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Israeli M50 Sherman Turret

Verlinden Productions | No. 343 | 1:35

Boxart Israeli M50 Sherman Turret 343 Verlinden Productions


Verlinden Productions
Israeli M50 Sherman Turret
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199x Нови алат
M50 Sherman » Тенкови (Возила)


M50 Sherman

M50 Super Sherman
IL זרוע היבשה (Israeli Ground Forces 1948-now)

Садржај кутије

Пхотоетцхед фрет, Смола (ливена)

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In-box рецензије

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Није нам позната ни једна In-box рецензија за ово Israeli M50 Sherman Turret (#343) од Verlinden Productions.


Rafael Gonzalez
Hi guys, I would like to know how accurate this turret is. It differs in size to the one in the academy 1/35 m-51, but as far as I know both the m50 and the m51 used the same turret?
21 September, 09:45
Kesa Tiho
From what ive gathered the m51 and m50 turrets are practically the same, maybe theres small differences on the inside but other than that theyre the same. I think it might differ in size due to slight differences in production and building techniques
21 September, 10:29
Rafael Gonzalez
Thank you Kesa!. Then I have to decide which tower to use on my academy m51 "super Sherman". Sides and details differ between the two so I wonder which one is more accurate, this one or the academy kit one?
21 September, 19:06
Steven Van Dyck
Errors in Academy's turret are discussed in this review: track-link.com/reviews/1314 but it's rather about the texture that is incorrect. I can't advise personally, rather than assuming Verlinden would be closer to it than Academy.
21 September, 19:26
Rafael Gonzalez
Thank you Steve! I will read it and look for some references. I think you are right saying Verlinden would be more accurate than the Academy.
22 September, 06:07

Референтни материјал

IDF Shermans M-50 and M-51 (Trackpad Publishing )
Lioness & Lion of the Line Volume 3 (SabIngaMartin Publications SIMBK-20)
Lioness & Lion of the Line Volume 3 M50 and M51
Lioness & Lion of the Line No. SIMBK-20
Dr. Robert Manasherob

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