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bruno egral
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7 слике
Scud View album, image #7Нов: 5 September, 17:24
Пројекат: Scud
1:72 SCUD-B (Revell 03332)
2 28 August, 09:15
Guy Rump
Looking good, following. 👍
5 September, 20:17
Daniel Clem
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The Bloody Hundredth 1943 B-17F Flying Fortress
Eduard 1:48
11183 2024 Нови делови
5 September, 20:17
How much are these decal plus postage to the UK
5 September, 20:17
Desert Marlin
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25 слике
Mirage 2000NView album, image #1
Пројекат: Mirage 2000 D/N
1:32 Mirage 2000 D/N (Kitty Hawk KH32022)1:32 French modern Armée de l'Air mirage 2000 pilot sitting 2 - hands on sticks (Reedoak SKU 320228)
43 8 November 2023, 21:10
Desert Marlin
The REEDOAK 3D Printed Pilots are awesome!
8 November 2023, 21:35
Desert Marlin
This project will have both pilots on the intercom and watching the engine startup process. That is why the same type figure is used in both cockpits. They both monitor the engine to ensure that the EGT and RPM is increasing appropriately. Each has their hand on the control stick to be able to open their MIC as they confirm everything is normal at start. The plan is to have the aircraft loaded with a Nuke (Apache Cruise Missile?). Seems appropriate to me for the days we live in now...
8 November 2023, 22:16
Desert Marlin
Have to pause this one until I get the BIG ED kit #33216...
9 November 2023, 00:59
Maybe go for resin seats as well?
Seems like kit plastic never can compete with resin seats. 🙂

Though, I no longer crave for resin interior for the cockpit because of the work, but seats are ok.
9 November 2023, 05:17
Desert Marlin
I'll paint these up and see if I can tolerate them. If they are too bland, I have time to change my mind! Thanks for the idea!
9 November 2023, 21:25
Desert Marlin
Great video of the weapon that goes with this version of the Mirage 2000N

Youtube Video
25 November 2023, 00:46
Desert Marlin
Time to return to the 2000N... Let's Nuke something!
14 July, 01:53
Desert Marlin
I got the ResKit Mirage 2000N Cockpit Set (Detailed Version).
14 July, 01:55
Desert Marlin
As I have begun work on this kit, I am yet again struck by the lack of information in the variations and options provided in the kit. For example, the tail tip is not called out that applies to the 2000N version. While the nose of the 2000D is provided in the kit, it has to be modified to make it correct for the 2000N. Oh bother…
20 July, 02:40
Desert Marlin
Selected "most appropriate" tail tip and mounted the correct nose to fuselage.
21 July, 20:04
Desert Marlin
Okay, now I'm excited to get some paint on this cockpit!!! ResKit, you guys have done some great work with your 3D Resin Printing!
16 August, 18:29
Desert Marlin
I'm back to it!
27 August, 21:28
Oh, did you fiddle with the nose part to make it match the N version, or did you have to buy aftermarket nose for the N version? I have this kit in my stash, but haven't really looked any it yet.
28 August, 05:43
Desert Marlin
I'm using the D nose but converting it to an N version. I'm also closing the "sucker doors" on the inlets to represent an engine that is not yet started... I'm assuming initial hydraulic power is applied from the APU and auxiliary hydraulic pumps have brought the gear door up. I'm going to close the speed breaks for pre-engine start configuration...
28 August, 17:36
Eric Thornton
Looks like BAM has some corrected noses still need the N one. Maybe reach out to him. I could use the corrected nose for this kit also. The Reskit stuff looks amazing.

30 August, 13:57
Desert Marlin
Thanks for the heads up! The BAM nose looks fantastic! Sadly, the 2000N nose has a pitot tube and does not have the RDY antenna lines. It seems that much of the 2000N systems are somewhat earlier than the -5 systems. Everything I can find on the 2000N seems to be somewhat austere compared with the 2000-5. The ResKit cockpit is worth every penny!
30 August, 14:59
Mr D
Like it 😀👍
Nice when the pilot looks like he's actually doing something and engaged with the craft.
30 August, 15:22
Desert Marlin
Thanks. It's really sad to remove detail from the ejection seat, but that is the only way to get the pilot in place...
30 August, 22:47
Ben M
The pilot looks amazing.
30 August, 22:52
Desert Marlin
The pilot is from REEDOAK. They have several different figures in various poses so the realism can be developed based on the aircraft scenario. This model is being build to represent events just prior to engine start.
31 August, 01:50
Desert Marlin
Remaining cockpit items:
1. Glass
2. Decals on seats
3. A little more weathering
4. Fix pilot's France Flag
5. Add WSO's Right shoulder patch
6. Check that I can get the canopy actuators in after everything is assembled...
7. Add HUD glass
1 September, 03:07
Cool project! I have my Popcorn ready, so I'll follow closely!
1 September, 09:06
Mr James
Great detail
2 September, 09:43
Desert Marlin
The glass and HUD went in great! I had to lightly sand the edge of the glass to get it to fit snugly into the ResKit frame between the front and back seats. I used 1000 grit and lightly buffed all the way around the edge. Fits perfectly!
3 September, 16:01
Desert Marlin
Cockpit is done! Looks like the ResKit cockpit tub fits perfectly! Lots of trimming to get the crew in the proper fit. Right now, I think it's ready for final checks before fuselage join. The forward control panel needs some sanding for fit, but it does work. I have left the seats, pilots and control panels loose until final fuselage join just to have "wiggle room" before closing. I was able to adjust the forward control stick to make it match the pilot's hand more closely. Just need to check a few more things and then join the fuselage halves!
4 September, 22:19
The pilots are only as good as the paint job - which is AWESOME!
5 September, 00:52
Desert Marlin
Thanks Mate!
5 September, 20:00
Guy Rump
Looking great, pilots are outstanding. 👍
5 September, 20:02
Desert Marlin
Thanks! I can't believe this version of the 2000 is so "old"...
5 September, 20:17
додао је нови фотоалбум.
1 5 September, 17:30
Guy Rump
A change in scale Anth? Following with interest. 👍
5 September, 20:17
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy
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Lanchester AC interior
Copper State Models (CSM) 1:35
A35-012 2022 Нови алат
5 September, 20:16
Mike McGregor
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MQ-9 Reaper Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Kinetic 1:48
K48067 2020 Нови декали/налепнице
5 September, 20:16
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4 16 June, 17:15
Guy Rump
Looking good, following. 👍
5 September, 20:16
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Figure Detailing Set (120mm) German WW11
Alliance Model Works 1:16
5 September, 20:16
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy
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Armored Car
Lukgraph 1:35
35-03 2018 Нови алат
5 September, 20:15
Aleš Petříček
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28 3 September, 18:02
Jakub Fiala
Vypadá super 👍
3 September, 21:59
Mr James
Fantastic shading and weathering. Very nice build
4 September, 00:46
Yes! 👍👍
4 September, 08:00
Lukas Muller
paráda 👍
4 September, 13:13
Alec K
Excellent! Is this scratchbuilt?
5 September, 12:27
Alec K
5 September, 17:36
Guy Rump
Great job! 👍
5 September, 20:15
Michał Witkowski
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Mitsubishi Type 96
A5M2b Claude (early version)
UA Clear Prop! 1:72
CP72006 2022 Нови делови
5 September, 20:14
ову ставку је означио као робу која се може продати / продати
Vietnam Scooters (A-4E/F) Limited Edition
Eduard 1:48
1197 2015 Нови делови
5 September, 20:14
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17 3 August, 09:01
Inspiriert durch die aktuellen Anlässe in der Welt, meiner Liebe zum Leopard 1 und dem Wunsch ein Gebäude in 1:35 zu bauen, bin ich auf die Idee für dieses fiktive Diorama gekommen. Das Diorama soll eine Panzer Crew bei der Rast zeigen. Der Panzer ist ein Feldumbau eines beschädigten Leopard 1 der zum abfangen von Drohnen umgebaut wurde. Die Mannschaft nennt ihr Fahrzeug "Fliegenklatsche" (мухобойка).

Inspired by current events in the world, my love for the Leopard 1 and the desire to scratch build a building in 1:35, I came up with the idea for this fictional diorama. The diorama is supposed to show a tank crew taking a break. The tank is a field conversion of a damaged Leopard 1 that was converted to intercept drones. The team calls their vehicle a "fly swatter" (мухобойка).
3 August, 09:07
Dieter Bihlmaier
Coole Idee...und super umgesetzt Robert !
Cool idea... and super implemented Robert !
3 August, 09:11
Danke Dieter...
3 August, 13:02
Die Mauerarbeiten sind fast fertig und das Dach ist vorbereitet...

bricklaying allmost done & roof prepared...
10 August, 20:07
Die Mauerarbeiten sind abgeschlossen, das Modell ist schwarz grundiert und die Backsteine sind bemalt...

The masonry work is completed, the model is primed black and the bricks are painted...
14 August, 21:11
great idea. i love how the house is evolving
14 August, 22:05
Thanks Spanjaard
16 August, 19:08
Die Ziegel wurden verfugt und das Dach aufgesetzt. Die Dachrinne wurde aus einer Katzenfutterverpackung (Aluminium) und das Fallrohr aus Gussgraten hergestellt.

The bricks were grouted and the roof was added. The gutter was made from cat food packaging (aluminum) and the downpipe was made from plastic sprue.
23 August, 05:09
Robert Podkoński
Great concept indeed! Fantastic job so far, Robert. Keep it up!
23 August, 05:22
Thanks Robert...
23 August, 14:17
Dioramarahmen vorbereitet, Straße und Gehweg angelegt. Den Kamin verfugt und die Figuren zusammen gesetzt.

Diorama frame prepared, street and sidewalk laid out. The chimney was grouted and the figures were put together.
28 August, 22:50
Jennifer Franklin
I love it all. The house is incredible. This looks like it is going to be a diorama with personality!
28 August, 23:09
to kind, Jennifer
29 August, 05:38
Jennifer Franklin
No, honestly, it is brilliant; I can't wait to see the final result.
29 August, 12:56
I'm also curious what the end result will look like..
29 August, 16:55
Garagentor erstellt, bemalt und installiert. Figuren grundiert. Strasse und Gehweg vorbereitet.

Garage door created, painted and installed. Figures primed. Road and sidewalk prepared.
5 September, 17:40
Guy Rump
Definitely following. 👍
5 September, 20:14
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy
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Garford-Putilov PE set
Copper State Models (CSM) 1:35
A35-036 2023 Нови алат
5 September, 20:13
Bryan Dix
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Spitfire Mk.II
Revell 1:48
03959 (80-3959) 2016 Нови декали/налепнице
5 September, 20:13
Steve Brun
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5 September, 20:11
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy
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Copper State Models (CSM) 1:35
CSM35009 2023 Нови алат
5 September, 20:13
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Calsonic Impul Z
Tamiya 1:24
24280 2005 Нови декали/налепнице
5 September, 20:13
Lee Fogel
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T-60 Soviet Light Tank
Politechnika (Политехника) 1:35
T3501 1992 Нови алат
5 September, 20:13
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2004 GT Z Photo-Etched Parts Set
Tamiya 1:24
12602 2005 Нови алат
5 September, 20:13
András Csilléry
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12 5 September, 13:50
Excellent dio!
5 September, 16:25
András Csilléry
Thanks gorby!
5 September, 16:52
Mirko Römer
Fantastic line-up!
5 September, 17:12
Brilliant work and display.
5 September, 17:35
Villiers de Vos
Fantastic work.
5 September, 17:42
András Csilléry
Thanks guys, I'll probably combine this one with my other Thunderchief in the future, and make it a double presentation.
5 September, 17:54
Guy Rump
Great build and dio, congrats! 👍
5 September, 20:13
Bryan Dix
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Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IXc/XVI
Revell 1:48
04554 (80-4554) 2005 Нови декали/налепнице
5 September, 20:13
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy
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1915 Fortin Aubriot-Gabet French Electric Tank
Vargas Scale Models 1:35
R3D-35-050 (R3D-050) 2021 Нови алат
5 September, 20:13
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy
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Autoblindo Terni Tripoli
Copper State Models (CSM) 1:35
CSM35010 2023* Нови алат
5 September, 20:13
Lee Fogel
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T-60 Modell 1942
MR Modellbau 1:35
MR-44 1998 Нови алат
5 September, 20:13
означио овај артикал као по наруџби
Vietnam Scooters (A-4E/F) Limited Edition
Eduard 1:48
1197 2015 Нови делови
5 September, 20:12
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6 5 September, 14:34
Nice work.
5 September, 16:32
Denis Dogadov
I wonder what is written on the tank's turret?
I didn't understand anything at all, did you?
5 September, 18:18
Guy Rump
Very nice job. 👍
5 September, 20:12
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Eduard 1:48
11138 2020 Нови делови
5 September, 20:11
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2 5 September, 18:24
Guy Rump
Very nice work. 👍
5 September, 20:11
Lee Fogel
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Sd.Kfz. 250/8 Ausf. B "Stummel" KwK 37 (L/24) 7.5cm
Dragon 1:35
6102 1998 Нови делови
5 September, 20:11
Lee Fogel
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150mm Self-Propelled Howitzer Hummel
AHM 1:72
K559 197x Нова кутија
5 September, 20:11
Scott Dutton
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10 5 September, 09:12
5 September, 16:36
Scott Dutton
5 September, 18:29
Guy Rump
Great job! 👍
5 September, 20:11
René "Lord Bilbo" Bartholemy
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Ehrhardt 1917 Armoured Car detail set
Copper State Models (CSM) 1:35
A35-009 2022 Нови алат
5 September, 20:10
Lee Fogel
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Panther Type G Late Version Panzerkampfwagen V Ausf G (Sd.Kfz.171) Späte Version
Tamiya 1:35
35176 1994 Нови делови
5 September, 20:10







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