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Roland Roth (Tacklebarry)

Alterung und Verwitterung - aging and weathering

Album image #1
Vorerst verwendete Produkte - products first used 

Album image #2
Unbehandelte Seite - untreated side 

Album image #3
AK OIF - OEF Wash 

Album image #4
Seite mit OIF - OEF Wash - side with OIF/OEF wash 

Album image #5
Modell mit drei Filtern - modell with three filters 

Album image #6
Modell mit drei Filtern - modell with three filters 

Album image #7
Modell mit drei Filtern - modell with three filters 

Album image #8
Für das 2. Detailwash - for 2nd Pin-wash 

Album image #9
rechte Seite - right side 

Album image #10
linke Seite - left side 

Album image #11
linke Seite - left side 

Album image #12
Bereifung - wheels 

Album image #13
small chipping 

Album image #14
small chipping 

Album image #15
small chipping 

Album image #16
small chipping 

Album image #17
small chipping 

Album image #18
Reifen und Pigmente - wheel and pigments 

Album image #19
mit White spirit getränkt - soaked with white spirit 

Album image #20
mit White spirit getränkt - soaked with white spirit 

Album image #21
getrocknet - dried 

Album image #22
Reifen fast fertig - Wheels almost done 

Album image #23
"Schlierenmittel" - 'streaking medium' 

Album image #24
zum verblenden - for blending 

Album image #25
auftragen der Schlieren - apply the streaks 

Album image #26
fertig - done 

Album image #27
vor dem Verblenden - before blending 

Album image #28
während des Verblendens - during the blending 

Album image #29
das Ergebnis - the result  

Album image #30
rechte Seite - right side 

Album image #31
Details in anderem Licht - details with another lighting 

Album image #32
Weathering beendet - end of the general weathering 

Album image #33
Weathering beendet - end of the general weathering 

Album image #34
Weathering beendet - end of the general weathering 

Album image #35
Weathering beendet - end of the general weathering 

Album image #36
Reifen - Wheels 

Album image #37
diverse Einzelteile - various parts 

Album image #38
meine Baustelle - my construction site 

Album image #39
mit Rostfarbe grundiert - primed with rust color 

Album image #40

Album image #41

Album image #42
befeuchtet mit Fixer ... moistened with fixer ... 

Album image #43
Betupft mit Pigmenten - swabbed with pigments 

Album image #44
Endergebnis - final result 

Album image #45
Frontscheibe vorbereitet - Front window prepared ... 


21 April 2013, 09:22
Steve Wilson
Ha! ha! ha! Nice one Roland, you can even print it off as well👍8)👍
21 April 2013, 09:28
Roland Roth
Why waste paper and expensive printer ink, Steve? Scalemates is better than any own database or paper folder.😉
Also, I can share my work with you and be assessed and so get one or the other advice on how I'm doing something better or change. 🙂
21 April 2013, 10:04
Steve Wilson
I'm going to watch your tutorial, I'm very intersted👍
21 April 2013, 10:06
Steve Wilson
Excuse me for being a tad thick!!! But what does "OIF & OEF" stand for??? 🤔
21 April 2013, 10:13
Roland Roth
Steve, these are acronyms for military operations. OIF = Operation Iraqi Freedom / OEF = Operation Enduring Freedom (for Afghanistan)
21 April 2013, 10:43
Frank Krause
Hi Steve!
OIF = Operation Iraqi Freedom
OEF = Operation Enduring Freedom
21 April 2013, 10:45
Steve Wilson
Oh I F-eel O-bviously E-xceptionally F-oolish.
Sorry guys couldn't resist that😢
Thanks for clearing that up for me👍 I understand a bit better now...
21 April 2013, 14:11
Stefan Suessemilch
Aaaahhhh asked myself the same question 🙂
21 April 2013, 14:11
Roland Roth
Das zweite Detailwashing ist gemacht - oben hell (neutral) und unten dunkel (braun). Die Einzelteile (nicht fotografiert) erhielten die selbe Behandlung (Bilder 8 - 12)
The second detail wash is done - light up (neutral) and below dark (brown). The individual parts (not photographed) received the same treatment (pic 8 - 12)
22 April 2013, 16:40
Mike Kryza
Very interesting instruction. 👍
22 April 2013, 16:47
Roland Roth
Neue Bilder vom Altern und verschmutzen - Kratzer und verstauben der Reifen (Pics 13 - 22)
New pictures from aging and dirty - scratches and dust the tires (Pics 13-22)
28 June 2013, 10:07
Danke für die Tipps. Das ist super hilfreich 👍
28 June 2013, 10:22
Roland Roth
Michael, my chipping color is Vallejo Model Color 70822 (German Cam. Black Brown), dilluted with destilled water - a Vallejo Paintbrush 10/0 and time, calmness and patience😉
29 June 2013, 07:26
Maarten Kruizenga
brilliant..............but not only do i have to find this mysterious product called 'patience' it seems i also need 'calmness'!
29 June 2013, 07:36
Steve Wilson
Hi Roland...
Great bit of weathering, but how did you apply it to achieve that great finish???
Airbrush, paint brush, spatula, sponge, flick with a tooth brush...
The result is marvelous. I know what you used and the result but how???🤔
29 June 2013, 07:42
Roland Roth
Steve, how can I explain it? Some filters, some washes ... and what is "too much", I've removed with a slightly damp "white spirit" flat paint brush down. I did this for my own feeling ... so the dirty look came about.
Now I start some streaking effects at different points, to continue editing or altering the appearance. Pictures will follow ...

Maarten, come over with me - I'll show you the things that you can buy anywhere! 😄
29 June 2013, 08:41
Steve Wilson
Thanks for that, anything would be useful...
I've never done weathering before.
I've been inspired by you guys to give it a try...
I'm thinking of attempting a Battle scarred 50's/60's Le Mans Ferrari. As an experienced modeller I have an educated idea of the paints and tools used, it's more the method of technical application, brake dust, dirt, chips, crash damage, fuel and oil leakage. How do you make a blob of what is basicly paint, look like a chip in paint?🤔 Do you for example, chip the paint already applied, then paint the mark left with the chip paint🤔
29 June 2013, 09:09
Michel Huijghe
That's very good to let us see how the weathering has been done.
29 June 2013, 09:14
Roland Roth
Unfortunately, my English is not so good, Steve - and now I don't know exactly what do you mean with the scratches / Chipps.
I suppose well thinned paint with the 10/0 brush on stripe again something on a paper towel and dab the paint in one direction only with the brush tip on the model - very little. Or trying to pull a short, small paint mark with very little contact. Here, the brush should be held perpendicular to the surface.
The thinned paint should not be transparent here, otherwise they will not cause the effect.
It is - as with many other things - less often more
29 June 2013, 10:29
Steve Wilson
Hi Roland...
I'm having difficulty translating what I asked you for, into German...
I will ask my mother-in-law (she is German) and will post it soon.
29 June 2013, 10:32
Roland Roth
Ende des Alterns und Verwitterns! Ich habe ein paar Bilder des "how-to-do" gemacht, wie ich erstmals die AK STREAKING EFFECTS angewendet habe. Nun folgt die Endmontage, die nochmal einiges an Zeit brauchen wird. (Bilder 23 - 38 )
End of aging and weathering! I have made a few pictures of the "how-to-do" about my first use of the AK STREAKING EFFECTS. Now comes the final (assembly, which will again need some time. (pics 23 - 38 )
30 June 2013, 10:12
Steve Wilson
The extra pics are very useful, many thanks...
Your doing a great job, well done👍
30 June 2013, 10:32
Frank Krause
Agree with Steve! These step by step pictures are usefull and great! Thanks, Roland!
30 June 2013, 11:02
Ricardo Gonzalez Ramos
Hi Roland, absolut klasse!
30 June 2013, 11:04
Dirk Heyer
An amazingly built model, great weathering and a lovely tutorial!
Thx for sharing this!
I like the Buffalo, I hope this vehicle is available in Braille Scale someday!!!
30 June 2013, 11:37
Roland Roth
Letzte "Tuningarbeiten" am Buffalo: Auspuff und Frontscheibe (Bilder 39 - 45)
Last "tuning work" at Buffalo: Exhaust and Front window (Pic 39 - 45)😉
20 July 2013, 13:59
Mannomann! Eine Anleitung zum Ausdrucken. Wer braucht da noch ein how-to-do-Buch. Klasse Arbeit, Roland.
20 July 2013, 22:42
Bill Gilman
Excellent! Thanks for sharing this tutorial! 🙂
21 July 2013, 02:15
John Coverley
By the time I'd got to photo 15 I thought I was looking at the real thing and not a model! Amazing.
21 July 2013, 09:43
Mike Kryza
Sauberes Modell, saubere Anleitung - da lohnt es sich ein Lesezeichen zu setzen. 👍
21 July 2013, 10:15
Roland Roth
Thx, mates!
I am pleased when the "manual which is good" and you can understand my approach on this model. 😄
21 July 2013, 15:45
Kim Branders
Impressive mate. Very nice result.
21 July 2013, 16:36

Album info

Zum Einen moechte ich zeigen, wie ich den BUFFALO altere - und zum Zweiten ist es fuer mich eine Hilfe fuer spaeter, WIE ich es gemacht habe.
Firstly, I want to show how I age the BUFFALO - and secondly it is a help for me for later, HOW I did it. 😉

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