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Yes Man
Eduard 1:72
CX634 2022 Новая разработка
14 October, 18:32
Arunas Jurksa
владеет этим предметом
De Havilland Mosquito (Proinor 6)
De Havilland Mosquito RAF No 333 (Norwegian) Squadron 1943-1945
Profiles in Norway Нет. 6
Kjentil Korsnes, Bengt Stangvik
14 October, 18:32
Arunas Jurksa
владеет этим предметом
Messerschmitt Bf 109T (Proinor 3)
Messerschmitt Bf 109T Camouflage and Markings
Profiles in Norway Нет. 3
Kjetil Aakra, Arild Kjæraas
14 October, 18:31
Sergio Ordonez
добавил новый фотоальбом.
30 19 August 2021, 11:46
The boys who, when my motorbike was stolen circa 1981, refused to investigate it as anything other than an insurance scam! Not the brightest folk I've ever met. I'll try not to hold that against your model Sergio, but can't promise. 🙂
3 September 2021, 14:24
Sergio Ordonez
Mark: I've been an AF Para back during my conscription. I really do not love those MP monkeys....
But I selected this one as there are some decals available and there are some parts that must be built from scratch. This will be a preparation for my next Landie: a British Amy EOD one.
Hope your motorbike was not a Royal Enfield or a Triumph or a Norton: this would be a great loss.
3 September 2021, 17:15
Yamaha XT250. Absolutely loved that bike. It's been cars and bicycles since that was knicked. If I win the lottery tomorrow, I'll buy this: facebook.com/marketp..25539498668014/?ref=

You probably know that the RAF Police wear a blue beret, but I see the chap in image #6 is wearing a red beret like the Royal Military Police (Army).
3 September 2021, 21:42
Sergio Ordonez
Yes, I know: this one was a prototipe, it is my second time using Magic Sculpt and I'm still too green.
As you see, the figure is far from being perfect.
5 September 2021, 12:23
The figure looks fine from here Sergio. 👍
6 September 2021, 10:48
Sergio Ordonez
Thank you very much, Mike, but is a little bot oversized and the mix of green stuff and Magic Sculpt proved to be not as addequate as needed.
I have been modifying figures of the old Italery "british tank troops" box to get cold war british soldiers (as these figures are a little bit smaller than others). I'm afraid 1:35 references for 70-80's british troopers are very limited, so this encouraged me to try modelling. The second try would be better.
6 September 2021, 14:05
Mike? 😮
6 September 2021, 20:28
Sergio Ordonez
I am terrible sorry, Mark: this stupid grammar corrector (is configured for Spanish, not for English). Sorry, I should check better before sending.
7 September 2021, 14:49
Sergio Ordonez
Regarding the XT250, if you are looking for one, there are easy to obtain here in Spain under 3000€, and several are for sale. I think import taxes in Britain are around 12% plus VAT and, knowing that your MOT is a logical thing when compared to our ITV system would be relatively easy for you to get a license plate.
I know that Norton well, as there was one in the family. There were a lot of Norton bikes in Northern Spain in the 70s and 80s, but bought second hand from Canary Islands and Gibraltar. Very neglected, as spare parts were scarce. The Govt subsidies for new cars and bikes destroyed the rest and there are few to none survivors now.
Now I am working on getting a Land Rover Wolf from Britain (ex-MoD) for my farming operation. Hope to get one (or at least, pay less on taxes than on buying the Landie). 🤣
7 September 2021, 15:14
No problem Sergio, I've lost count of the number of times I've got a name wrong online. 🙂
7 September 2021, 19:24
Thanks for the tip on the XT250. I've used these sites for modelling research and they may help you find a good landie at a good price:
7 September 2021, 19:30
Sergio Ordonez
Thank you very much, Mark! I did know the first one, but no clue about the others!
I have one question for you, as you served the RAF in these times... Those guys of the RAF Police, usually have helmets in their vehicles? I mean, back in the 80s (with all this means for good rock music).
8 September 2021, 00:45
Re helmets, I'd say probably not Sergio. The banner picture you use at the top of the project made me laugh at first - never seen RAF Plods running unless running to the mess! 🙂 And very odd to see them with SLRs.

If you didn't do helmets and kitted them with 9mm pistols or SMGs, nobody could argue that it wasn't authentic (* always depending on place/scene). DPM (disruptive pattern material) and ballistic vests as per your banner picture would be correct for Germany and Northern Ireland, but for most of UK mainland I'd expect to see them in RAF blue. UK Bloodhound sites and nuclear bomber sites, are probably best treated as for Germany. There are a lot of variables. Are you modelling any specific place/scene?
8 September 2021, 11:10
Sergio Ordonez
I was thinking on RAF Brüggen or RAF Güntersloh. That photo I think was taken on Güntersloh, 1985, when some RAF Police troops try to capture a beer six pack.
Well, also I could change to RAF Blue uniforms (I think the wear caps instead berets, but also they usually patrol on Leyland Sherpa instead Landies).
Regarding the SLR, I found in photographs that whereas Royal Military Police usually appear using Sterling SMGs, RAF Police usually carry SLRs. And in most of photos, RAF monkeys wear INIBA vests. Maybe I should research a little bit more.
8 September 2021, 17:15
"some RAF Police troops try to capture a beer six pack." 😄 😄 😄 Yes, I can see them running for that!

But that photo is a good reference for you - taken where/when you want to set your scene. If anybody argued about the authenticity of your model, you just show them that photo! Anyway our models are our creations and don't have to please anyone but ourself. 👍
8 September 2021, 18:23
Sergio Ordonez
Well, in fact, I'll be unable to build an authentic license plate, so you are completely right, Mark. Let's see what we get from here. The RE and the BDU ones will be better, but we need to start from here.
Thanks, Mark!
8 September 2021, 18:44
8 September 2021, 19:21
Rui S
Looking good 👍
20 September 2021, 18:49
Sergio Ordonez
Thank you, mate. Now seems closer to the end. This model is not fit for weathering, as some veterans told me RAFP Landies were neat and cleaned every week, so only small touches will be added, so, apart from some final assembly, this will remain more or less like this.
21 September 2021, 06:19
Sergio Ordonez
Mark: I think these guys are ready to look for your motorcycle...
21 September 2021, 14:32
It looks more like they're ready for tea break! 😄 Seriously though, I'm getting goose bumps from photo 33 onward - takes me right back in time. 👍
21 September 2021, 18:49
Sergio Ordonez
Well, next one maybe will be an EOD RE one... Breaks are not for tea! 🤣 🤣 🤣
Thank you for your help, Mark. You and other veterans gave me ideas and the impulse to finish this one. After the WK Kafer I thought I had lost my mojo...
21 September 2021, 19:05
22 September 2021, 15:33
Looking fwd to the REME build...
22 September 2021, 15:34
Sergio Ordonez
Well, the REME EOD team build will be a kind of imagination: I'll mix again some different photographs for the final product. And I just realized that there is no Bowman Radio set available in 1:35 scale, but, let us try. 🤣
22 September 2021, 16:56
David Taylor
Nice one Sergio.Just made mine into a helicopter support platform.
8 October, 19:45
Sergio Ordonez
Nice idea, David: RAF or RN? Royal Navy one is a kind of a heavy project if started from scratch.
9 October, 06:25
Alexander Grivonev
Bloke looks like a true geezer 👍
9 October, 06:37
Sergio Ordonez
RAF Police: I was told they were not fit for running of even moving!
9 October, 07:39
David Taylor
Hi Sergio. British army used them with the Lynx helicopters.
9 October, 19:17
Sergio Ordonez
David, is that a coversion by Accrate Armour? I have the one by Revell for the supoorting of RN Choppers, but It is just an standard Landie.
10 October, 18:21
David Taylor
AA do a full kit but it is expensive.Mine is a standard kit modified with styrene card and rods and anything else I could find.
10 October, 19:49
Sergio Ordonez
I would like to see your project, David. Looks really interesting and, as I still have a lot of spare Landies in my stash, I would like to replicate. But, first, I have to finish my Royal Navy collection: need to make low stock in my stash, as I cannot really find almost anything in my little workshop... 🙂
11 October, 05:11
David Taylor
As the saying goes,I have more kits than life expectancy LOL.
11 October, 14:27
Sergio Ordonez
You are right, David: infinite stash is a Common problem for all modelling mates.
Now I feel curious about the Chopper support Landies: I think I Will make some research.
12 October, 08:47
David Taylor
Based mine on the same kit as yours "The Guardia Civil".
12 October, 11:15
Sergio Ordonez
Yes, I used this kit, but I have a Firing Line hard top conversión kit I think It Will be useful for a RAF helo Support car. I have also found some captions of 1:76 scale drawings that Will be useful for the purpose.
12 October, 17:43
David Taylor
I made new sides and filled in the roof windows with plasticard and filler.I am saving up for the Firing Line 101 as I used to work on them.For me personally, the best Landy ever.
13 October, 07:43
Sergio Ordonez
David, do you know any resource I could find about the upper platform? I get some photos but are not very clear
13 October, 20:30
Sergio Ordonez
I have the Firing Line 101, but I admit It have some flaws I am still trying to solve. Nevertheless, is the only one in the market.
13 October, 20:31
David Taylor
I more or less copies the AA from photos.Most pictures on line are of the Defender variant.In all honesty the Hobbyboss Defender would be ideal.
14 October, 18:19
Sergio Ordonez
David: I sent you a link to a 1:76 scale drawings of a 109 for chopper support. I will to digitalize It through streamlining. If I get It, I Will send you a copy.
14 October, 18:31
Yes Man
Yak-9D interior 3D decals for Zvezda kit
Quinta Studio 1:72
QD72056 2022 Новая разработка
14 October, 18:31
Rafael Sánchez
Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II
Tamiya 1:72
60793 2024 Новые детали
14 October, 18:31
Moritz Michalski
R.M.S. Titanic 100th Anniversary Edition
Revell 1:400
05715 1999 Модельный набор
14 October, 18:30
David H
добавил новый фотоальбом.
64 изображения
RAF DuxfordView album, image #1
7 26 May, 17:14
Robert Podkoński
Thanks for sharing. Fantastic photos. When I was visiting Duxford, this hall was closed for the most part of the day...I had only half an hour to walk around...
26 May, 18:06
David H
I'll add more but I need to tidy these up first. These were mainly for details and colours as the planes are so tightly packed you couldn't get the whole airframe in 😫
27 May, 07:54
Robert Podkoński
That's annoying indeed...
27 May, 07:59
Andreas Lux
Hello David, thank you for sharing the many detailed photos with us 👍
14 October, 18:08
David H
You're welcome 👍🏻
14 October, 18:22
Shar Dipree
Thanks for sharing!
14 October, 18:30
Yes Man
Yakovlev Yak-9D
Zvezda 1:72
7313 2022 Новая разработка
14 October, 18:30
Moritz Michalski
R.M.S. Titanic 100th Anniversary Edition
Revell 1:400
85-0380 2011 Новая коробка
14 October, 18:30
M2A2 ODS-SA detail set
UA Vmodels 1:35
35084 2024 Новая разработка
14 October, 18:29
Moritz Michalski
Seenotkreuzer/Search and Rescue Vessel Berlin (25 Years DGzRS & Revell)
Revell 1:72
05211 (80-5211) 2013 Новые декали
14 October, 18:28
Kike Alés
владеет этим предметом
Boeing Vertol CH113A Labrador
Hobbycraft 1:72
HC2301 1989 Новая разработка
14 October, 18:28
Gregory Swart
владеет этим предметом
C-47A Skytrain
Trumpeter 1:48
02828 2008 Новая разработка
14 October, 18:28
Arunas Jurksa
пометил этот товар для продажи
A-26B Invader
Revell 1:48
85-5524 2010 Новые декали
14 October, 18:28
пометил этот товар как заказанный
Mercedes CLK-GTR Team CLK Sportswear
Tamiya 1:24
24201 1998 Новые декали
14 October, 18:27
Nicos D
владеет этим предметом
Airco (de Havilland) DH2 World War 1
UA Roden 1:32
612 2009 Новая разработка
14 October, 18:27
Alberto Bianchi
Macchi C.205 Veltro
Italeri 1:32
2519 2024* Новые детали
14 October, 18:26
владеет этим предметом
1985 Camaro Z28
Revell 1:24
14540 2022 Новые декали
14 October, 18:26
Nicos D
владеет этим предметом
Gloster Meteor Mk.I With Fieseler Fi 103 V-1
AMT 1:48
825 1978 Новая разработка
14 October, 18:26
Display Case Vitrine 232mm x 120mm x 86mm
Trumpeter 1:24
09813 2008 Новая разработка
14 October, 18:26
Heinkel He 70 G-1 "Blitz" (F-2/170A)
Revell 1:72
04229 (80-4229) 2005 Новые декали
14 October, 18:25
HMS Naiad Super Detail set 3D impression
YZM Model 1:350
YZ-119 2024 Новая разработка
14 October, 18:25
Mike K
добавил новый фотоальбом.
2 14 October, 18:24
Added a new review for:
T17E1 Staghound MK.1 (Late Production) with 12 feet Assault Bridge
Bronco 1:35
CB35115 2017 Новые детали
Panzer Modell
Panzer Modell
14 October, 18:24
Vern S
Marine Corps Bomber
SB2U-3 Vindicator VMSB-241, Battle of Midway
Accurate Miniatures 1:48
480202 2005 Новые детали
14 October, 18:23
Rafael Sánchez
Lockheed Martin
F-35B Lightning II
Tamiya 1:48
61125 2023 Новые детали
14 October, 18:23
Moritz Michalski
владеет этим предметом
MD 144225
TU-134UBL "Crusty-B" detail set
Microdesign 1:144
MD 144225 2020 Новая разработка
14 October, 18:22
Moritz Michalski
MD 144221
Il-62M PE-detail set for Zvezda
Microdesign 1:144
MD 144221 2018 Новая разработка
14 October, 18:22
Moritz Michalski
владеет этим предметом
MD 144206
Il-76MD Interior PE-detail set for Zvezda
Microdesign 1:144
MD 144206 2017 Новая разработка
14 October, 18:22
Moritz Michalski
владеет этим предметом
MD 144207
Il-76MD Exterior PE-detail set for Zvezda
Microdesign 1:144
MD 144207 2017 Новая разработка
14 October, 18:22
Moritz Michalski
владеет этим предметом
MD 144208
Il-76MD Ground Equipment PE-detail set for Zvezda
Microdesign 1:144
MD 144208 2017 Новая разработка
14 October, 18:22
Arunas Jurksa
пометил этот товар для продажи
A/B-26C Invader
Monogram 1:48
5508 1993 Новая разработка
14 October, 18:22
Ondrej Nasinec
добавил новый фотоальбом.
14 изображения
F/A-18D Hornet "Night Attack"View album, image #3
Проект: F/A-18D Hornet
1:48 F/A-18B/D exterior (Eduard 48960)1:48 LAU-10/A Zuni (Eduard 648226)1:48 F/A-18A/C Hornet - Ejection Seat w/ Safety Belts (Quickboost QB 48 001)5+
48 24 March, 20:55
Gary Victory
Very nice build Ondrej. Great work Sir.
25 March, 07:15
25 March, 08:20
Excellent shading. Top work!
25 March, 09:40
Michael Kohl
1st class modelling.
25 March, 10:07
Ondrej Nasinec
Thank you, gentlemen!
26 March, 08:39
Alexander Grivonev
Those avionic bays are begging for some close up pictures!
26 March, 10:15
Jos Jansen
26 March, 11:38
Tommy Agne
Beautiful! Great Work, Mate!
27 March, 19:08
Andreas Lux
I am impressed by your clean accurate work, well done👍
14 October, 18:21





