33 14 June 2020, 22:47

Thanks mates!
@Felix the markings, serial and roundels are actually aftermarket masks from Montex so they are sprayed on rather than decals.
1 21 November 2024, 06:11

@Lugwig great looking warbird. I've been using some of my home made masks and have trouble with the roundels with more than two colours. Could you say how you went about using your masks any advise would be greatly received especial from some one who has mastered the technique 👍
21 November 2024, 07:13

@Sy Bar - happy to help though it would be good if could elaborate a little bit more on the challenges you've been facing.
From my end, I usually place the outer edge of the mask first and start with the lightest colour i.e. white so essentially I cover the whole area with the lightest colur. Next I move on to the yellow colour so i place all the inner mask roundels with the exception of yellow. Once done i cover the yellow and remove the blue or red mask to spray that, and then repeat for the last colour.
So essentially go from the lightest to darkest colours with white underneath throughout. Another important aspect is to go with multiple light coats to avoid bleeding under the masks as that could ruin your work mid way through the process. 🙂
21 November 2024, 10:51

Cheers for the info I'll try it next time. I try similar but I have trouble replacing the rings probably an eye sight issue need to find my magnifiers 😁
21 November 2024, 19:27