07:12
And a little update. Worked on creating sand bags, placed the PAK gun in the bunker and closed the roof.
I've put sand and tufts of grass on the roof of the bunker. Also placed the first parts of barbed wire.
4 November 2021, 21:02
Rui S
Nice progress. Keep it coming 👍
6 November 2021, 15:31
A few items of this project have been finished. I finished the German mortar crew and placed them in the dunes. I also added more barbed wire. The barbed wire obstacle is getting somewhere. Also finished painting the dead German that will be placed in the door of the bunker.
2 January 2022, 19:37
David Taylor
Just wow.
2 January 2022, 19:56
Thanks David! The first American G.I. is finished. I'm quite happy with how he turned out.
4 January 2022, 20:10
Robin (WhiteGlint)
What a huge project. Awesome work so far! 👍
I think your figure painting skills are top notch.
4 January 2022, 20:54
Thank you! Another German soldier is finished. This one might not be as good as the previous German and American G.I. but it's good enough for me. The only thing is that the strap on his rifle is a bit width.
5 January 2022, 20:17
Guy Rump
Looking great! 👍
5 January 2022, 20:32
Thanks Guy! The 2nd American G.I. of the 29th ID is finished. I'm happy with the result.
9 January 2022, 16:23
The 3rd American G.I. is finished. That makes this one the 9th completed figure of this project. As with the other figures I'm also happy with this one. Let's start working on the 10th. 🙂
16 January 2022, 19:36
Rui S
Impressive figure painting 👍
16 January 2022, 19:37
Added some sand bags at the back of the pillbox and added the dead German in the door of pillbox. Also used a white drybrush to add depth and to make the damage to the concrete more visible. On the roof of the pillbox I put some camouflage netting.
20 February 2022, 19:31
Added more self made camouflage netting on the roof of the pillbox.
25 February 2022, 19:22
25 February 2022, 19:51
Great progress here!
26 February 2022, 07:05
Thanks guys!
27 February 2022, 11:06
Thanks Karl! Add pics of another finished German. Will get it's place soon in the trench.
28 May 2022, 18:15
Rui S
Again, impressive figure painting 👍
28 May 2022, 20:39
Thanks Rui! Nice to read. 🙂
29 May 2022, 07:20
Sure I can share how I made the sandbags. No problem. I got it from a Dutch tutorial. Will translate it and send it to you.

I've placed the commanding German in the trench. Added a pic of that.
29 May 2022, 17:50
add the link to the tutorial here, aub 😉
29 May 2022, 21:15
David Taylor
Figures look superb.
30 May 2022, 15:05
Thanks for all the positive feedback. Started building seven years ago and never thought I would got this far. Many thanks goes out to a building buddy here in the Netherlands who taught me alot about figure painting.
30 May 2022, 18:58
Guy Rump
Your building buddy taught you well, the figures are excellent! 👍
30 May 2022, 19:55
Pietro De Angelis
Wow, amazing project, figures and dio,
can't wait to see it finished!
7 August 2023, 17:17
Mathias Decommere
This is a magnificent diorama! I love already every inch of it!
7 August 2023, 19:12
Thank you Mathias and Pietro. Can't wait myself to see this project finished. By that time I've made more than enough barbed wire. 🙂
8 August 2023, 18:37
What a fantastic dio!!! I'm more & more impressed every time I look👌
8 August 2023, 18:40
Marcin Snakowski
Good job. It looks very promising!
Using an airbrush, I would add some sandy color to the vegetation. It is now too distinct from the soil. In a similar way and with an oil wash, I would slightly differentiate the sand with darker shades here and there.
8 August 2023, 19:46
Thanks guys! When I'll resume working on this project I'll take your suggestions in consideration.
9 August 2023, 07:06
The first row of barbed wire runs from left to right in front of the bunker. Took alot of time to get there. I'm gonna add 2 more rows of barbed wire left of the bunker and in front of the trench right to the bunker. Also added the German mg gunner. Gonna add a opened ammo box and a belt of ammo running to the mg.
3 December 2023, 18:52
Love these huge projects!
3 December 2023, 20:25
Huge it is. 🙂 Currently working on one more big project and after that I'm quite sure I'm done with huge projects. 🙂 Because of the amount of work that goes with it I kind of loose my motivation after a while. Fact remains that if a project like this gets completed you really have something.
4 December 2023, 08:43
More barbed wire added. We're getting somewhere. 🙂
2 January, 19:06
Last figures are done. Finally, after four years. 🙂 Now I have to finish the base. The end of this project is starting to get in sight.
19 January, 07:51
Mathias Decommere
Patience is key
19 January, 18:36
Absolutely. Fact is I shouldn't be working on so many projects at the same time. 🙂
19 January, 19:26
This is just getting better & better everytime you go near it…….. is your name Midas? Seriously impressed every time I check in👌👌
19 January, 22:27
Thank you very much for your compliment! Very nice to read. 🙂
20 January, 08:24
The barbed wire is still making good progress. Now working on the area in front of the trench.
25 February, 18:46
Mr James
All that beautiful painting and weathering on the PAK and only the barrel to be seen 😉 Your figure painting on the uniforms is splendid. What a project 🙂
25 February, 20:24
Holger Hubbes
Absolutely awesome
25 February, 21:03
Thank you guys! Yes James, in a way it's a pity that only the barrel of the PAK is visible, but I knew that when I started this project. I'm glad that producing and adding the barbed wire is reaching it's end. That took me way more time than I imagined.
4 March, 09:17
I agree with Mr James - your figures are always top notch! Curious to see how this turns out.
18 March, 21:21
Thank you!
21 March, 18:13
The final details have been done. Added bits of concrete blown off the bunker by shell fire and sand that got blown away by other shell fire. Next set of photos are from the end result. Coming soon.
2 October, 19:08
3 October, 05:47
Thank you!
3 October, 06:57
Outstanding! super excited for the final shots!
3 October, 07:55
Thanks! I'm excited too so I hope I can post them very soon and show this project in it's entirety.
3 October, 10:00
Desert Marlin
добавил новый фотоальбом.
10 изображения
F-16I SufaView album, image #1
Проект: F-16I Sufa
1:32 F-16I IDF Sufa Cockpit set (Wolfpack WP32030)1:32 F-16I SUFA (Academy 12105)1:32 F-16I Sufa Correction Set (IsraCast 32016)
6 29 September, 18:45
Desert Marlin
This is looking like it will be a blast to complete!
29 September, 19:08
Desert Marlin
Any suggestions on which squadron would be most appealing?
29 September, 19:09
Mr D
Nice model here... Enjoy 😁👍
29 September, 20:06
Desert Marlin
29 September, 21:06
Desert Marlin
The IsraDecal publication is absolutely pricesless for this project!
29 September, 21:31
Guy Rump
Interesting, following.👍
29 September, 21:44
Landlubber Mike
Cool project, following along as well. Not sure I can help you on the squadron selection - lots of good options.
4 October, 17:10
B-17F "Flying Fortress" Seatbelts and Canopy Masks
HGW Models 1:48
148825 2024 Новая разработка
4 October, 17:07
владеет этим предметом
Antonov An-225 Mrija
Revell 1:144
04958 2018 Новая разработка
4 October, 17:07
Desert Marlin
добавил новый фотоальбом.
23 9 August, 22:31
Desert Marlin
Right in the middle of a perfectly good Mirage 2000N build, I wound up building this Iron Dome Battery. Not sure how I got sucked in, but the build was pretty easy until it came to the cabling...
9 August, 22:48
You won´t get tangled up, mate! As expert modeller you´ll make! 🙂
10 August, 09:47
Desert Marlin
Aye, I have been blessed with time and opportunity!
10 August, 20:34
Desert Marlin
Time to paint the IDF soldiers that came with it!
10 August, 20:39
Desert Marlin
Done with the ladies!
16 August, 03:41
Very good diorama! 👍👍
16 August, 08:03
Desert Marlin
Thanks! I appreciate that very much Neuling!
16 August, 15:40
Robert Podkoński
I agree with Neuling - nice work, Marlin!
16 August, 16:10
Desert Marlin
Thank you Robert! Much appreciated!
16 August, 16:18
Wow! I can't believe I almost missed this! The details are top notch - especially the cabling!
28 September, 05:52
Desert Marlin
Thank you!
28 September, 12:38
Landlubber Mike
Outstanding work - beautiful base!
4 October, 17:07
Chris T. An
добавил новый фотоальбом.
47 22 January 2023, 10:20
Chris T. An
This is the first time for me to tackle a complete resin kit. And when I look at the individual parts, it will be a real challenge. There is an extreme amount of rework needed on each part. Hope I can get it to work.
22 January 2023, 10:29
Best of luck, it will be interesting to follow
23 January 2023, 13:58
Michael Kohl
I am in too
13 February 2023, 16:14
Robert Podkoński
I will watch with pleasure and interest too.
13 February 2023, 16:27
Alex K
A 3D-printed PZL Dromader???!!! Following for sure!! (The Grand Models cast-resin kit is perhaps above my skills - and I still wait for the Karaya injection one...). Your ag-aircraft & ground equipment dio will turn... monumental! 👍
13 February 2023, 19:12
Marcel Klemmer
Very interesting project👍 I am in
13 February 2023, 21:50
Villiers de Vos
Very nice progress on an unusual subject.
14 February 2023, 02:06
Chris T. An
Thank you all for watching. Alex, I also saw the Grand Models kit for the M18, but I was frightened from some build reviews, there is a lot of rework to do on that kits. I have now the same or a bit more work, but I got the 3D file for free from Thingiverse.

I am really not a Pro in sratch building but I will try to engrave some panel lines and add some more greeblies to the plane. The 3D file is very poor in details.
14 February 2023, 09:34
Alex K
Nice progress! 👍
17 February 2023, 19:56
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic Dromader! (I wish I had one... I have no access to 3d printing, alas...😭 )
21 February 2023, 18:06
Chris T. An
Robert, you can have a look to the Grand Models resin kits. I am much more disappointed that there is no kit in 1:72 and no 3D file of a PZL 106 Kruk. I would spend some money on that because it would fit perfect to the Dromader and Cmelák.
21 February 2023, 18:10
Robert Podkoński
Actually, that is something that makes me angry too - I would love to see (and buy) decent kits of "Wilga" and "Kruk" (not mentioning PZL M-15 "Belphegor" 😉 )... but apparently no Polish manufacturers are interested in preparing these.
21 February 2023, 18:52
Alex K
Guys... let's look a bit at the bright side: who would have thought a few years ago that one day (today!) there would be kits of the Cmelak, the Dromader, the Grumman AgCat (in both 1:72 & 1:48!!!), the Piper Pawnee?! Some are short-run, some are cast-resin, some are 3D-files-to print - nevertheless, something is slowly moving towards that direction! So, yes, I do hope too there will be someday a Kruk available in 1:72 or a Belphegor! And your buys of such kits and your modelling work proves that there's some interest in such topics! Keep it up! 👍
21 February 2023, 19:06
Robert Podkoński
You're right, Alex 🙂 "Always look on the bright side of life..." 😉
21 February 2023, 22:00
Robert Podkoński
I am afraid there is a spelling error on the decals, Chris... I see "Dromedar" instead of "Dromader"... The plane looks awesome!
24 February 2023, 15:43
Chris T. An
Robert, I can understand that it is confusing, but in the GDR, "Dromedar" was actually used. This is the German translation of the word. Feel free to search for pictures of it, here would be an example: [img1]
24 February 2023, 17:01
Robert Podkoński
I have not known about that, sorry Chris... That's really interesting.
24 February 2023, 17:17
Alex K
Nice trivia... and as Robert said: it looks awesome!
24 February 2023, 21:40
Bernhard Schrock
Dromader: An outstanding result from such a simple kit!
26 February 2023, 14:26
Everything top notch here! But what about the excavator? May a combined diorama?
29 June, 10:21
Chris T. An
The excavator is still coming. I haven't dared to go any further yet. Let's see, maybe I'll get motivated again in the fall/winter. 😉
9 July, 13:19
9 July, 15:18
Michael Kohl
Very well done Dromedar. Anxious about the excavator.
4 October, 17:04
German Submarine
Hasegawa 1:700
49901 2017 Изменилось ??? Несколько моделей (2)
4 October, 17:04
just joined this community.
4 October, 17:03
Fauzan R.
пометил этот товар как заказанный
Gloster Meteor F.3
Tamiya 1:48
61083 2002 Новые детали
4 October, 17:03
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4 October, 17:01
владеет этим предметом
De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI/NF Mk.II
Tamiya 1:48
61062 (61062-2800) 1998 Новая разработка
4 October, 17:02
Ian Shaw
владеет этим предметом
World War 2 German Uniforms Part 2
Weikert Decals 1:35
4 October, 17:01
M7A3 BFIST Bradley Fire Support Team Vehicle
Magic Factory 1:35
2006 2024 Новые детали
4 October, 17:01
M-SHORAD Bradley
M2A4 IFV 3-in-1
Magic Factory 1:35
2004 2023 Новая разработка
4 October, 17:00
владеет этим предметом
F-86F-30 Sabre
Academy 1:48
2162 (FA155) 2004 Новые декали
4 October, 17:00
Aluminium Gun Barrel For The US 155mm Howitzer M1A1(Kit No.CB35073)
Bronco 1:35
AB3554 2011 Новая разработка
4 October, 16:59
Mark W
Mobile Armor
Armored Nut Group 4 in 1 Almond, Peanut, walnut, chestnut
BA1001 2021 Модельный набор
4 October, 16:58
155mm Howitzer M1A1
Bronco 1:35
CB35073 2011 Новая разработка
4 October, 16:58
владеет этим предметом
German Tank Destroyer
Marder III M "Normandy Front"
Tamiya 1:35
35364 2019 Новые детали
4 October, 16:57
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32 изображения
Mirage 2000DView album, image #28Новый: 4 October, 16:57
Time for decals
Проект: Mirage 2000D
1:48 Mirage 2000D (Renaissance RF48035)1:48 Cockpit Mirage 2000D/N (Renaissance RF48036)1:48 Mirage 2000D/N (Eduard 1123)5+
30 30 March, 22:23
Jose Motta
Very nice progress. Where did the pilots and the fuel tanks come from?
11 May, 19:30
Thx, the pilots are from Reedoak and the fuel tanks from Renaissance models
11 May, 20:21
Desert Marlin
Really nice!
6 September, 19:27
Nice, gonna follow
23 September, 11:30
super !
23 September, 14:57
Mark W
Green Hobby
Hot Spring Inn
Micro Ace 1:150
81111-1800 (11) 2014 Новая коробка
4 October, 16:57
Mark W
Green Hobby
Farmer's House
Micro Ace 1:100
81101-1800 (1) 2014 Новая коробка
4 October, 16:56
пометил этот товар как заказанный
USN F4F-4 "Battle of Midway"
Academy 1:48
12355 2024 Новая разработка
4 October, 16:56
Stug III G 'M7 Ersatz' conversion set
FC Model Trend 1:72
72543 2023 Новая разработка
4 October, 16:52
добавил новый фотоальбом.
43 17 May, 12:19
Łukasz Gliński
23 May, 10:50
Dave Flitton
23 May, 11:24
Sergej I
Me too 🙂
23 May, 13:59
Guy Rump
Me as well. 🙂
5 July, 17:06
And me.
5 July, 17:36
Thanks guys for following, comments and likes 😉
5 July, 17:39
Cristian A
I'm here as well 👍
6 July, 20:02
Me too.
9 July, 17:00
Harry Eder
Nice job so far! 👍
14 July, 19:02
Łukasz Gliński
Highly impressive interior (that telly!), the shading looks grand too 👍
23 September, 14:29
JKT 72021
Spare Tracks for StuG III Ausf.G / StuH 42 Dragon
J.K. Resin 1:72
JKT 72021 2017 Новая разработка
4 October, 16:51
Marek Nagy
владеет этим предметом
Spitfire Mk.IX - Eduard -
Brengun 1:144
4 October, 16:51
добавил новый проект.
1:72 StuG III Ausf.E (Dragon 7562)1:72 Spare Tracks for StuG III Ausf.G / StuH 42 (J.K. Resin JKT 72021)1:72 WSS - Stug Crew set (Dynamo Models 72026)
4 October, 16:51
Mato Hamo
владеет этим предметом
Soviet Fighter
Zvezda 1:48
4814 2016 Новая коробка
4 October, 16:50
LAV 300 holographic film (simulate optical instrument lenses)
SX-Art 1:35
36143 2024 Новая разработка
4 October, 16:50
Object 279 holographic film (simulate optical instrument lenses)
SX-Art 1:35
36142 2024 Новая разработка
4 October, 16:50
KLM A321neo with Coroguard
Draw Decal 1:144
44-A3N-122C 2024 Новая разработка
4 October, 16:50
KLM A321neo
Draw Decal 1:144
44-A3N-122 2024 Новая разработка
4 October, 16:50
Westland Lysander Mk-III A 3D printed kit
FoxOne Design Studio 1:144
A138 2024 Изменилось ???
4 October, 16:49







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