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A little Piper

Album image #1
A search told me that the Cub Yellow is Chrome Yellow. And I found a beautiful Dark Chrome Yellow by MRP in my stash.
The fuselage shells are modified to take the 3D printed engine later. 

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The manual says yellow on the floor? All ref pictures I found showed a wooden floor. As the kit floor looks very thick I cut real wood here.  

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All the little parts from the kit added to the wood. The cylinders for the brakes was cut from the kit floor. The brake pedals are 4 PE pieces provided by the kit. 

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I added the front seat to the middle plate, mounted the wood and glued the fuselage halves together. 

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The engine is a little beauty and fits now. But I don't know, how to paint some parts now. It is nearly not possible with the airbrush, as all parts are together as one piece. Only some wires are missing on top. 

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Engine is painted with airbrush and brush. 

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I really prefer individual parts instead of this 3D-printed-all-together. 

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That is a damn little engine! 

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3D printed cowlings are also painted and will hide most of the engine later. 

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The side windows are masked, painted and glued in place. 

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Dry fitting with wing spar and upper clear part. 

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I noticed that already before painting from back as no light was going through - the printing quality of the instrument foil is very bad 🙁
I will try the decals. 

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The decals were ok, so I used them. The PE part was added on top and glasses created with Kristal Klear. 

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At first I drilled four little holes into 1mm nickel silver pipe. Then I soldered a thin ring of 1.2mm brass onto the pipe. Next step a longer piece of 1.2mm brass slid on as bushing. That is secured with a second little ring, soldered from behind. There is a little bearing clearance and the 1mm pipe or better axle can rotate freely.
That is soldering art! 

Album image #15
After I found some beautiful reference pictures I made a airscrew from some layers of very thin boxwood. I tried to put some brown paint into the wood glue, but this has not worked as expected. That is only a raw shape.
This was not easy as this prop is much smaller and thinner as my usual wooden airscrews on my biplanes in the same scale! 

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Then I decided to drill into the painted engine (compare with pic 6).
Now it can take my creation and the propeller will be able to rotate later.  

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The kit wing spar has a complex shape. Many surfaces are trapezoidal. Be careful with direction if you use it.
On top some brass profiles. 

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The outer ones are hollow.. 

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With more brass pieces I soldered a brass replacement. 

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The metal spar fits as the kit one. 

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The wings fits as a glow. That allows an easier mounting. The kit one must mounted to the fuselage first, then glue the lower halves of the wings to the spar. That make it not easy to add the upper halves to the whole thing and clamps and tools may be to heavy for the thin spar. 

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I can plug all together without glue for dry fit. The new spar holds the wings easily. 

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I hate to clean up filigree thin plastic struts! They needs to be primed white, painted yellow and glued in place. I'm not able to glue them in place without visible marks.
I will try to use round brass instead, I used 0.7 and 0.6mm brass wire depending on position and soldered the wires to some brass plates as mounting plates. 

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My plan is to integrate all together, paint it and mount it at once.
Let's see ... 

Album image #25
The tail "leaf spring" was broken on one fuselage halve. Not sure because of transport or my unpacking.
But I had some doubt about the robustness anyway, and my little Piper Stripdown has more details here, even in smaller scale.  

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And the wheel is moulded together with the holder?! So I made some new metal parts. 

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Soldered and a new leaf spring. 

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All new metal parts together. I only need to "free" the wheel for later insertion with a metal axle. 

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In a upper view it looks nearly as on some ref pics. 

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I connected the struts with the wing spar and restored some details, as seen on the kit spar. 

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The struts can hold the wing spar as they are "bolted on" with wire. 

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After priming and painting I glued my metal construction into the fuselage. 

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Last view from back. 

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Here you can see the tank, instrument panel and front struts below the tank, which I replaced by brass too. 

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After adding the top decking (clear part) the wings fits great. But then not the front window. Some gaps on side and top.
Decided to follow the manual and manipulated the front part to get rid of the gaps. 

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As the clear parts need to hold the wings I used "Extra Thing Quick" for all clear parts. On the front window a little accident: The glue runs between clear part and instrument cover 🙁 I have to live with that. It will be partly covered by paint later.  

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After a little modification on the wing nose where they touches the ears of the front window I could slide them on. 

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After all primed white I added forgotten handles. The kit contains PE parts, but I am afraid of breaking them off, so I made new parts out of wire. 

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Now it is yellow! Here in full sun light so it looks more orange. 

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On a picture in shadow it the color is more yellow. 

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Also on lower surface. 

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All markings are applied. 

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Here a closer view of the tail with the eponymous little teddy bear. 

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From below you can see the number below the left wing and the stripe on the fuselage. 

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The logo is also on the left side of the tail. 

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Only the stripe on the door is missing, but I noticed that it will need an additional layer of yellow before. Will be later open anyway. 

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The door is finished, with another layer of yellow, black stripe and PE door handle on the other side, 

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The struts are painted and glued in place. 

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The mounts on the wings looks a bit naked. After checking reference pictures I noticed some metal brackets. Ah, had the idea to add some PE parts from a Eduard Fokker (there were some spares). I had to shorten them, but now it looks nice. 

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Special Hobby says in the manual to use 0.3mm wire for the tail rigging. I tried that, but it looks too thick, compared to my references. So I used 0.2mm nickel silver wire. That has also the advantage that I could add RAF wire terminals from Gaspatch as mount point. 

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Of course the same on the lower side. 

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I added the resin wheels. To get a more robust connection I added some brass.
I need to think about robust struts below to hold the model safely for transportation. 

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The door is mounted in open position. Here you can see why it was a good idea to add the black stripe: at least the shadow is visible! 

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And all things together in a full view. 

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An acupuncture needle helped me to glue small sleeves to the strut. 

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A thin wire goes through the sleeves now and allow the control of the aileron 

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The nice control horn is provided as PE by the kit. I added a 0.3mm brass tune as turnbuckle. 

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The same procedure on the other side too. 

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On top of the wing you see only the one wire from the pulley going through. Here also a fake turnbuckle. 

Album image #60
For the aileron there are control horns, but what about the rudder? The is a slot in the rudder and also a outlet for the control in the fuselage.
But SH forgot to add the PE part and do not mention the rudder control at all in the manual.  

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I used some spare control horns from another kit, drilled into the fuselage outlet and added the control wires, again with brass turnbuckles. 

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That is V2 of the fuel cap. I turned my first one from a piece of 2mm brass (due to a big hole in the fuselage), but after mounting it looks too big.
The next step was a new one from 1.5mm brass and a piece of square brass hides the hole, as seen of a reference picture. 

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Looks nice in place. Please note the famous mechanical petrol level indicator! 

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A step for entering the cockpit is provided as PE part, see 1 at right. But it looks more like a tube on real planes, so I bend one from nickel silver wire.  

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I had a hard time interpreting my reference photos, but this is what it might have looked like. 

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The last thing for today was adding the upper halve of the door, which is a clear part. A small etched part from the kit serves as a support. 

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After adding the "ears" (air baffles) the upper ignition wires could be glued. Note: the lower cowling is loose.
That is the last full view of the engine - good bye! 

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The upper and lower cowlings are reached the final place. 

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As the cut outs has to snap on parts I the is an ugly little crack. 

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Special Hobby recommends to show the cowlings beside the model. May be that is a good idea. 

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The actual state for now. 

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The tail suspension was prepared already, see pic 25 and following, but I was not happy with it.
So I made a new wheel holder, cleaned the kit wheel (removed the details). To avoid detail painting I made a alu rim 😉 

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Wheel painted and all prepared fro mounting. 

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Tail wheel assembly is complete on the right. In the middle you can see a new lever with holes. 

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I removed a pin from the axle and drilled a 0.32mm hole into it and mounted the lever. So it will rotate with the rudder. 

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Then the tail wheel assembly could be glued in place ... 

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... and can hold the model. The new wheel position looks better.
But is still rotates ... 

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... so I wound some springs and connected the lever from the rudder to the wheel holder. 

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Now it is close to my reference pictures. 

Album image #80
Some more parts: the right 3D-printed part was part of the kit, and is not needed for the complete 3D printed engine.
But the 3D printed engine needs a kit part, the air filter (on the globe of the Cent). I was looking already for a PE grille, but then I noticed a very, very fine structure on the front. So I used a very light dry brushing to show the structure. 

Album image #81
The airscrew was finished in a lot of steps: 1. final sanding, 2. wood primer, 3. fine sand, 4. clear yellow/orange, 5. masking, 6. light green, 7. masking, 8. Alclad metal, 9. apply decals, 10. remove carrier film, 11. clear coat, 12. mounting of the prop hub plates 

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The back side. 

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Air filter and propeller are mounted (with CA gel - only one chance!) 

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There is enough space in between prop and cowling. 

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Test run successful 👍 

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The last missing detail was the landing gear strut assembly. I scratched this: a upper V, a fitting soldered to it and two longer pipes bolted, of course movable. 

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I got the info, that a little round part on top of the rudder was a lamp, so I replaced the back part with a new clear part.  

Album image #88
Struts painted and mounted.
Then I wanted to create the cover for the bungee suspension. For the little Stripdown Cub I have done that with kitchen aluminium foil, but failed here in the bigger scale. The solution was thicker aluminium foil, for which I stole the lid from my wife's breakfast yoghurt. It even has a somewhat irregular structure. 

Album image #89
After painting the covers black I'm happy with the look. 


65 3 October 2023, 11:00
Does anyone know photos or references of the Piper NC38601, n/c 7132 ?
3 October 2023, 11:03
Marcel Klemmer
Unfortunately I can't help you, but I can watch well and take a seat…
3 October 2023, 11:58
Welcome Marcel!
There are so many combinations possible inside, black struts, yellow struts, grey struts. And I found no information about the provided kit marking. May be I will do another serial.
3 October 2023, 17:26
Robert Podkoński
Taking a seat too.
3 October 2023, 17:27
Thomas Bischoff
Nice choice! Goes well together with a Storch 🙂 I hope one day we see a Super Cup in 1:48
3 October 2023, 17:48
LucLuke B
I'll be following your build. That's one I'm planning to work on some time soon. Youve got to learn from the masters.
3 October 2023, 18:59
Bernhard Schrock
Nothing represents wood in 1:48 as wood itself! A seat in first row please! 🙂
3 October 2023, 19:06
At the moment it looks great.... As usual... I hope you're excited to see how it progresses!!!
3 October 2023, 19:44
David Taylor
Back in.
3 October 2023, 20:12
Ben M
3 October 2023, 20:29
Oh, a lot of seats in the first row are occupied. A warm Welcome!
As a German footballer said: Always this insane, immense, unbelievable ... pressure!
. . . to deliver a nice model.

@Thomas I miss already the Storch, or more the metal wing spar inside. The wings mounted only to clear parts (+ some thin struts inside) looks very fragile here. I guess it is more robust once the outer wing struts are mounted, but one need to paint and apply decals before!?!
3 October 2023, 21:01
Bernhard Schrock
Hej. Versuchs mal hiermit über den letzten Besitzer
Sicher dass die FAA Nummer NC38601 ist? Vielleicht N38601?
4 October 2023, 09:59
Bernhard Schrock
Eben noch eine Suche über Airliners net gemacht. Nix: weder unter NC38601 noch N38601. Schreib doch vielleicht mal den Bausatzhersteller an, woher er die Vorgabe für Decals hat.
4 October 2023, 10:11
Thank you Bernhard!
I found also your link and there it is listed as NC38601, with the same serial as Special Hobby said, 7132 (very close to the end) Owner was "Roper Aircraft Holdings Inc /KS".
There is also a drawing spec for the markings, and this show also a marking with "NC", but it describes all numbers in black. SH give the tail number in red?
Please click on the kit in the project bar and see the linked manual page 13.
4 October 2023, 10:51
Ricardo Reis
One seat for me also! 👍
4 October 2023, 12:49
Welcome Ricardo, nice to see you here!

It looks like that Special Hobby is right! A mate in the German found a site with the b/w picture of that Piper. The "3" and the number on the tail are shown in another gray as the black strip.
Here the page, scroll down:
4 October 2023, 13:53
Ludvík Kružík
Another surprise from bughunter. Looks like you've expanded the boundaries of your scope to include somewhat more modern machines. First it was a Storch, now it's a Piper. And you've announced the F-35 Lightnig for November. I'm curious to see what comes next? 🙂
Anyway, the Piper is a good choice and I am supremely confident that it will turn out to be another hilarious model in your hands.
I wish you a lot of fun in your modeling work and I will be happy to follow this build.
4 October 2023, 15:34
Thank you Ludvik and nice to see you here!
Yeah, I like some icons of aviation. In this case I have the Piper in my cabinet, but as 1:72 Stripdown (see my projects) so it would be nice to have a "completed" one in my usual scale. BTW for the Storch it the other way around: I have the Stripdown Storch in my stash, but not yet build.
I was a bit out of motivation with my other projects so I started a new one. Let's see if I can bring this to a good end. I'm not very experienced with clear parts as my biplanes don't have those in most cases (may be foil as windscreen). And here they have to hold the wing.

Regarding F-35 and November: Tamiya announced a new F-35B for November (after the A last year), so I corrected the kit here as this was set to state "Released" already.
4 October 2023, 16:17
The engine is painted. A picture search comes up with a lot of different looks of the engine. I know that early engines was mostly black, also cylinders and head covers. But as this would hide many of the details I took the artistic freedom to follow a newer style.
Also some work on the fuselage and the first clear parts are glued in.
4 October 2023, 19:34
Erik Leijdens
Awesome job on the engine! The fit looks good also. Great to see you starting this kit, so normal people can use yours as benchmark 😄

4 October 2023, 21:34
Ludvík Kružík
So I misinterpreted your report on the F-35. I originally thought you bought this kit and were going to start building it in November. Now I get it.
But I'd still be interested to see what a modern military or civilian aircraft would look like in your rendition.

Work on the Piper is going well. The silver engine looks very good. Especially knowing how small that engine really is (I built a Piper L-4H two years ago).
4 October 2023, 22:15
Now a piece of soldering art: With a bit of luck I was able to create a bearing with axle for the airscrew - no solder was going inside 😉
A little wooden propeller has also reached its raw shape.
5 October 2023, 19:09
Alex K
It definitely is a real pleasure watching masters like bughunter (and Ludvik before that) dealing with Piper's little classic...
5 October 2023, 23:20
Thank you Alex, and don't miss the wonderful video I linked in the project.
6 October 2023, 10:33
Michael Kohl
cute plane. Nice start. The engine is a gem.
6 October 2023, 12:42
Greg Baker
Oohhhh... something... different. And yet... still amazing.
6 October 2023, 13:55
Thank you Michael and Greg!

Now I converted this Special Hobby kit into a Tamiya build 😉 I was deeply impressed with the metal wing spar and construction on the Tamiya Storch built recently.
The construction of this wing mounting is really nice. SH provided a complex shaped wing spar with many trapezoidal surfaces which may can hold the wings especially once the struts are added. But during paint job and applying decals you need some care I guess as the struts are not yet in place. The whole thing looks flexible, so you may get some force onto the clear parts (the wings are glued to them).
I like a robust model for safe transportation and I would hate to find out later (after paint job, on the completed model), that the wing spar construction was not strong enough. So I will go the extra mile to create a metal replacement.
6 October 2023, 18:57
And after a transport damage I decided to rebuild the tail wheel assembly, all from metal.
The little intricate brass part left the tweezers with an ugly flinging sound and fell off. I looked for it on the floor for a long time, but it wasn't there. In the end I found it in the airbrush compressor housing, under the tank!
Let's see how mates follow may way to build this kit 😉
8 October 2023, 20:25
Martin Oostrom
This is very nice Bugsy. A bit modern when compared to your regular builds. I still like it! 👍🏻
9 October 2023, 17:57
Thank you Martin!
All the scratched metal work inside the fuselage is complete and in place. I'm really not sure if that was necessary, but at least it seems very robust now. The outer wing struts are only there for decoration later and don't need to carry any load.
9 October 2023, 19:49
Martin Oostrom
Someone let the interior light on in picture 32 😉
9 October 2023, 20:29
The pictures have a lot of reflections from my macro LED ring light.
Or do you mean the white/brass on top? Here I scratched the paint away for better grip of the glue.
9 October 2023, 21:13
I applied half of the MR Paint bottle "Dark Chrome Yellow". Yellow is not easy to paint, but it looks ok now. Should have spend more time for sanding and surface preparation.
11 October 2023, 13:29
Martin Oostrom
A grey primer is more forgiving with yellow. Try pink primer the next time!
Looking good Bugsy
11 October 2023, 14:13
Greg Baker
I concur. In fact, I just painted a little pink plane yellow myself… with one coat 🙂
11 October 2023, 14:26
I have heard of the Pink Primer, but I was afraid that the chrome yellow would be too reddish. Of course, I could have tested it.
11 October 2023, 15:14
Erik Leijdens
Looks very good in Yellow bughunter!! Coming along very well
11 October 2023, 20:30
Kyle DeHart
I have clearly been remiss on here. Having nearly missed the wonderful beginnings of this project. I really like that chrome yellow. Have heard good things about MRP and it is possible to get them over here, perhaps I shall try some out sometime. Looking forward to what's next.
12 October 2023, 04:06
Thank you mates and welcome Kyle!
12 October 2023, 09:18
Ludvík Kružík
That yellow color really suits Piper. It makes the whole plane glow.
12 October 2023, 09:40
Nathan Dempsey
Lovely work. I too love the yellow.
12 October 2023, 12:44
This is very impressive! I used to fly a couple yellow J-3s like this and seeing yours brings back memories. That leaf spring on the!

I bought this kit to build a copy of N77500 that I used to fly. Following your excellent build with interest for sure!
12 October 2023, 19:32
Thank you very much mates!
I love to scratch build parts in metal. So idea of the leaf spring is a copy of another (unfinished) project, see here (and the other pictures around) how I made this: WIP - Ansaldo S.V.A. 5 | Album by bughunter (1:48)
The bad thing is, that I realized now this is more a tail wheel of a PA-18. I think I will look at the ref video again and modify this part a bit.
The metal wing spar worked perfectly while handling this model during painting. The outer struts will only be decoration 😉

If you have the kit already you should check regarding quality: the instrument film (see pics, I reported that to SH) and the decals. On mine the logo is wrong, the CUB is not white (or accidentally covered with red) 🙁 I will try to use other decals. I found also drawing about application of NC reg numbers on the CUB, but the SH decals seems to have higher numbers?!
I'm also not sure, which registration I will use. May be I will mask (plotter) and paint the big numbers.

This build will be on hold for a moment, as I will visit an exhibition and another things, and wait for new decals.
12 October 2023, 19:53
I admire your attention to detail. I will say that if you're building a modern airplane then don't worry so much about font and marking size. There is no standard. When the planes are re-covered they'll get as close as they can and move on.

Now if you're doing a specific plane, then yeah, go ahead.
13 October 2023, 01:32
This project was on hold for a while as I had no time for modeling and was waiting for a new decal set.
Due to the great help of Kyle (Thank you very much my friend 👍 ) it arrived and all markings are applied now.
After the decals are completely dry I will add a layer of clear coat.
9 November 2023, 20:30
Kyle DeHart
You are most welcome, my friend. Glad I could assist. And it has paid off!! Your little cub decal is most excellent. In fact all the decal placements and numbers look spot on. It looks like it will be ready for flight soon!!
9 November 2023, 23:57
Looks quite good. Kyle, where did you get that decal?
10 November 2023, 02:08
See this project page, there the decal is listed. You can get it only on the homepage of DRAWdecal, as it is printed on demand.
Please note, that there was only one number stripe of spare numbers for the tail (see picture), so only 41982 or a very limited number range was possible at all. I contacted them and they promised to change this. But if you want to do your N77500 you will still need more then one sheet.
10 November 2023, 08:14
Christoph Kunz
Why did I missed this until today?
Anyway, great work again. 👍
10 November 2023, 11:07
Perfect. Added to my wishlist for the future.
10 November 2023, 14:34
Welcome Christoph! Better late than never 😉
10 November 2023, 17:08
Ludvík Kružík
In your rendition, even a small plane can be made into a "big" model. 😉
10 November 2023, 20:13
Thank you Ludvik!
I just added the next batch of pictures, struts and rigging are done.
But this is far from done, some details and all control wires needs to be added. The tail wheel and some robust struts for the landing gear are missing too.
10 November 2023, 20:27
Thomas Bischoff
A yellow beauty - the colour suits her well 👍
11 November 2023, 09:27
Thank you Thomas!
Yes, the colour shade is very special: if I work on this model in the dark evening, it looks like green patches on it below my working lamps 😮
But below a normal light bulb, in day light and - very important - in my cabinet with LED lights it looks nice!
11 November 2023, 09:35
A new batch of brutal macros has been uploaded - please be merciful 😉
In addition to a few other details, all the control cables have been added. Fortunately, the elevator was controlled internally.
11 November 2023, 20:44
Now the engine is hidden by added cowlings. Luckily we have the pictures in this build log as a keepsake.
11 November 2023, 23:13
After a rework of the already created tail wheel assembly I'm happy with the look. The tail is now complete.
Impressive, how much details can be added to such little sports plane.
12 November 2023, 17:16
Ethan Flory
Looking very nice!!
12 November 2023, 18:21
Very very nice!
12 November 2023, 18:35
Thank you very much mates!
The ToDo list is getting shorter and shorter 😉
12 November 2023, 20:34
Kyle DeHart
Yea Frank, coming along really excellently. What a lovely little bird this will be.
13 November 2023, 02:18
Thx Kyle!
The propeller is finished and mounted. A test run was successful 😉
13 November 2023, 18:03
Daniel Klink
Beautiful and rare Canary you accomplished here! Very impressive Mate 👍
13 November 2023, 18:09
This is impressive. Just looking at the detail is bringing back memories of doing preflight inspections!
15 November 2023, 01:20
Erik Leijdens
Wow bughunter the little Piper becomes more impressive every time I see it. The struts on the tail are a very nice addition en so well executed, as is the tailwheel! That is a piece of art, just as the whole Piper. Great work mate.
15 November 2023, 07:18
Thank you KyMustang and Erik for your kind words!
If this model makes you think you're doing a pre-flight inspection, I've probably added enough detail. I was surprised myself at how much still needed to be done after painting.
In meantime I finished the landing gear so the model is finished now 🙂 I have also re-added all the PE parts I found on the bench. I need my good old trusty CA glue back!
Some pictures will follow later today.
15 November 2023, 11:58
I just uploaded the last pictures of this build log.
The look of the covers is ok for me. You can even find them in 1:1 on ebay "Piper Cub bungee cover".

Thank you for accompanying me on this journey!
15 November 2023, 18:06
Owning this kit and seeing how small it is, plus having experience flying the real thing, I can say this is one of the most impressive models I've ever seen!
15 November 2023, 18:23
what an insane build
15 November 2023, 19:52
Ludvík Kružík
Piper looks great, congratulations on completing another amazing build!
15 November 2023, 21:45
Wow, what a great feedback, Thanks!
Yes, it is a nice model, but not perfect. Compared to my other models (see my projects) I think it is not the best.
Those of you who have been following my projects for a while will have an idea of what now follows at the end 😉
15 November 2023, 21:46
Kyle DeHart
You say it isn't your best Frank but it is still surely a fantastic result. Great work on this build and I look forward to the album with the glamour shots.
16 November 2023, 01:26
Alec K
Following the "better late than never" dictum, I am adding my congrats to this project. Just an outstanding level of detail and surgical attention during execution. Looking forward to the outdoor pics 👍
16 November 2023, 13:12
David Taylor
Smart as always.
16 November 2023, 15:10
Nice to read your comments mates, Thanks!
16 November 2023, 16:27
Luckily, I was able to use a few dry hours with sunshine behind thin clouds for the usual outdoor shots - don't miss the final pictures here:
Finished Piper Cub | Album by bughunter (1:48)
16 November 2023, 16:58
Alex K
Now that the finished model album is on, no need to let the wip album sleep away... It's a real blast watching little detail after little detail being added... Fantastic work!
19 November 2023, 15:05
Great work.
19 November 2023, 15:29
Thank you Alex and Nicolas!
Yes, many details are better shown on the macro pictures of the building log than on the pictures of the finished model.
19 November 2023, 17:37

Album info

Build log of a yellow Piper Cub

106 bilder
1:48 Piper J-3 (Special Hobby SH48220)1:48 L-4 Grasshopper Engine (Continental O-170-3) (CMK P48002)3+

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