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Hunter Cummins
Hunter Cummins



26 December 2013, 22:34
It's looking good so far,keep the pics coming 😄
26 December 2013, 23:24
Hunter Cummins
Will do brandon 😄
26 December 2013, 23:41
Hunter Cummins
27 December 2013, 00:06
Awesome! Looks great! This is your first 1/72 plane kit? Looks to good to be your first
27 December 2013, 00:10
Hunter Cummins
Wow thanks brandon 😄😄 and yes its my first 😉😄 and that means a lot 😄 and im doing a camo pattern lol and yes kts my first ahaha
27 December 2013, 00:38
No problem 😄 can't wait to see the camo
27 December 2013, 00:39
Will it be like this? [img1]
27 December 2013, 00:40
Fabian D.
phew.. you guys are pretty busy.... I´m way to overeaten to find the way back to my bench... eating for a week in three days of christmas celebration no good 😉
27 December 2013, 00:59
Hunter Cummins
Me to lol
And no just a big fat stripe like on the box since its my first 🙂 😉😄
But I will definatly do that in the future
27 December 2013, 01:06
Hunter Cummins
Yes we are fabian 🙂;););) and you should relax and enjoy your time off lol and just eat relax and when you feel up to par wor on a model lol and eating a lot is never good 😉
27 December 2013, 01:09
Fabian D.
It wont get any better... tomorrow we´re at my grandparents and the´re making roasted chicken... 😄
27 December 2013, 01:20
Hunter Cummins
Ohhhhjh my gosh that sounds sooooooooooooo goood 😄😄😄😄😄
27 December 2013, 01:25
Hunter Cummins
Camo is on and ready for decals😄
28 December 2013, 19:28
Looks Great!!
29 December 2013, 01:00
Fabian D.
almost done? pew.... but i like the thing in the background better 😉 😄
29 December 2013, 01:06
Hunter Cummins
@brandon: thanks man means a lot 😄
@fabian: yup almost done 😄 all she needs is a pilot a painted cockpit and some weathering
And her canopy painted 😄
And whats inthe back round ahaha
29 December 2013, 01:11
Clifford Keesler
Lbig stuff.ooking good, to bad I,m a blind old man and must build the
29 December 2013, 02:05
Hunter Cummins
Thanks clifford 😄😄 im only 16 so im still good with seeing lol and this is my first so I hope it turnes out as good as yours =)
29 December 2013, 03:04
Are you going to decal it tomorrow?
29 December 2013, 03:50
Hunter Cummins
Decaling is done 😄 I wamt to take all of the pics I want to show you guys at once.😄 the canopy is a pain in my ass lol and am going to add the landing gear.😄 so now I can show all of my updates at once besides the weathering 😄
29 December 2013, 04:08
Ok sounds good 😄
29 December 2013, 04:16
Hunter Cummins
😄 alrigjt jaha
Oh and for some reasonm my canopy looks like crap lol
The paint is building up and looks like crap :'(
29 December 2013, 04:19
Are you masking it or using the toothpick?
29 December 2013, 04:21
Hunter Cummins
Masking it lol
29 December 2013, 04:32
I was never any good at masking,so I gave up and started using the toothpick
29 December 2013, 04:50
Hunter Cummins
Yea I think im gonna start doing that lol
29 December 2013, 13:19
Are you going to build 1/72 jets also? Or just WWII propeller aircraft?
29 December 2013, 15:53
james johnson
umm.............not sure that the Tamiya thinner and Vallejo paint is the way to go......
29 December 2013, 16:15
Hunter Cummins
It was a test and belive it or not it worked quite well 😄
And just ww2 jets and propeller aircraft 😄 like the me 262 (thats one of my favorite ww2 airplanes) and bf 109 and so on
Nec0xt project is a wrecked br 110 c2 from airfix
29 December 2013, 17:57
Are you taking the pics?
29 December 2013, 22:58
Hunter Cummins
Decals and propeller are done
Now all I need to do is finish the canopy and weather her 😄
(just for you brandon;)😛😄)
29 December 2013, 23:43
Awesome! The canopy looks great,what's wrong with it? Great job on the decals! 😄 😄
29 December 2013, 23:46
How are you going to weather it?
30 December 2013, 00:29
George Bacon
Lookin' good! 👍
30 December 2013, 00:30
Hunter Cummins
Thanks george 😄 its my first ever 😄
30 December 2013, 00:41
Hunter Cummins
@Brandon: it just needs some touch ups lol and thanks you very much😄  And as for the weathering it will mainly consist of washes, smut, streaking effects, and thats about it 😄
30 December 2013, 03:16
Clifford Keesler
It's looking awfully good to me, good job.
30 December 2013, 04:00
Hunter Cummins
Thanks clifford 😄 its my first go and im very happy that everyone likes it 😄😄😄
I will be grabbing a couple more to 😄
30 December 2013, 13:29
Hunter Cummins
Whencever I go tovthe hobby shop
30 December 2013, 13:30
Hunter Cummins
UPDATE!!!! Started some weathering (see text for what I did) pin washing and dry brushing tommorrow morning 😄😄😄
3 January 2014, 02:20
It's looking great! Usually I don't weather my aircraft,sometimes I do streaking and dry brushing.
3 January 2014, 02:26
Hunter Cummins
Thats all im doing ahah mabeysome chimimg but not to much 😉😄😄
And thanks man I hooe to do that ju88 and bf 110 diorama justice 😄😄 oh and that other aircraft I am getting 😄😄
3 January 2014, 02:45
So your getting the ju-88?
3 January 2014, 02:49
Hunter Cummins
Yes sadpy but only because its free and the hamtin will be a birthday present 😄😄
3 January 2014, 02:59
Cool,I'm looking forward to seeing it get built
3 January 2014, 03:07
Hunter Cummins
Me to 😄😄😄😄 but first the bf 110 diorama 🙁🙂
3 January 2014, 03:10
Clifford Keesler
Looking good Hunter.
4 January 2014, 00:07
nice Hunter, very nice
4 January 2014, 11:12
Hunter Cummins
Thank you guys so much 😄😄 I was suppose to add pics friday but I took the pics before I went to my aunts to help her with some things and she had no wifi 🙁 sopics up in a min 😄
5 January 2014, 18:29
Alan Rush
Hi Hunter. I am getting into planes as well and wondering what to do without an airbrush. Can spray can larger ones, but 1/72 probably small. It looks like you are brush painting and wet sanding each coat? Narrow tape to mark camo pattern? Results look very good and inspiring me to pull out a kit and give it a try.
5 January 2014, 18:42
Hi Alan,I build mainly 1/72 aircraft and I hand brush everything. I have a 1/48 F-4B that I'll hand brush also. If you have any questions,feel free to ask 🙂
5 January 2014, 19:00
Hunter Cummins
Hi alan this is acctually my first and im glad you like it 😄😄 what I did was thin my acrylic paint thin
I thinned it about as much as you would fir and airbrush.
I then brushed it on very lightly just enough so you can still see the primer
Then I go over it again and this time I cover it entirely so that you cant see the primer. The second coat it also as thin as the first coat.
Then as for the camo I just fre haned it.
And the paint for the camo was also thin but not as thin as the 2 base coates were so that you pnly have to go over it again 😄😄
Oh and no sanding what so ever 😉😄
And im glad that it is inspiring toyou and I thank you for your kind words 😄
If you need anyhelp just leave me a PM😄😄
5 January 2014, 19:03
Hunter Cummins
weathering just anout complete
See picture text for what I did
(Sorry brandon for no updates🙁 see the above text for my reasom)
5 January 2014, 19:06
Wow! That looks great! Nice weathering job
5 January 2014, 19:10
Es-haq Khosravi
Well done!
5 January 2014, 19:22
Alan Rush
Thanks Hunter. I have four Academy 1/72 kits on the shelf which may get a second look now.
5 January 2014, 20:07
Hunter Cummins
Man you have some good kits then lol
5 January 2014, 22:06
Anthony Flanagan
Nice work. Great paint job.
7 January 2014, 21:41
Hunter Cummins
Thanks anthony 😄😄 I never brush paint entire models but I like it 😄😄 cant wait to see what scheme you come up with 😄 on your tank that is;)🙂
7 January 2014, 22:15
Joseph Johnson
nice build hunter.
10 January 2014, 03:22
Hunter Cummins
Thanks joseph 😄 this is my first aircraft 😄 and its done and finished pics will be up tommorrow 🙂🙂
10 January 2014, 03:29
Joseph Johnson
10 January 2014, 15:34
Hunter Cummins
Pictures of the final model are up=)😄😄😄 please tell me what you guys think 🙂
12 January 2014, 21:24
George Bacon
Beautiful, just beautiful! Love the paint job. Great model Hunter! 👍 👍 👍
12 January 2014, 21:26
Alan Rush
It turned out very well Hunter. The brush painting worked well and the weathering and washing add the used and worn look to it without going over the top. Well done. 🙂
12 January 2014, 21:38
Hunter Cummins
Thanks george 😄😄😄 I used some of those tips you gave me awhile back so I thank you very much 🙂🙂 thats means alot coming from a pro like you 🙂 (well atleast to me you are;))

Alan: thanks so much 🙂 im glad I didnt go over the top 🙂 I added some streaking effects with the akinteractive africa corp streaking effect 🙂 it was my first time using it 🙂 and I hope you guys can see it 🙂
12 January 2014, 21:45
Martyn Fox
Nice job. The weathering finishes it off nicely. I'm a big fan of filters/washs as I feel it brings all the colours together. 🙂
12 January 2014, 21:55
Hunter Cummins
Thank you martyn 😄😄 I am also a fan of pin washes, washes, and filters 🙂 and I do to and it helpes add life to a model🙂
12 January 2014, 22:01
Clifford Keesler
Wish my first plane had looked so good.LOL.
12 January 2014, 22:18
Wow!! Looks great,I think it's better than mine! 🙂
12 January 2014, 22:19
Fabian D.
I have to admit, way cooler than mine I build as kit... and not only because it has a sharkmouth ,)
12 January 2014, 22:24
Hunter Cummins
Hahaah thanks Clifford 🙂 im sure it did 😉 your airplanes now blow mine out of the water lol
Brandon: thats nonsense 😉😄 you are the one (and clifford and many others) who inspired me to build one🙂
And you gave me the courage to 🙂
Fabian: nahhh yours probably looks wayy better 😉🙂 ad I got mine because of the teeth 😳
12 January 2014, 22:30
Fabian D.
pretty shure... no 😉
I was about 10 or so... never heared about thinning paints, clear coat for the decals or even washing 😄
12 January 2014, 22:34
Thanks Hunter!!! You'll build more aircraft right? 😉
12 January 2014, 22:34
Hunter Cummins
Brandon: ues I am acctually working on a revell 1/48 scale BF 110
I perferr 1/72 but for 10 dollars I could not pass it up 🙂 but im getting a 1/72 scale Focker Wulf 😄
Fabian😮h well then I think mine does but not a lot better 😉😛
12 January 2014, 22:59
Cool. What are you doing for the Groupbuild?
12 January 2014, 23:00
Hunter Cummins
Idk yetlol im still looking 🙂
12 January 2014, 23:15
Clifford Keesler
How is the revel BF-110? I think I might like to try one. I like the 110.
13 January 2014, 04:01
Joseph Johnson
The revell version is actually a very decent kit. there stuff has really got pretty good over the past couple years.
13 January 2014, 05:08
Joseph Johnson
Nice job Hunter excellent build.
13 January 2014, 05:27
Hunter Cummins
Clifford: its a really good kit and a joy to build. All you need is to fill some gaps and rescribe a couple panel lines🙂 with your skills
It will be a walk in the park with the revell bf 110
13 January 2014, 11:37
Hunter Cummins
Thanks joeseph 🙂🙂🙂 I tried my best🙂
13 January 2014, 11:38
Good job, Hunter. As I have just arrived, please, would you mind giving me the link about Geroge´s tips regarding weathering, washing?? Thanks!!!!
13 January 2014, 12:15
Mike K
Nice! Turned out great.
13 January 2014, 12:17
Hunter Cummins
Thanks mike 😄
Thanks sachin 🙂 yes I will pm you it 🙂
13 January 2014, 20:10
Anthony Flanagan
I just saw the final product. Nice job especially for your first!
14 January 2014, 16:33
John Thomas
Very nice 109, nice camo paint job.
14 January 2014, 19:56
Hunter Cummins
Thanks you anthony 🙂
John: I thank you very much 🙂 I found it on google images
It was a bf 109 in Libya 1942
So its accurate 🙂;)
14 January 2014, 20:01
John Thomas
I am glad you did the research, keep it up.
14 January 2014, 22:31
Hunter Cummins
Thanks john 🙂 thats one of my favorite parts of modelling
14 January 2014, 23:03
Michael Razz
rofl : nice shoes u have
23 April 2014, 19:00
Hunter Cummins
1 hour after that picture, I threw them into a fire lol
24 April 2014, 02:02
Gabor Szabo
Well done Messer! 🙂
27 April 2014, 14:36
Hunter Cummins
Thank you very much Gabor 🙂
I am honored by such an aircraft master as yourself 🙂
and clifford and the many other aircraft masters 🙂
27 April 2014, 17:38

Album info

My first airfix airplane in 1/72 😄😄
Hope ya'll like it

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1:72 Messerschmitt Bf109 G-6 (Airfix A02029)

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