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Heico van der Heide (heico1980)

F-111 in progress


2 September 2014, 16:56
Steve Wilson
Hi Heico, excellent progress on the cockpit!!!
But I'm intrigued, you're tickling my curiosity, what's the brick for???
and why's it got masking tape on it???
Please tell!!!😮
2 September 2014, 17:45
Clifford Keesler
I like it.
2 September 2014, 18:42
Heico van der Heide
Thanks guys. Steve, it isn't a brick 😛 It's a sanding-cork. And i cut a piece of sandingpaper in the size of the cork, tape it stuck and so i have 2 different grains of sanding paper in one hand.
2 September 2014, 18:45
Steve Wilson
Ha! ha! ha! Lol (((😄 ))) Now I see it... And I use them myself😠 Duuuhh!!!
2 September 2014, 19:31
Heico van der Heide
Hehe 😄 👍
2 September 2014, 19:46
Wim van der Luijt
That's one big bird! I'm going to follow this one
7 October 2014, 21:29
Now that just decided for me to get these instead of acadamy ones... whats the shape like?
7 October 2014, 22:17
Excellent cockpit. Well done.
8 October 2014, 16:15
Heico van der Heide
Thanks gents. Augie: It looks good but i can't really tell yet in this stage😉
8 October 2014, 17:05
Well done Heico van der Heide 👍
2 November 2014, 17:00
Heico van der Heide
Thanks Gerald, it's a reasonable kit and with a lot of dryfitting you can make something nice of it, allthough there are some gaps etc but so far nothing major.
2 November 2014, 17:55
Bill Spargo
Great build so far, this is a very nice kit in my opinion, looking forward to watching the progress.
23 January 2015, 02:43
Kerry COX
Augie, My two cents worth. Hobby Boss make the BEST F-111 series.in 1/48. I have the Aussie 'PIG' in I/48 and the wing span is a little longer than the "Ardvark" which was used mostly by America. Fantastic surface detail and I found very little that was out of wack, (No filler).

Heico, thank you for letting me jump in there for a few words, and if you are going to detail the engines, I have some up close and personal pics of one from my visit to the Australian base at Amberley some years back.

Oh, :-/ and I like the progress you are making too. LOOKING GOOD> 🙂
23 January 2015, 05:03
Heico van der Heide
Thanks for the positive comments guys.
Kerry: i was planning on building it straight oob, but thanks anyway for giving the option 👍 it's thing like that that makes me appreciate this hobby, everybody is willing to help each other. 🙂

I did have some issues with this kit so far, specific around the cockpit/ejection area.
23 January 2015, 07:58
Murad ÖZER
fit of the fwd bomb bay door doesn't look very promising, good luck Heico.
23 January 2015, 09:57
Heico van der Heide
You are right Murad, the fit wasn't superb, good eyesight😉
23 January 2015, 15:42
Clifford Keesler
Looking very nice.
24 January 2015, 01:15
Heico van der Heide
Thanks Clifford 👍
24 January 2015, 10:58
John Coverley
Heico, there's some pictures of the F-111 at the South Australian Air Museum in one of my albums that you might find helpful.
21 March 2015, 13:39
Heico van der Heide
Thanks John! I saved some of them 🙂
21 March 2015, 13:49
Evan Dwyer
Great work so far! I've been looking for a proper Aardvark kit, just added this to my wishlist. Best of luck, looking forward to seeing it evolve.
28 April 2015, 15:27
Heico van der Heide
Thanks Evan, although this kit has some small issues it looks terrific When we are talking about detail etc.
28 April 2015, 20:14
Yanno.. I think I am going to replace my Academy Varks..
28 April 2015, 21:20
Kerry COX
It's good to see you back with your F-111.
Finally I get to have a beer and watch the rest of this build. !!! Yipee ! 🙂
28 April 2015, 21:45
Heico van der Heide
Augie, I can't say anything about the Academy but i've heard the HB is better... But that's just hear/say 🙂
Kerry,it was slow on building time lately, hopefully it won't take too long before the paint will be on.
29 April 2015, 18:21
Heico van der Heide
Colour is on.
5 May 2015, 16:59
Kerry COX
Looking the goods Heico, 🙂 Well done mate.
5 May 2015, 20:11
Wim van der Luijt
Looks promising Heico!
6 May 2015, 06:25
Kerry COX
Will it have US or Australian markings ?
6 May 2015, 07:06
Holger Kranich
Great work, Heico! Lovely Aardvark!!! The HobbyBoss (?) kit hast wonderful details, it seems!
Have you ever thought about using Liquid green stuff for filling, especially around the canopy?

6 May 2015, 09:39
Heico van der Heide
Thanks guys.
Kerry it will get US decals, sorry for that 😛
Holger, never heard of it but if I run in to it I might give it a go.
7 May 2015, 04:49
Kerry COX
Heico, I just wondered as I don't believe we had the short winged version here, but it will look wonderful mate. 🙂
7 May 2015, 06:38
Heico van der Heide
Thanks my friend. Some people found the tan too light coloured, what is your opinion guys?
7 May 2015, 15:50
Kerry COX
No, not at all. You just have to look at all the other aircraft of this period to see that there were differences on all of them. What you have done here is just fine and don't let 'rivet counters' influence your interpretation , because the weather conditions in the areas where this bird was deployed were some of the harshest, and unless it was undercover all the time, the paint scheme often got 'bleached out'.
You are doing a splendid job Heico. 🙂
7 May 2015, 23:06
Clifford Keesler
It looks totally awesome mate.
7 May 2015, 23:35
Heico van der Heide
Thanks guys!
8 May 2015, 04:44
Clifford Keesler
Very nice!
13 July 2015, 23:03
Kerry COX
Heico. !!!! What a "PIG". An awesome result mate, and all the pics certainly have let us know just what you have done.
I love it. 🙂 👍
13 July 2015, 23:34
Christian Ristits
26 September 2015, 16:30
Heico van der Heide
Thanks 🙂
26 September 2015, 16:44
soheil moghisi
Very nice.
26 September 2015, 18:58
Christian Bruer
Nice finish, I much like the blurred edges along the separation lines between the colors. Following your excellent photo documentation it does not look like an easy build. A lot of filling and sanding all along the parts?! But excellent surface detail and you restored it very nice and clean. Very good modelmaking in all aspects!
27 September 2015, 08:45
Heico van der Heide
Thanks guys! Christian, i had some work on some parts yes, but i had much worse 😉 It was a fairly fun build, but i had some setbacks that slowed it down. Now it's finished and the final pictures can be found here: Final pictures | Album by heico1980 (1:48)
27 September 2015, 09:13
Christian Bruer
To have fun with modelmaking is the main issue🙂
Thx for the link with the final pictures. As mentioned before – excellent work!
27 September 2015, 09:52

Project info

108 изображения
1:48 F-111D/E Aardvark (HobbyBoss 80350)
General Dynamics F-111E Aardvark
US US Air Force (1947-now)
55 TFS 68-0055
RAF Upper Heyford GB
Dark Green, Medium Green, Tan, Black

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