Finished model
3 7 March 2017, 22:38
B. M.
Quite an accomplishment! Excellent painting and weathering. Especially the oil streaks look very realistic.
Quite an accomplishment! Excellent painting and weathering. Especially the oil streaks look very realistic.
30 March 2017, 07:44
Murad ÖZER
Stunning build Adam, how did you paint the camo, cut masks fomr tape or tac?
Stunning build Adam, how did you paint the camo, cut masks fomr tape or tac?
30 March 2017, 07:47
Adam Gudynowski
Thanks all. Camo was masked with rolled thin pieces of bluetack.
Thanks all. Camo was masked with rolled thin pieces of bluetack.
30 March 2017, 12:36
Adam Gudynowski
Thanks gusy 🙂 I'm still working on display stand
Thanks gusy 🙂 I'm still working on display stand
30 March 2017, 22:54