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155mm Gun and High Speed Tractor

Revell | No. H-523-198 | 1:40

Boxart 155mm Gun and High Speed Tractor H-523-198 Revell


155mm Gun and High Speed Tractor
Целовита макета
1956 Нови алат


M4 High Speed Tractor

M4 High Speed Tractor & M-59 155-m
US US Army (1784-now)

M59 Long Tom

M59 155 mm Long Tom
US US Army (1784-now)

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Пластична смрека, Децалсхеет (водени тобоган), грамофонска плоца

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In-box рецензије

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Calvin Gifford
I am holding off on getting the Atlantis 'Long Tom' kit hoping that they have the molds to the tractor & eventually they will release this set again!!
4 May 2021, 18:24
Total Failure
Might be a long wait, since the Atlantis kit is from the Aurora 1/48 howitzer/long tom molds. That is, it is not in any way related to this set.
26 March 2023, 21:03
Calvin Gifford
Ah - well, I wonder what happened to the molds? (Sighs) I guess I can look and see if I can find the Atlantis kit at a 'decent' price!
26 March 2023, 21:17
Total Failure
Understandable, as Aurora paired their howitzer as a set with their 1/48 tractor as well. Also, the Atlantis kit is the 203mm short barrel howitzer version. No sign of the 155mm gun version. On the real thing, the mount and carriage were the same, and the two different weapon types could be swapped by changing barrels. Whether we'll see the gun version or carrier again, only Atlantis only knows…also unknown is whether they have Revell 1/40 military kits, or plan to reissue them. Their policy was not to announce what molds they did acquire from the Hobbico collapse.
16 April 2023, 02:41

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