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Curtis Caden (Plumberman)

American LaFrance Pumper Fire Truck


18 6 September, 18:26
Curtis Caden
I appreciate those giving me "likes". I have decals coming from Arizona that will finish this out.
 19 September, 19:55
Rui S
A Beauty allready 👍
 19 September, 20:09
Agree with Rui! Gorgeous!
 19 September, 20:10
Martin Oostrom
This one has been calling me from every shop it's in. Until now I've resisted. Staying strong....
Very nice one Curtis!
 20 September, 08:55
Landlubber Mike
Curtis, what a great model! There's something about fire engines with their red, black and chrome schemes. Did you use foil for the chrome? It looks perfect!
 20 September, 14:20
Curtis Caden
I used Silver Molotow Liquid Chrome Alcohol Marker.
 21 September, 14:08

Album info

American LaFrance, a leader in firefighting equipment since 1903, first introduced the 1000 series in 1970. This is a 1:25 AMT American LaFrance Pumper Fire Truck kit.

10 bilder
1:25 Pumper Fire Truck (AMT/ERTL 31637)

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