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Patryk S. (Viper1983)


Album image #1
Next to the P-40. 

Album image #2

Album image #3
Work begins. Rescribed the engine cowling area, drilled all holes open and added some more folowing reference pictures. 

Album image #4
Work begins. Rescribed the engine cowling area, drilled all holes open and added some more folowing reference pictures. 

Album image #5
Work begins. Rescribed the engine cowling area, drilled all holes open and added some more folowing reference pictures. 

Album image #6
Project update: as this is a proof of concept build more than anything I trying ouf some things: model will be fully rescribed, did get rid of the pronounced fabric effect as the pictures of the real thing show a smooth finish, also made the cowling hinges from streched sprue and added smal brass elements. 

Album image #7
Album image #8
Tailplanes ready. Many liquid putty and ca glue has fallen during this heroic act of valor 🙂 

Album image #9
Tailplanes ready. Many liquid putty and ca glue has fallen during this heroic act of valor 🙂 

Album image #10
After a big break (modelling my kitchen) the project continues. Windshield attached. On this side it is decent bit needed some filler. 

Album image #11
This side needed a fair amount of filler. 

Album image #12
Canopy sanded and fitted. Fit was generally poor but managable. 

Album image #13
Wheels and spats added. No issues there 

Album image #14
Rescribed the lower part of the wing today. Sanded the wing smooth starting with 600 grit finishing with 2000 grit. Corrected the lines and smoothed them with tamiya extra thin. I am pleased with the result consdering the fact that it is my first effort at rescribing a kit. For rescribing I used the trupeter scribing tool with a cmk razor saw. 

Album image #15
I rescribed the upper wing a few weeks ago. It is good to secure it with masking tape in order to avoid scratches when working on the lower half as I did here. 

Album image #16
Joined the wing to the fuselage - upper wing rescribed also. 

Album image #17
The wing to fuselage join is pretty bad unfortunately, much filling and seam work awaits 

Album image #18
Filled and sanded the wing to canopy seam and polished the clear parts with tamiya compound - they look better than at the beginning but still are not to clear. 

Album image #19
Masked of the canopy edges and fixed the broken of pitot tube with brass wire. Now it's time to use masking fluid and degrease the model before priming. 

Album image #20
Filled and sanded the wing to canopy seam and polished the clear parts with tamiya compound - the y look better than at the beginning but still are not to clear. 

Album image #21
Model primed with AK Fine primer black spray can - can only reccomend this product as it is easy to apply.  

Album image #22
AK primer is very good to work with as I needed to do multiple corrections of blemishes and other after it came out after priming mainly by the windshield and glazing. The final effect is ok by me but manny sanding and smoothing sessions were needed. Also unfortunately the wheel struts broke 2 times and had to repair them. 

Album image #23
Tamiya AS-12 bare metal silver sprayed on. It went on without a fuss. Tried to seal it with mr. Hobby color clear gloss but ended up with partially disdolved tamiya paint. Luckly the damadge was repairable. Now on to detail painting.  

Album image #24
Painting on silver is difficult as every mistake will be higlighted. Did notice some mistakes only after making the pictures. 

Album image #25
Detail painting complete. 

Album image #26
Treated the model with a black wash which toned the silver down a bit to a darker shade. 

Album image #27
Started decaling with the upper wing. The zts decals look thick on paoer but are actually thin. They react very good to micro sol and set solutions. 

Album image #28
Album image #29
Did also the lower wing today 

Album image #30
As did the right side. 

Album image #31
Almost done. The cockpit glazing was of very bad quality, even a tamiya compound treatment didnt give it too much clarity. Additionally the canopy masking didnt go off as planned, I had a big headache to bring the framing to at least an acceptable level. 

Album image #32
Now on to the proppeler, had a big problem with the canopy framing, tamiya as sprays give a very stiff coating which results with problems during demasking of clear parts. This is the best which I could do, but I am still satisfied with the kit 

Album image #33
Calling it done. 

Album image #34
Left side 

Album image #35
Upper view 

Album image #36
From the shelf of doom to the shelf of completion 🙂 The kit family is slowly growing. 


31 1 November 2019, 12:22
16 May 2020, 17:22
Maciej Bellos
Whoa! Definately following!
16 May 2020, 20:17
Patryk S.
Thank you for joining in Gentleman! Currently working on elimination of some ghost seams and rescribing (ideal way to complicate an easy project 🙂 this is a shelf of doom survivor that i started around 3 years ago. Due to various reasons I struggled for the last 10 years to get back to modeling (which i finally managed to do with the P-40 project) so the picture depicts the state it was left in in 2017. Decided to rescribe it in order to gain some more expierience in it. Better to mess up a 3 Euro kit than the B-36 that im planing to do in the future 🙂
16 May 2020, 20:48
Łukasz Gliński
How come I'm not watching this? 🙂
4 July 2020, 15:03
Patryk S.
Now you do 🙂. Work is currently going on a steady pace, will upload progress pictures in the coming few days.
4 July 2020, 16:30
Those holes in the engine fit him really well.
4 July 2020, 18:03
Patryk S.
Project update: as this is a proof of concept build more than anything I am trying ouf some things: model will be fully rescribed, did get rid of the pronounced fabric effect as the pictures of the real thing show a smooth finish, also made the cowling hinges from streched sprue and added smal brass elements.
5 July 2020, 16:15
Daniel Klink
A classic eastern kit of the last century 🙂
Very interesting following
12 October 2020, 16:23
Patryk S.
@Daniel Klink: a very nostalgic build indeed, but a very enjoyable one also. This was the firs model i build as i was 7yo so brings back memories. Thanks for joining in!
12 October 2020, 17:34
Daniel Klink
Hi Patryk, yes it was one of the few other kits than KP of the early 80s that i got from my uncle who lived in the former GDR nearby Dresden. He had a small farm and i spent my summer holidays there two or three times. He always organized some kits of easteuropean producers for me.
Still got this in my stash, never layed a hand on it til now.
RWD-5 bis (ZTS Plastyk S-05, 1:72)
So that was not disrespectful mentioned in any way. It is really very nostalgic for me too.
Following with much interest 👍

12 October 2020, 17:49
Patryk S.
Hello Daniel, thanks for the comment! I totally understood what you meant as kp and many zts kits were actually very good kits for the time and good that you had the opportunity to get to own them, keep this one, they already sell for collector prices in Poland????. Thanks one more time for joining!
12 October 2020, 19:18
Gordon Sørensen
Great work so far, Patryk! You are getting nice looking results with the re-scribing.
13 October 2020, 15:23
Patryk S.
Thank you very much Gordon! Will sand the wing with 2500 when the glue has settled and then add some fasteners made from left over PE.
13 October 2020, 15:28
Nice progress 👍
19 October 2020, 12:13
Patryk S.
Small update: joined wing with fuselage, unfortunately the fit is very bad there, I tried to shim off the upper part of the canopy to an extent but finally decided to fill the gaps later as not to change the shape and symetry to much as in this regard the aligment is for me spot on.
24 October 2020, 09:33
Maciej Bellos
Oh, the memories! It looks great!
24 October 2020, 17:28
Patryk S.
Thank you Maciej! I think that every Polish modeler born in the 80ties snd earlier did start with this kit or it was one of the first. It was mine. I still love it to this day as it introduced me to this great hobby and have another one in my stash.
24 October 2020, 17:38
Patryk S.
Update: filled and sanded the wing to canopy seam and polished the clear parts with tamiya compound - they look better than at the beginning but still are not too clear.
23 November 2020, 19:49
Łukasz Gliński
Nice, keep it up. What scheme btw?
23 November 2020, 21:10
Patryk S.
The one and only SP-AJU one seater 🙂
24 November 2020, 11:38
Patryk S.
Update: Model primed with AK Fine primer black spray can - can only reccomend this product as it is easy to apply. AK primer is very good to work with as I needed to do multiple corrections of blemishes and other after it came out after priming mainly by the windshield and glazing. The final effect is ok by me but manny sanding and smoothing sessions were needed. Also unfortunately the wheel struts broke 2 times and had to repair them. Next I will apply the base color - silver AS-12 from Tamiya.
25 December 2020, 10:45
Good job so far!
25 December 2020, 12:39
Patryk S.
@Cuajete: thank you! I am really enjoying this project so far.
25 December 2020, 13:29
Patryk S.
Update: Tamiya AS-12 bare metal silver sprayed on. It went on without a fuss. Tried to seal it with mr. Hobby color clear gloss but ended up with partially disdolved tamiya paint. Luckly the damadge was repairable. Now on to detail painting. Painting on silver is difficult as every mistake will be higlighted. Did notice some mistakes only after making the pictures
1 January 2021, 21:15
Daniel Klink
Developing well Patryk! keep up the great job 👍
1 January 2021, 21:21
Patryk S.
Thank you Daniel!
1 January 2021, 21:22
I agree with Daniel. Looking so good 👍
2 January 2021, 19:04
Łukasz Gliński
Makes me wanna build another one, or the 6. Keep it up! 👍
2 January 2021, 20:15
Patryk S.
Łukasz, the 6 is also high on my list, you do not see both build often nowadays.
2 January 2021, 20:53
Łukasz Gliński
The challenge with the 6 is the polishing pattern on the steel parts. I'm still thinking how to imitate that.
4 January 2021, 08:41
Patryk S.
You can try with decals - search results here show at least one product, you can scavenge some from a ryan nyp kit of the spirit of saint louis 🙂. Both are hard to find unfortunately. Will check some modeling books I have, maybe there will be some method? Both the 5 and the 6 have this pattern and the 6 even on the wheel covers. I didnt study the 6 too much but the 5 presents one of the bigger mysteries of painting schemes as to this day the color of the lettering is unclear and also in my opinion photos and newspaper drawings suggest that the fuselage underside might actually be red, which wouldnt be something strange when you study other rwd aircraft.
4 January 2021, 13:27
Patryk S. - Łukasz, check this out, maybe tgat is one idea how to achieve this effect
4 January 2021, 13:46
Łukasz Gliński
Hmm, looks like I have to build the 5bis again, I haven't included the steel pattern and used black lettering (can't get used to the red ones, I'm too old probably) 😄
4 January 2021, 14:31
Patryk S.
I'm going for the black ones as the only after market sheet with the red ones is unavailable and most propably only the upper side was red. As I said it is a mystery how the plane was actually painted as no one can say for sure. Strange for such a popular and important aircraft. This one is fore me a testbed so I wont go so much to town with it 🙂. Have one more in tge stash and will build it full beast mode with photo etch. If I live to at least 120 as only aroud 400 kits wait in line 🙂
4 January 2021, 15:16
Łukasz Gliński
Ahhh, dat feeling 😄 I know a modelling club for kids (at the seaside) that I donated some kits to, in order to reduce my stash from approx 400 pcs 😄
4 January 2021, 15:57
Patryk S.
Thinking about the same but there arent any around in my localization. Judging from your stash the operation didn't go as planned 🙂))
4 January 2021, 17:56
Łukasz Gliński
It did, I shipped +50 kits I think 🙂
It wasn't my vicinity either, I sent it across the country. It's the only one functioning during the Covid that I know of.
4 January 2021, 20:58
Patryk S.
Please give me the contact data to them by pm then, I will happily support them with a few kits.
4 January 2021, 22:06
Patryk S.
Update: finished with detail painting, need just to correct a position light on the wing. Treated the model with a black wash which toned the silver down a bit to a darker shade. Started decaling with the upper wing. The zts decals look thick on paper but are actually thin. They react very good to micro sol and set solutions. I also put decals on the lower wing today.
7 January 2021, 21:00
Maciej Bellos
Just great!
7 January 2021, 21:44
Patryk S.
Thank you Maciej!
7 January 2021, 21:48
8 January 2021, 18:56
Łukasz Gliński
Love that black lettering, good to know ZTS decals are so reliable 👍
8 January 2021, 19:15
Patryk S.
Thank you Cuajete and Łukasz!
8 January 2021, 20:55
Patryk S.
Update: put decal on both sides of the fuselage today. Note: photographic evidence showst that the rudder markings were actually rwd-5, not rwd-5bis as shown per instructions.
9 January 2021, 19:35
Łukasz Gliński
Lovely, so smooth comparing to mine 🙂
9 January 2021, 20:59
Patryk S.
Thank you Łukasz, decided to sand the planes fabric imitation smooth as the references show that the fabric was strained very stiff. I like your representation of the plane, the etched engine cowling makes yours look more true to the original 🙂
9 January 2021, 21:41
Patryk S.
Update: Almost done. The cockpit glazing was of very bad quality, even a tamiya compound treatment didnt give it too much clarity. Additionally the canopy masking didnt go off as planned, I had a big headache to bring the framing to at least an acceptable level. Not on to the prppeler, had a bog problem with the canopt framing, tamiya as sprays give a very stiff coating which results with problems during demasking of clear parts. This is the best which I could
31 January 2021, 19:03
I couldn't have done better. Well done! 👍
31 January 2021, 21:14
Patryk S.
Attached the propeller today. Wanted to decal it with propagteam wood decal but after some research I found out that the propeller was actually painted with Tonkilaque sealant. Calling it done. Was a long but an enjoyable project.
1 February 2021, 20:50
Łukasz Gliński
Wish mine looked that nice 👍 Fantastic finish, loving it 🙂
1 February 2021, 20:53
Maciej Bellos
Fantastic! Well done Patryk!
1 February 2021, 20:56
Patryk S.
Thank you very much Łukasz!
1 February 2021, 20:56
Patryk S.
Thank you very much Maciej!
1 February 2021, 21:15
Fantastic. Congrats!
2 February 2021, 19:48
Patryk S.
Thank you very much!
2 February 2021, 19:52
Paweł W.
Great job!
3 March 2021, 10:13
Patryk S.
Thank you very much Paweł!
3 March 2021, 11:02
Daniel Klink
Beautiful and amazing outcome Patryk...
That is a real stunner.. never saw this been built and finished that good congrats mate👍
28 March 2021, 21:27
Patryk S.
@Daniel Klink: thank you very much mate! It was an enjoyable nostalgia build.
29 March 2021, 05:56
Thank you for sharing this little beauty with us.
29 March 2021, 09:49
Juergen Klinglhuber
Well done - great result on this model. I love those non-mainstream birds the most - appreciate all extra efforts modelers undergo on the short runners resp. older moulds. 👍
29 March 2021, 10:53
Patryk S.
Thank you vety much Olivier and Juergen for you kind words. Kits like this one and particullary this one 🙂 have brought me into this hobby so I thought a nostalgia build would be the thing for me shorty after coming back to the hobby again. I was correct as it gave me much fun and a trip to memory lane 🙂
29 March 2021, 11:49
Mark K
25 April 2021, 06:25
Patryk S.
Thank you very much Mark!
25 April 2021, 06:38
Guy Rump
Very impressive modelling Patryk 👍
25 April 2021, 10:45
Patryk S.
Thank you very much Guy!
25 April 2021, 12:39
Es-haq Khosravi
Very nice job! So cute!
25 April 2021, 13:51
Patryk S.
Thank you very much Es-haq! Thank you for your likes Mates!
25 April 2021, 15:08

Album info

Vintage kit, the first model i built when i was around 10 years old. If you treat it as short run nothing will surprise you

36 bilder
1:72 RWD-5/5BIS (ZTS Plastyk S005)1:72 Wood grain decal (Propagteam 00672)

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