ASK Distribution Alpha Jet E
"In French/Belgian Services"
Kovozávody Prostějov | No. KPM0288 | 1:72

Садржај кутије
- 1x Plastic sprue (clear) Поглед
- 1x Plastic sprue (light gray) Поглед
- 1x Plastic sprue (light gray) Поглед
- 1x Decalsheet (waterslide) (multi-colored) Поглед
- Masking sheet (yellow) Поглед
- 1x Instructions (Paper) (multi-colored) Поглед
Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet
Dassault-Bréguet/Dornier Alpha Jet E
Luchtcomponent-Composante de l'Air (Belgian Air Force 2001-now)
Armée de l'Air (French Air Force 1934-2019)
Брзи прегледи
By Andreas Lott20 March at 18:24:46
A quick review of Kovozávody Prostějov's Alpha Jet E in 1:72. This full kit was released in 2022 with productnumber KPM0288.
Plastic sprue | Damage | Deformed | Flash | Pin marks | Connectors | Sink marks | Quality | Panels | Rivets | Scaling | Detail level |
No label Clear | None | None | No | Perfect locations | Easy | None | Smooth | None | None | Spot on | High |
No label Light gray | None | None | Little | Perfect locations | Easy | None | Smooth | Engraved | None | Spot on | High |
No label Light gray | None | None | Little | Perfect locations | Easy | None | Smooth | Engraved | None | Spot on | High |
Decalsheet (waterslide) | Damage | Thickness | Excess carrier | Color register | Detail level |
No label Multi-colored | None | Very Thin | Negligible | Perfectly in register | High |
Masking sheet | Thickness | Scaling |
No label Yellow | No opinion | No opinion |