T-35 Early
4 June 2015, 20:13

Thanks. I bought the photo etch side armor but I discovered those lacked all bolts and I'm to lazy to do 2000 bolts so I ended up using the kit parts.
4 June 2015, 21:17

yeah, the knickname for it in Russian was "заднего прохода" or "zadnego prokhoda" in European letters, which means the "back passage"
More often than not though it was reffered to as the Мудак (Mudak) meaning arse hole, cute hey 🙂
I bet it got stinky at the back of that bus !! lol 😄
6 June 2015, 00:43

shush Rui ! I don't think Leif has realised I am taking the piss yet 😄
I was gonna say when he finds out I am chatting shit that it was a joke and that what really happened was the crew in these tanks wore nappies (diapers) haha 🙂
I hope he can forgive me !! 😄
6 June 2015, 03:02

Really though the moment I said "The toilet was an orifice at the back" he should of realised I was joking, I mean, come on, "an orifice at the back" !! who talks like that except in jest haha 🙂
Sorry Leif, I hope you aint been spending hours researching this 😄
6 June 2015, 03:11

Mind you if my jests were true this tank would have to be renamed to Septic Tank !! haha 🙂
I know I shouldn't laugh at my own jokes but I do 😄
6 June 2015, 03:12

Hey Choppa I've to desagree. Reserch is always importante. We all nead to learn😎 Come on they didn't use diapers in that thing??? LOL maybee a piece of paper??? Lol
6 June 2015, 03:17

haha true, research is always useful !
Actually I have no idea of toiletry arrangements in these things, perhaps when they got desperate they used a sock ! But whatever happened I bet it stunk in there after a few days, can you imagine 3 or 4 blokes crammed into that thing farting away on the Russian equivalent of K Rations ?
6 June 2015, 03:25

Hehehe 3 or 4???? You havê to do some reserch Choppa. In that hotel???your jokiin again...😄:
6 June 2015, 03:32

I'm too scared to tackle that kind of research Rui, I'd lose my lunch !
6 June 2015, 03:34

Loool (((( 😄)))) It 's time this album is renamed into " The septic Tank ", or " Mudak" ! What a lough Choppa ..... The fartgas actually was used to boost the engine, says the result of my research.
6 June 2015, 14:45

He Is out now, but he will come back, I hope. I think he as a good sense of humor. I saw it in is albuns 😄
6 June 2015, 17:07

What? in this five-turreted heavy tank?? It has place for 11 farting blokes 😄 i know they can't go to the WC all at the same time 😄 but amazingly only 45tons beast.
6 June 2015, 17:18

Hi! Actually, I wasn't sure if you were being serious or not at first, Choppa! I thought it completely likely that this tank had a bathroom...or a hole...I mean...a lot of people were in there and this IS Soviet armor we are talking about. That said, it was fun to come back on SM and see this conversation. And poor Patrik has to see it sprayed all over his wall.
6 June 2015, 20:17

"And poor Patrik has to see it sprayed all over his wall"
Luckily it's only in the metaphorical sense !! 😄
Someone needs to find out if it really had a "Mudak" or not 🙂
For some reason Maduk makes me think of Mad Duck which would be a good knick name for a smelly tank 😄
Anyhow, back on topic again, awesome tank Patrik ! especially the brown stains on the side skirts..
6 June 2015, 20:32

I've already congratulate Patrik for this beautifull beast. And now i'm just waiting for the dio. 👍
6 June 2015, 21:55

There are some brown on the sides, and it ain't rust. The toilet were not in fact installed untill the late version (the one with sloped armor) 🙂
8 June 2015, 19:47

haha perhaps they had a toilet seat stuck to the outside like they did on Top Gear when they went to the North Pole ! 😄
Still though must have been shit living in a tank like that, can't believe it had a crew of eleven..
I don't know why, but I amused at the thought of a tank with a toilet ! 😄
8 June 2015, 19:52

I wonder about those turret facing the rear, the guys in those must have been bored, maybe reading [****]mags all day long. The plan must have been to surprise the germans when they tried their pincer movement around the tank.
8 June 2015, 20:46

"pincer movement"
a common technique used in all motorhome toilets,
sometimes referred to as the Pinch and Snip Maneuver !! 😄
8 June 2015, 20:51