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Bruce Huxtable (BruceH)

Chaika sailing craft.

Album image #1
Testing a few colours and strip of lead ready for ballast. 

Album image #2
Deck texture will need to be brought out, but with a wash or by dry brushing? 

Album image #3
Plenty of decking and stairs to try to add wear and weathering. 

Album image #4
Plenty of oars too. Very fine, so will need to be extra careful. 

Album image #5
Steering oars and general oars all different. 

Album image #6
Starting to look like she might float 😉 

Album image #7
Large timbers at the bow and stern added, plus the small decks
Seams filled and rubbed down, and painting being progressed whilst there is still access. 

Album image #8
First bench installed and the second prepared. Seats for the rowers prepared, including checking how the mast will be seated and stabilised. 

Album image #9
Rowers' seats installed, with the mast temporarily fitted. 

Album image #10
Quite pleased so far, with more detail painting to be done next session. 

Album image #11
The whole of the outside of the hull still only has primer, so that will have to be addressed next session.  

Album image #12
Slow progress after 2 weeks in bed with Covid.  

Album image #13
Standing rigging done, but forgot to pre-install something that will link the boom to the mast.  

Album image #14
Album image #15
Thicker waxed thread used for the anchor rope.  

Album image #16
The hardest parts have still to be started... The sail and running rigging, and the many oars. 

Album image #17
Sail lashed to the boom, and PE strip pre-curved to suit the mast, and lashed to the boom too. 

Album image #18
PE strip curved around the mast. 

Album image #19
Apologies for the poor photo, but a block and tackle now rigged to the mast head, and a sheet run to the boom. 

Album image #20
Ready to hoist the mainsail. 

Album image #21
Heave ho, and up she rises! 

Album image #22
Sail hoisted, so just lots of of the running rigging to tie off. 

Album image #23
Looking okay. 

Album image #24
Definitely coming together. 


10 25 March 2023, 09:41
Robert Podkoński
Good start, Bruce! 😉
25 March 2023, 15:37
Bruce Huxtable
Thanks, Robert. Lots planned for tomorrow....
25 March 2023, 18:05
Guy Rump
Looking good Bruce. 👍
26 March 2023, 16:55
Ben M
26 March 2023, 17:22
Bruce Huxtable
Thanks, Guy. Transforming plastic into timber is going well, thanks to the mounded surface textures. The real challenge will be the rigging....
26 March 2023, 20:49
Bruce Huxtable
Welcome, Ben. I'll try to keep it interesting 😉
26 March 2023, 20:50
Bruce Huxtable
Many thanks for your 'likes', everyone.
26 March 2023, 20:52
Bruce Huxtable
Still lots to do, so will start on the many oars next. Each of which is to be strapped to the rowlock pegs. That is going to challenging...
9 April 2023, 13:29
Robert Podkoński
Good to hear that you've recovered, Bruce. I have had no idea that there were so many ropes in such a vessel... Good work!
9 April 2023, 15:28
Bruce Huxtable
Thanks, Robert. I have to find a way to neatly attach the oars, without using glue. That would be too easy, but leave them vulnerable to damage.
9 April 2023, 16:09
David Taylor
9 April 2023, 16:35
Bruce Huxtable
Thanks, David. Always good to try something different 🙂
9 April 2023, 17:13
Bruce Huxtable
Máky thanks for your 'like', Villiers, but I have chickened out from dyeing the sail (your ship looks fantastic). Still lots to do, but getting there slowly.
11 April 2023, 17:29

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