DaveThe bear looks great.
1 29 March, 00:11
RuiGreat work 👍
1 29 March, 00:59
Tony Heron АуторThanks Rui, thanks Dave 🙂
29 March, 01:58
Ben MNice work! You now need a bigger case for this beauty.
1 29 March, 02:53
Tony Heron АуторCheck the new uploaded image Ben I hung it on the wall 🙂
1 29 March, 03:22
Ben MWorlds largest dive bomber!
3 29 March, 13:09
Tony Heron АуторThank you all for your kind words 🙂 Glad you like it 🙂
30 March, 02:01
gorbyNice work. I like the display idea.
1 30 March, 08:53
NeulingSo do I . 👍
1 30 March, 09:29
Tony Heron АуторThe guitar hanger idea was one I picked up on when Phil Flory did his Bear a few years back 🙂
30 March, 17:35