SS OrianaПоглед: Слидесхов Мозаик Листа 1April 20, 2022Sink holes in the hull. 2April 23, 2022The rudder after some filling to remove some dips. 3April 23, 2022Filling and sanding of the prop housings. 4April 23, 2022Working away at filling and sanding the seam between the prop housing and hull. 5June 18, 2022Hull halves joined, prop housing sanded and rudder installed. 6June 18, 2022Hull with filling and sanding underway. 7October 21, 2022Bow view after hull halves jointed together. 8October 21, 2022Stern view after hull joined together. Коментари 4 20 April 2022, 05:06Steve АуторFilling and sanding sink holes before joining the two hull halves together. 20 April 2022, 05:08Dietmar BogatzkiThere must be a lot, with this old kit...much fun 😉 20 April 2022, 05:49Steve АуторCertainly not a perfect fit but given how old it is not too bad. 20 April 2022, 10:55TimGood luck. Will watch. 24 April 2022, 18:36Album infoOOB build of SS OrianaSS Oriana8 слике1:495У радуСви албумиПрикажи све албуме »