M48 Patton Taiwan
Я перекрасил цветовую модуляцию, т.к. Вчера был не в самом хорошем расположении духа к этой модели из-за долгого подбора нужной краски
Решил немного доработать модель сделав ей триплексы из старого CD диска
34 23 April 2022, 18:02
Motatim Stanislaw
I started painting it and immediately after blowing out the first coat of paint I ran out of xf-62
I started painting it and immediately after blowing out the first coat of paint I ran out of xf-62
4 May 2022, 15:32
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Oh no. I hope you get some new bottles soon.
I'll always try to have some spares in stock once I reached around half of the bottle. On the downside, doing it this way can make your colour stash explode.
Oh no. I hope you get some new bottles soon.
I'll always try to have some spares in stock once I reached around half of the bottle. On the downside, doing it this way can make your colour stash explode.
4 May 2022, 17:32
Motatim Stanislaw
Yeah. I basically assumed that this could happen, since almost half of it I used in July to paint Pershing.
Yeah. I basically assumed that this could happen, since almost half of it I used in July to paint Pershing.
4 May 2022, 18:13