databas för modellbygge | samlingshanterare
Czegle Zso
Zsolt Czegle (Czegle Zso )

Toldi III


1 25 February 2017, 13:44
Looks good Zsolt. I like the camo.
 25 February 2017, 14:43
Zsolt Czegle
Thank you Gorbygould!
 26 February 2017, 12:16
Zsolt Czegle
Filter and wash done! 🙂
 26 February 2017, 21:08
Zsolt Czegle
Weathering finished. And what is yet to come: drybrush for the tracks and the the tanker into the turret
 27 February 2017, 22:59
Good looking tank. One I do not see often.
 28 February 2017, 05:18
Zsolt Czegle
Thank you Erik. I try to do my best....
 28 February 2017, 13:09
Alec K
Well done 👍
 1 March 2017, 02:05
Zsolt Czegle
Thanks Alec
 1 March 2017, 07:33
Zsolt Czegle
Finished this little Hungarian beast. I'll upload mor better photos in the weekend if there is some sunlight! I hope you like it!
 2 March 2017, 22:33

Project info

15 bilder
1:72 Toldi III (IBG Models 72030)
Toldi III
HU Magyar Királyi Honvédség (Royal Hungarian Army 1922-1945)

World War 2
Olive Green, grey Brown, Dark Yellow

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