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Campbell Brand (Hippohunter)

Sherman M4
Race to the Baltic

В работе
November 19, 2015

Bog standard 75mm gun Sherman M4 for the "Race to the Baltic" collection. Taken from the Airfix LCM III and Sherman kit. The LCM will be put on the back of a M-19 trailer as I saw this in a couple of photos as the LCMs were transported up for the Rhine crossings in 1945. Churchill and Sherman 76mm(w) after this and that's the tanks done and onto support vehicles like Crocodile and Monty's caravan spring to mind.
Everything done bar the tracks that seem way too short to fit round the running gear, broke off the front drive sprockets a few times now trying to fit them,

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Полные наборы
LCM MkIII and Sherman MkII
Airfix 1:76 1:72 on box
03301 1991 Новая коробка Несколько моделей (2)
LCM III & Sherman Tank
Airfix 1:76
A301V 1966 Новая разработка Несколько моделей (2)


19 November 2015, 23:24
Campbell Brand
Don't usually do the figures but did the 3 RN crew of the LCM. Don't need them as the LCM is going on the back of a M-19 tank transporter on its way to the Rhine crossings in March 1945. Seen a few photos of that with the LCM facing backwards.
28 November 2015, 22:33