Academy F-4B Phantom II 1/48
46 3 February 2022, 19:15

Well that is a beauty!! You got to love a Phantom and that's a special one.
3 February 2022, 19:23

I don't know if my eyes deceive me, but can it be that your works have a certain artistic style?!
Do you use any special filter for your pics?
Howerver, your work is more than impressive!
3 February 2022, 20:11

Hi Simon. My Pics are sometimes very bad. I have no idea from photography. The Mig-25PD have in reality not so strong contrasts. My camera is very old. I have tried to make better and more realistic pictures, but without success. The pics are only a little bit lightened and contrasted. My finished models looks better in reality.
My "Painting Style" is a little bit special. I had nobody for asking or helping me to learn modelling. Than I have tested many acrylic-paint and painting style, read many books and magazines and have tried to create my own style. I paint only with acrylic-paints (from the first step to finish) completely without enamels. I make acrylic panel line washings on acrylic base colors (normaly not possible due to the thinner destroys the base color). I have found out with a long testing a method to do this without destroying the painting. I have never read or seen that other model maker do this. (sorry for my bad english)
3 February 2022, 20:44

I've also tried out a lot over the years and studied literature.
I think we have a similar career in this case😉
2021 was the first year in which I achieved results that I also liked myself.
Your pictures caught my eye because of the style and I find them very convincing👍
3 February 2022, 21:00

Nice Phantom've taught yourself good model-building skills mate 👍. Your pics look like pictures from a comic book, this reminds me of a Buck Danny comic...very special...😄!
3 February 2022, 21:40

That is stunning! I was sold on the Tamiya kit. But can it get better than this? I was an A-6E pilot and THAT looks like a Navy jet! You've really captured the nuances of a USN jet on the boat.
1 April 2022, 10:09

This looks unique, somehow. Very different, but I can not put my fingers on it.
Awesome work, Tobias. 👍
1 April 2022, 10:23

Question Tobias - Do you have any comment on the Academy F-4B vice the Tamiya F-4B? I'm not sure how to improve on that F-4 of yours.
30 May 2023, 19:56

Acrylic washes on acrylic, are very interesting and a great end result.
31 May 2023, 02:18
Album info
US Navy VF-111 "Sundowners"
USS Coral Sea, Vietnam 1972